Project Report
| Jun 2, 2022
Project Report
By Funny Mikwamba | Project Leader
Giving school to underpriviledged children like abandoned Orphans is a key to development hence these children has nobody supporting them while moving around the streets and sleeping under bridges they have no chances and advantages of attending classes hence this project exists to uplifts the rights and advances the chances of these children while going to school and this project is giving these children all needed materials that are supposed to be offered to a child who is going to school. Every child need education, healthy living, and domestic needs that every person is acquiring in every day life.
We thank you for being with Chinseu community in all these hard moments of disasters and pandemics we hope you will continue staying turned in to this project page to see new developments and achievements within the community. again we request you to continue inviting friends and relatives to visit this project page and because you will express the invitation messages in a way you know the people you are inviting we will together realizing new supporters and donors joining us in giving to this project.
Jan 31, 2022
By Funny Mikwamba | Project Leader
Sup porters,
This project have lost about 68 Orphans and Vulnerable Children died due to different reasons Occured after the Anna Storm hit our area at night while the rains falling for three days the storm occured in the second day of raining. Some were drained in flooding waters in their houses, Rivers and others were killed by falling walls of their houses that they were sleeping that night. Alot of houses were blown out and the some of the blown away of the iron sheets roofs kills people who were trying to find safe place while their houses were broked down. There is a big need of foodstuffs, clean water and shelters to people that were displaced with Anna Storm. Hence we are encouraging you to visit again this page and make a one time or reccurring donation of any amount that we can cover the foodstuffs that were destroyed during the Storm, the Blankets and clothes that our friends losts due to flooding and running waters could be replaced with your generous support towards this project. Anna Storm has changed our supporting excirse hence the demand is high as the Orphan and Vulnerable Children caring center, It has made a number of children that need care at the center be increased while many children have run to the caring center to receive support.
We encourage you to again inviting friends and family members to help these people affected by Anna Storm and have displaced to newly awaiting homes without food, Safe Drinking water.
Dec 20, 2021
Progress Report
By Funny Mikwamba | Project Leader
The feeding and education support project has been a successful and a mother project for Chinseu and we are here to thank you for helping us make our vision and objectives achievable. We are very lucky on having you be part of our community and working together on creating a good Chinseu to live. We assure you that every donation you give to this project helps Orphans feed and get education support. So far Chinseu feeding is supporting 102 Orphan and other Vulnerable children on feeding daily, and 221 Children are supported on education issues and your donations are used to these causes.
We hope you will plan increase your giving scheme in these festive seasons hence more children need some gifts and visits that you can specially sponsor them on your convenience. Please take these children as your real children hence there was nobody to help them until you you rescue them with your donations and the work is on going. We hope also that you will consider starting regular and recurring donations of any amounts that these children's will have readily available funds to use in their daily living