Build an Education Center for Children in Colombia

by Fundacion Los del Camino
Build an Education Center for Children in Colombia
Build an Education Center for Children in Colombia
Build an Education Center for Children in Colombia
Build an Education Center for Children in Colombia
Build an Education Center for Children in Colombia
Build an Education Center for Children in Colombia
Build an Education Center for Children in Colombia
Build an Education Center for Children in Colombia
Build an Education Center for Children in Colombia
Build an Education Center for Children in Colombia
Build an Education Center for Children in Colombia
Build an Education Center for Children in Colombia
Build an Education Center for Children in Colombia
Build an Education Center for Children in Colombia
Build an Education Center for Children in Colombia
Build an Education Center for Children in Colombia
Build an Education Center for Children in Colombia
Build an Education Center for Children in Colombia
Build an Education Center for Children in Colombia
Build an Education Center for Children in Colombia
Build an Education Center for Children in Colombia
Build an Education Center for Children in Colombia
Build an Education Center for Children in Colombia
Build an Education Center for Children in Colombia
Build an Education Center for Children in Colombia
Build an Education Center for Children in Colombia
Build an Education Center for Children in Colombia
Build an Education Center for Children in Colombia
Build an Education Center for Children in Colombia
Build an Education Center for Children in Colombia
Build an Education Center for Children in Colombia
Build an Education Center for Children in Colombia

Project Report | Sep 3, 2019
A health day at CEII|Una jornada medica en el CEII

By Maria Isabel | Project Leader

¡Una Jornada de Salud en el CEII!

Recibimos la visita de médicos que brindaron atención en salud a nuestros niños del CEII, gracias al convenio establecido entre la Universidad Santiago de Cali y la Fundación Los del Camino.

Los niños y sus familias se enfrentan constantemente con múltiples dificultades para acceder a servicios de salud empezando por aquellos orientados a la prevención y control de enfermedades, lo que suele derivar en complicaciones y en el deterioro de su calidad de vida, por eso ha sido importante acercar los servicios médicos a nuestra comunidad, con el fin de garantizar una adecuada atención medica primaria que procure su bienestar y el de su núcleo familiar.

Como resultado de esta jornada en la que con agrado participaron los niños, sus padres y sus abuelos, ahora todos cuentan con una historia clínica. Los niños recibieron control de crecimiento y seguimiento a su desarrollo, y junto con los adultos tuvieron consulta externa, desparasitación, tamizaje visual, control de presión arterial y medición de riesgo cardiovascular. Todos disfrutaron la interacción con los doctores y tuvieron la oportunidad de hablarles y reir con con ellos.

Conociendo su estado de salud y acercando a los profesionales de medicina a los niños podremos, apartir del autocuidado reforzar el amor propio para crear bienestar colectivo que mejora la proyección de futuro de los niños y su comunidad.

La incorporación de las jornadas médicas a nuestro programa hace parte de la dinámica de atención integral que el CEII se ha propuesto brindar a los niños y sus familias.



A health fair at CEII!

We received the visit of doctors who provided health care to our CEII’s children, thanks to the agreement established between the Santiago de Cali University and the Los del Camino Foundation.

The children and their families are constantly facing multiple difficulties in accessing health care, specially the care that looks to prevent diseases and medical control, which usually leads to complications and the overall deterioration of their quality of life, so it has been important to bring medical services to our community, in order to ensure adequate primary medical care that seeks their well-being as well as their immediate family members’ health.

The result of the day, in which the children, their parents and grandparents were happily involved, was that they now all have a medical record. Children received growth monitoring with follow-up to ensure their correct development. Adults received external consultation, parasite prevention, visual screening, blood pressure control and cardiovascular risk measurement. They enjoyed the interaction with the doctors and had the opportunity to talk, ask and laugh with them.

By knowing their health situation as well as by getting close with the doctors, we can start to promote self-care that will reinforce self respect and create a collective well-being that improves the projection for their own future and that of their community.

The addition of the health checkup days into our program is part of the comprehensive care dynamics that the CEII has set out to provide to children and their families.

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Organization Information

Fundacion Los del Camino

Location: Cali - Colombia
Facebook: Facebook Page
Twitter: @FunLosdelcamino
Project Leader:
Mayra Vanessa Plata Vergara
Cali , Valle de Cauca Colombia
$13,571 raised of $631,271 goal
182 donations
$617,700 to go
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