Building of Resilient Communities in Ra , Fiji

by OISCA International
Building of Resilient Communities in Ra , Fiji
Building of Resilient Communities in Ra , Fiji
Building of Resilient Communities in Ra , Fiji
Building of Resilient Communities in Ra , Fiji
Building of Resilient Communities in Ra , Fiji
Building of Resilient Communities in Ra , Fiji
Building of Resilient Communities in Ra , Fiji
Building of Resilient Communities in Ra , Fiji

Project Report | Jun 2, 2020
To the Supporters of our Community Project in Ra

By Jocelyn Matunhay | Project Coordinator

Newly planted taro.
Newly planted taro.

On behalf of the local villagers of Nakorotubu District, Ra Province, I would like to extend my deepest gratitude to GlobalGiving Donors for your generous support to our project.

The corona virus pandemic prevented us from implementing activities in Ra for almost two months due to the movement restriction imposed by the government. We were supposed to implement a training workshop on organic farming involving the villagers but we had to postpone it to comply with the government`s order. We are in constant communication with the villagers though through our local staff based at the site but sometimes it is difficult to reach out because of the weak signal/connection.

Still suffering from the impact of corona, the villagers were not spared from the wrath of cyclone Harold that hit Fiji on April 6. The villagers particularly those who engage in the tourism industry and now unemployed are seeking help from us for the production of vegetables. Living in an island, it is difficult for them to source essential items such as food and medicine. Due to the limited supply of their staple food such as cassava and taro, prices are now very high. Our local staff are providing technical assistance among the villagers on the effective and efficient way of growing crops.

Now, the lockdown is gradually being lifted and within this month, we are planning to assist the villagers in their food production. We are planning to replant mangroves to replace the ones damaged by cyclone as well.

Newly planted cassava cuttings.
Newly planted cassava cuttings.
Villagers land preparing for taro.
Villagers land preparing for taro.
Planted mangroves affected by cyclone Harold.
Planted mangroves affected by cyclone Harold.
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Feb 3, 2020
To the Supporters of our community Project in Fiji

By Jocelyn Matunhay | Project Coordinator

Oct 28, 2019
To the Supporters of our Community Project in Fiji

By Jocelyn Matunhay | Project Coordinator

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Organization Information

OISCA International

Location: Suginami-ku, Tokyo - Japan
Facebook: Facebook Page
Project Leader:
Ma. Grazen Acerit
Suginami-ku , Tokyo Japan
$2,190 raised of $48,681 goal
24 donations
$46,491 to go
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