Caring for Cats: Neutering, Food and Shelter

by Instituto Sinal do Vale
Caring for Cats: Neutering, Food and Shelter
Caring for Cats: Neutering, Food and Shelter
Caring for Cats: Neutering, Food and Shelter
Caring for Cats: Neutering, Food and Shelter
Caring for Cats: Neutering, Food and Shelter
Caring for Cats: Neutering, Food and Shelter
Caring for Cats: Neutering, Food and Shelter
Caring for Cats: Neutering, Food and Shelter
Caring for Cats: Neutering, Food and Shelter
Caring for Cats: Neutering, Food and Shelter

Project Report | Dec 6, 2016
Treating sick cat with Amazonian plant medicine

By Katie | Project Coordinator

Copaiba tree
Copaiba tree


This month we discovered how beneficial the Amazonian plant, Copaiba, can be for treating illness! Copaiba is an oil that comes from the pinnate-leaved South American leguminous trees (genus Copaifera) that has been used for centuries in indigenous medicine in the north of Brazil. Recently it has become more popular across the country for treating infection and other issues, yet it is by no means mainstream. 

When one of our cats, Bolinha ("little ball") recently became ill with a severe infection, we decided to try using Copaiba to see if it could help. Usually only a very expesnive antibiotic can treat this kind of infection. However, in just two weeks with daily treatments of copaiba, Bolinha has made an almost full recovery! The vet was completely shocked at how quickly the cat recovered. We plan to use copaiba for all the cats to help boost their immune systems. 

Additionally, two more baby kittens were found abandoned by our gate. They were very young. Luckily, we were able to quickly find a family for them as one of the workers from town had been looking for kittens. They are very happy in their new home! :) 

baby kittens
baby kittens
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Organization Information

Instituto Sinal do Vale

Location: Rio de Janeiro, RJ - Brazil
Facebook: Facebook Page
Project Leader:
Thais Corral
General Coordinator
Duque de Caxias , RJ Brazil

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