Build an Education Center for Children in Colombia

by Fundacion Los del Camino
Build an Education Center for Children in Colombia
Build an Education Center for Children in Colombia
Build an Education Center for Children in Colombia
Build an Education Center for Children in Colombia
Build an Education Center for Children in Colombia
Build an Education Center for Children in Colombia
Build an Education Center for Children in Colombia
Build an Education Center for Children in Colombia
Build an Education Center for Children in Colombia
Build an Education Center for Children in Colombia
Build an Education Center for Children in Colombia
Build an Education Center for Children in Colombia
Build an Education Center for Children in Colombia
Build an Education Center for Children in Colombia
Build an Education Center for Children in Colombia
Build an Education Center for Children in Colombia
Build an Education Center for Children in Colombia
Build an Education Center for Children in Colombia
Build an Education Center for Children in Colombia
Build an Education Center for Children in Colombia
Build an Education Center for Children in Colombia
Build an Education Center for Children in Colombia
Build an Education Center for Children in Colombia
Build an Education Center for Children in Colombia
Build an Education Center for Children in Colombia
Build an Education Center for Children in Colombia
Build an Education Center for Children in Colombia
Build an Education Center for Children in Colombia
Build an Education Center for Children in Colombia
Build an Education Center for Children in Colombia
Build an Education Center for Children in Colombia
Build an Education Center for Children in Colombia

Project Report | Mar 4, 2019
Campana de educacion, prevencion y desarme 2019/Education, prevention and disarmament campaign 2019

By Maria Isabel Sanchez | Project leader

El sábado 23 de febrero los niños del CEII participaron con su comunidad, en una actividad desarrollada por la Fundación Los del camino, donde el principal objetivo era sensibilizar y dar conciencia del crimen desde la edad temprana de los niños a través de principios y valores para permitir el desarrollo del proyecto de vida.

Esta actividad estuvo dirigida a todos los niños y adolescentes que viven en la zona (comuna 18, Cali-Colombia) pero era importante para los niños del CEII ser parte activa de esta jornada, ya que ven cómo toda la comunidad se reúne en torno a la misma causa, la paz, y sienten que son parte del cambio y que pertenecen a una nueva generación de paz con un futuro brillante sin violencia.

En este día 802 niños, incluidos los niños del CEII, se involucraron en un recorrido donde su primer paso era ser Bienvenidos con un abrazo, posteriormente fueron registrados con el fin de construir una base de datos digital para hacerles seguimiento y tan pronto como aumentamos nuestra capacidad CEII invitar algunos de ellos para ser parte de nuestro CEII. Luego intercambiamos juguetes bélicos por kits escolares, acompañados de charlas de concienciación y prevención del crimen. En el paso de la Nueva Esperanza, involucramos a los niños y adolescentes en un carrusel de enseñanza donde les mostramos la importancia de ser guiados por Dios. Luego continuaron con una enseñanza lúdica: Un el momento de juego, teatro y actividades musicales con el tema "decir no al crimen" a través de principios y valores, Finalmente compartimos bocadillos con los niños y adolescentes participantes y sus tutores.

Creemos firmemente que todo tipo de programas dirigidos a abordar la prevención del delito impactarán en esta nueva generación de jóvenes aumentando las posibilidades de crear un cambio real en la sociedad.

P. D: Las campañas de educación, prevención y desarme se llevarán a cabo a lo largo de este año en otras 5 ciudades principales de Colombia.


On Saturday, February 23rd the CEII kids participated in an activity developed in their neighborhood by La Fundación Los del Camino, where its main goal was to raise awareness and give them crime consciousness since early ages of kids through principles and values to allow the life project building.

This activity was aimed to all children and teenagers that live in the area (Comuna 18, Cali- Colombia) but is important for the CEII kids to take an active part of the activity as they see all the community gather around the same cause, peace, and feel that they are part of the change and that they belong to a new peace generation with a bright future without violence.

On this day 802 kids, included the CEII kids, were involved in a path where their first step was to be welcome with a hug, subsequently we register them in order to build a digital database to monitor them and as soon as we increase our CEII capacity bring some of them to be part of the CEII program. Then we exchange war toys for scholar kits, accompanied with awareness and crime prevention talks. In the New Hope step, we take the children and teenagers to a teaching carrousel where we show them the importance of being guided by God. Then they continue with a Playful teaching: With playtime, theater and music activities with the theme “say no to crime” through principles and values. Finally we share snacks with the participants and guardians.

We firmly believe that all kinds of programs aimed to address the crime prevention will make an impact in this new generation of young people by increasing the possibilities to create a real change on the society.

P.S: The Education, prevention and disarmament campaigns will take place throughout this year on other 5 main cities of Colombia.

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Organization Information

Fundacion Los del Camino

Location: Cali - Colombia
Facebook: Facebook Page
Twitter: @FunLosdelcamino
Project Leader:
Mayra Vanessa Plata Vergara
Cali , Valle de Cauca Colombia
$13,571 raised of $631,271 goal
182 donations
$617,700 to go
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