Caring for Cats: Neutering, Food and Shelter Reforesting the Atlantic Rainforest of Brazil Learning outdoors for children of the favelas Awesome Capoeira

Instituto Sinal do Vale

Org #466
Vetted since 2007 Project of the Month Site Visit Verified
year founded
raised on GlobalGiving
years fundraising
projects funded
* Amounts in US Dollars


The Instituto Sinal do Vale evolved from CEMINA ( Communication, Education, Information and Adaptation), a not- for- profit organization founded in 1990 to empower women and communities through the use of the radio. In 2007, CEMINA shifted its focus from radio to the capacity building for social start ups and education for adaptation to climate change. One of its main projects was Adapta Sertao, which developed a social technology that benefits the population of small underserved towns in the semi-arid region of Brazil, articulating a group of social technologies that use scare resources such as water and arable land to guarantee the livelihoods of the local farming communities. The project... read more

Project Leaders
Thais Corral
Thais Corral
Katie Weintraub
Katie Weintraub
Brian Sas
Brian Sas
Johanna Barba
Johanna Barba
Randa Seyam
Randa Seyam
Andrea Hefferan
Andrea Hefferan
Kathleen Weintraub, Vicente Esteves, Michael O'Sullivan, Johanna Barba, Rodrigo Merielles, Thais Corral, Rodrigo Meirelles
Organization Information
Rua Alvaro Alvim, 21/16 Andar Centro
Rio de Janeiro, RJ CEP 20031-
Organization Information
Rua Alvaro Alvim, 21/16 Andar Centro
Rio de Janeiro, RJ CEP 20031-

Project Reports

Each of GlobalGiving’s nonprofit partners is required to send quarterly donor reports detailing the impact of their work. Here are some of their recent updates:

Santo Antonio's Environmental Learning Events

By Randa Seyam | Sinal do Vale Team

Following up on the outdoor learning activities we re-started in April with the Santo Antonio children, we have hosted three impactful events in the Santo Antonio square over the past few months. Our... Read the full report ›

Meet Fofinha and Lobinho

By Randa Seyam | Sinal do Vale Team

Hi friends! We have three great updates to share with you. First, Pitaya has successfully completed a couple of months of chemotherapy and has beaten cancer. She is now happily reunited with her loved... Read the full report ›

Celebrate 20 Years with Us on August 10th

By Randa Seyam | Sinal do Vale Team

On August 10th, we will celebrate the 20th anniversary of the Julio Otoni Favela Community Center. For two decades, this center has been a home and safe space for generations of children in Santo... Read the full report ›
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