Build an Education Center for Children in Colombia

by Fundacion Los del Camino
Build an Education Center for Children in Colombia
Build an Education Center for Children in Colombia
Build an Education Center for Children in Colombia
Build an Education Center for Children in Colombia
Build an Education Center for Children in Colombia
Build an Education Center for Children in Colombia
Build an Education Center for Children in Colombia
Build an Education Center for Children in Colombia
Build an Education Center for Children in Colombia
Build an Education Center for Children in Colombia
Build an Education Center for Children in Colombia
Build an Education Center for Children in Colombia
Build an Education Center for Children in Colombia
Build an Education Center for Children in Colombia
Build an Education Center for Children in Colombia
Build an Education Center for Children in Colombia
Build an Education Center for Children in Colombia
Build an Education Center for Children in Colombia
Build an Education Center for Children in Colombia
Build an Education Center for Children in Colombia
Build an Education Center for Children in Colombia
Build an Education Center for Children in Colombia
Build an Education Center for Children in Colombia
Build an Education Center for Children in Colombia
Build an Education Center for Children in Colombia
Build an Education Center for Children in Colombia
Build an Education Center for Children in Colombia
Build an Education Center for Children in Colombia
Build an Education Center for Children in Colombia
Build an Education Center for Children in Colombia
Build an Education Center for Children in Colombia
Build an Education Center for Children in Colombia

Project Report | Feb 25, 2021
Entre todos es mejor / Between everyone, is better

By Maria Isabel Sanchez | project leader

Entre todos, todo es mejor

Teniendo en cuenta el aislamiento social al que nos ha obligado la pandemia, hemos implemetado un sistema de manejo del tiempo libre creativo, educativo e integrador para nuestros 75 niños que ahora hacen parte del CEII, gracias a la ayuda de 9 alumnos del grado 11 del colegio bilingüe Bennett que con gran entusiasmo están diseñando actividades donde, a traves de Whatsapp y con videos, comparten un poco de su conocimiento para enrriqueser el conocimiento de los niños, con temas como alimentación saludable, medios de transporte usados en el mundo, especies animales que viven lejos de ellos, entre otros; además de conceptos en inglés para reforzar sus conocimientos en este idioma y su correcta pronunciación. Para los niños del CEII este aporte es valiosísimo ya que de manera divertida aprenden y crean un puente que une sus corazones y los de los adolescentes de grado 11, dejando una huella imborrable para todos.

De esta manera tanto los niños del CEII como los estudiantes del Colegio Bennett enriquesen sus experiencias de vida con distanca física pero con una gran unión de sus almas, porque entre todos, todo es mejor.

Between everyone, everything is better

Taking into account the social distance to which the pandemic has forced us, we have implemented a creative, educational and inclusive free time management system for our 75 children who are now part of the CEII, thanks to the help of 9 11th grade students from the Bennett bilingual school that with great enthusiasm are designing activities where, through WhatsApp and with videos, they share a little of their knowledge to enrich the knowledge of children, with topics such as healthy eating, means of transport used in the world, animal species who live far from them, among others; in addition to concepts in English to reinforce their knowledge of this language and its correct pronunciation. For the children of the CEII this contribution is invaluable since in a fun way they learn and create a bridge that unites their hearts and those of the teenagers in grade 11, leaving an indelible mark for all.

In this way, both the children of the CEII and the students of the Bennett School enrich their life experiences with physical distance but with a great union of their souls, because between everyone, everything is better.

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Organization Information

Fundacion Los del Camino

Location: Cali - Colombia
Facebook: Facebook Page
Twitter: @FunLosdelcamino
Project Leader:
Mayra Vanessa Plata Vergara
Cali , Valle de Cauca Colombia
$13,571 raised of $631,271 goal
182 donations
$617,700 to go
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