Give safe water to 82 Ugandan orphans

by St Mugagga Boys Home
Give safe water to 82 Ugandan orphans
Give safe water to 82 Ugandan orphans
Give safe water to 82 Ugandan orphans
Give safe water to 82 Ugandan orphans
Give safe water to 82 Ugandan orphans
Give safe water to 82 Ugandan orphans
Give safe water to 82 Ugandan orphans
Give safe water to 82 Ugandan orphans
Give safe water to 82 Ugandan orphans
Give safe water to 82 Ugandan orphans
Give safe water to 82 Ugandan orphans
Give safe water to 82 Ugandan orphans
Give safe water to 82 Ugandan orphans
Give safe water to 82 Ugandan orphans
Give safe water to 82 Ugandan orphans
Give safe water to 82 Ugandan orphans
Give safe water to 82 Ugandan orphans
Give safe water to 82 Ugandan orphans
Give safe water to 82 Ugandan orphans
Give safe water to 82 Ugandan orphans
Give safe water to 82 Ugandan orphans
Give safe water to 82 Ugandan orphans
Give safe water to 82 Ugandan orphans
Give safe water to 82 Ugandan orphans

Project Report | May 8, 2023
A field Report of Clean Water Project

By Bro. Nicholus Nuwagira | Project Leader

Dear valued supporters,

I would like to express my sincerest gratitude for your unwavering support towards our water project We have made great strides in raising funds to help address the clean, safe and sustainable water in our Child Care Institution, and I want to thank each and every one of you for your contribution.

I am delighted to report that we have made significant progress towards our goal. With your generous donations, we have been able to drill the borehole and prepare the site for the installation of a water pump. We are only a small step away from installing the pump and having access to clean water.

However, we still need a little bit more to reach our goal. We are very close to having enough funds to purchase and install the water pump, but we still need to raise enough to buy a big 60,000-liter reserve tank. This reserve tank is essential in ensuring that our child care institution has access to water all year round, even during the dry seasons.

The problems associated with the lack of enough water are increasing daily in our community, and we have seen a surge in cases of waterborne diseases in the children's home. As of recent, we treated 5 children with typhoid almost in the same week, which is a clear indication of the severity of the situation. With your continued support, we can provide clean and safe water to the children's home of St. Mugagga.

I would like to encourage you to spread the word about our water project. Please share our story with your friends and family and encourage them to contribute to our cause. Every little bit counts, and with your help, we can make a significant impact on our community's lives.

Together, we can make a difference and bring access to clean water to those who need it most. Thank you for your continued support.


Bro. Nicholus Nuwagira (BSCL)


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Jan 16, 2023
A field Report of Clean Water Project

By Bro. Nicholus Nuwagira | Project Leader

Sep 23, 2022
Safe water field progress project report

By Bro. Nicholus Nuwagira | Project Leader

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Organization Information

St Mugagga Boys Home

Location: Jinja - Uganda
Facebook: Facebook Page
Project Leader:
Nicholus Nuwagira
Jinja , Jinja Uganda

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