Project Report
| May 30, 2023
Project Report
By Brian Banda | Project Leader
Our Loved Supporters,
We have witnessed your love to this project in the entire 2022 to 2023. Hence we have seen different types of support from different individuals, groups and families within and from abroad. The feeding and education support project has been a mother project for chinseu. We encourage all our lovely supporters to prepare a giving schedule in the forth coming year 2024 and inviting more friends to join our loved project. We are closing 2023 with 68 Orphans in fostering families and 23 Pre schools for orphans and other vulnerable children. This festive season there might be some other supporters willing to visit our orphans and cheers with them, no problem if you are staying around, you are free to come to our office and book/ phone 0998517575 / 0888170011.
May 15, 2023
Project Report
By Noel Banda | Project Leader
Our Lovely Supporters
The feeding and education support project is progressing well on the ground and all success is realized because you give to this project. We are encouraging everyone to be feeling you are part of the Chinseu Community although you are staying away but you are able to make things happen within the Chinseu Community this is why you have to be sure that we are together in this charity. We alone can not manage to running this project but because you are there helping us implementing activities then we are realizing all these successes. We are currently feeding 70 0rphans and 11 Vulnerable Children while this whole number is getting education support from Pre- Schools to Primary Schools and to High schools. We are reminding everyone that this project is an On- Going and we are requesting everyone to schedule monthly giving of any amount that you can flexibly be giving to this project that it should safely going.
On the other hand let's be inviting friends, schoolmates and even family members to join us giving to this project hence this work can not be done alone it needs group dynamics. We again thank the whole community and Volunteers for your untireless work that you are putting to this project in so many ways that we can not be able to mention them all here as they are so many things to mention. Feel we are proud we are working together in this project. The child Protection workers we again thank you and encourages you to continue visiting these children they are undergoing though times, your monthly visits will help make our work more visible, you are most welcomed. We appreciates the work that GlobalGiving is doing to Chinseu Community hence this community is known globally because of GGF that we are been seen and available on their websites.
Feb 25, 2023
Project Report
By Noel Banda | Project Leader
Lovely Supporters,
Indeed you have shown your love and you have given school to these same Orphans and vulnerable children this makes this project run smoothly and quite great on the ground. We hope you will continue giving to this fund that these orphans will continue get their daily food and education support using the funds you will be donating to this project. each and every donation to this project helps these Orphans eat and attend classes smart and energetic and healthy because you give them all these things once you donated to this fund. We encourage you to even pump up more, plan a recurring giving chart that these orphans will be having all readily available funds to use on their daily basic needs. We invites ideas, plans, technical support from you that will help this project have readily funds to use.
Hopefully you not forget to invites friends, workmates, other companies and relatives to give to this project that the charity will achieve its goal smoothly.