Change the future of young high-potential girls

by Australian Business and Community Network (ABCN) Scholarship Foundation
Change the future of young high-potential girls
Change the future of young high-potential girls
Change the future of young high-potential girls
Change the future of young high-potential girls
Change the future of young high-potential girls
Change the future of young high-potential girls
Change the future of young high-potential girls
Change the future of young high-potential girls


This project will provide a high-potential young female living with disadvantage the opportunity to change her future. A scholarship for our well-renowned 3 year Leadership Program will be awarded to 40 young Australians. Combining corporate mentoring and financial relief for Years 11, 12, and the first year of further education/training, this program builds valuable leadership skills and substantially improves the Year 12 completion rate and secures pathways to university or employment.

total goal
monthly donors


Gender inequity is already exacerbated for young women in low-SES communities. They tend to bear the burden of domestic/carer responsibilities and for those from non-English speaking backgrounds, the cultural expectation is often that boys' education takes priority. Many young women in these environments lack access to female professional role models and have lower educational attainment & increased risk of disengaging from school.


This project has 3 components: 1) Mentoring 2) Financial Support 3) Leadership Curriculum - Providing a trusted, professional mentor increases completion of Yr12 and transition to post-school study, raising aspirations through workplace exposure/opportunities and networks. - Providing financial aid helps overcome the digital divide, provides critical educational resources and relief for household income to encourage school retention. - Leadership skills build a strong competitive framework

Long-Term Impact

The ultimate goal is for high-potential studentsfrom low-SES backgrounds to exceed their aspirations in the world of work. Empowered withemployability skills and growth mindsets, they will have a far greater likelihood ofcontinuing with their education,engaging in meaningful employment, while also acting as role models for other students,their siblingsand community. These are our future leaders - bringing an invaluable diversity of skills and resilience to our greater community.


Organization Information

Australian Business and Community Network (ABCN) Scholarship Foundation

Location: Sydney, NSW - Australia
Facebook: Facebook Page
Twitter: @abcnoz
Project Leader:
Rachel Walker
Sydney , NSW Australia
$7,252 raised of $42,000 goal
79 donations
$34,748 to go
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