Build an Education Center for Children in Colombia

by Fundacion Los del Camino
Build an Education Center for Children in Colombia
Build an Education Center for Children in Colombia
Build an Education Center for Children in Colombia
Build an Education Center for Children in Colombia
Build an Education Center for Children in Colombia
Build an Education Center for Children in Colombia
Build an Education Center for Children in Colombia
Build an Education Center for Children in Colombia
Build an Education Center for Children in Colombia
Build an Education Center for Children in Colombia
Build an Education Center for Children in Colombia
Build an Education Center for Children in Colombia
Build an Education Center for Children in Colombia
Build an Education Center for Children in Colombia
Build an Education Center for Children in Colombia
Build an Education Center for Children in Colombia
Build an Education Center for Children in Colombia
Build an Education Center for Children in Colombia
Build an Education Center for Children in Colombia
Build an Education Center for Children in Colombia
Build an Education Center for Children in Colombia
Build an Education Center for Children in Colombia
Build an Education Center for Children in Colombia
Build an Education Center for Children in Colombia
Build an Education Center for Children in Colombia
Build an Education Center for Children in Colombia
Build an Education Center for Children in Colombia
Build an Education Center for Children in Colombia
Build an Education Center for Children in Colombia
Build an Education Center for Children in Colombia
Build an Education Center for Children in Colombia
Build an Education Center for Children in Colombia

Project Report | Jun 3, 2019
Programa para los padres de los ninos del CEII

By Maria Isabel Sanchez | Project Leader

El sábado primero de junio de 2019 se realizó la caracterización de cada uno de los Padres de familia de los niños de nuestro Centro de Enseñanza Integral Infantil - CEII.

En este proceso donde se inició la determinación de atributos especiales que distinguen a cada uno ellos, tiene como objetivo perfilarlos para la nueva capacitación de EMPRENDIMIENTO que llevará a cabo la Facultad de Ciencias Económicas y Empresariales de la Universidad Santiago de Cali.

La Fundación Los del Camino está en la continua búsqueda de opciones para poder impactar de manera positiva, integral y sostenible, el futuro de los niños que actualmente asisten al CEII y como resultado ha establecido un convenio que hace parte de su Eje de Inclusión y Reintegración, para que los 40 hogares a los que pertenecen los niños de nuestro programa del CEII puedan crear sus propios PROYECTOS PRODUCTIVOS y tengan la posibilidad de incrementar los ingresos, mejorar la calidad de vida de nuestros niños e impactar positivamente el entorno donde se desarrollan.

Tenemos la convicción que brindando herramientas integrales a la familia, podremos tener mejor resultados en el futuro y avance de los niños y de la sociedad .




On Saturday the first of June 2019 the characterization of each of the parents of the children of our center of Infantil Integral Education - (CEII after its initials in Spanish) was carried out.

In this process that began the determination of special attributes that distinguish each of them, has as goal to prepare them for the new seminar of ENTREPRENEURSHIP that will be carried out by the faculty of Economic and Business Sciences of the Santiago de Cali University.

Los del Camino Foundation is in the continuous search for options to be able to impact in a positive, integral and sustainable way, the future of the children that are currently attending the CEII and as a result has established an agreement that is part of its axis of inclusion and Re Integration, so that the 40 households that are part of the CEII program that the children belong to can create their own PRODUCTIVE PROJECTS and have the possibility to increase their income, improve the quality of life of our children and positively impact the environment where they are developing.

We have the conviction that by providing comprehensive tools to the family, we can have better results in the future and growth of children and society.


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Organization Information

Fundacion Los del Camino

Location: Cali - Colombia
Facebook: Facebook Page
Twitter: @FunLosdelcamino
Project Leader:
Mayra Vanessa Plata Vergara
Cali , Valle de Cauca Colombia
$13,571 raised of $631,271 goal
182 donations
$617,700 to go
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