By Sandrina da Cruz | Senior Manager, Disaster Response
Fall has arrived, and we continue to bring our best to this most challenging year. Months after the COVID-19 outbreak, your generosity continues to help improve conditions for families in far-reaching corners of the world. Resources are stretched thin, and nonprofit leaders tell us that the GlobalGiving emergency grants your donations fund go well beyond providing material support. You’re also putting a smile on their faces and giving their teams hope and strength to keep going during these arduous times.
Your generosity fueled the August + September grant cycles to:
These grants have impacted people in urban and rural communities worldwide. They provided food deliveries in Wisconsin, healthcare for patients in Nicaragua, hygiene kits for children in the Philippines, emergency relief for families in Yemen, water wells in Niger, psycho-social support in South Sudan, and nutrition activities for indigenous communities in Mexico, to name just a few.
Rather than summarize more of the life-changing activities our nonprofit partners are leading, I want to introduce you to Traci Wickett, President and CEO of the United Way of Southern Cameron County, Texas. Here’s what she and her team have been able to achieve with your support:
“Our coronavirus relief is focused on food insecurity, but with the added twist of helping hospitality workers who have become unemployed because of COVID-19. We have partnered with Get Shift Done to employ furloughed restaurant workers to add capacity to our hunger relief efforts. Workers sign up for shifts at the Food Bank of the Rio Grande Valley, Salvation Army, Amigos Del Valle (meals on wheels), Ozanam Center (homeless shelter), Good Neighbor Settlement House (soup kitchen and food pantry), Brownsville Wellness Coalition (food delivery), or United Way of Southern Cameron County’s weekly mass food distributions. They prepare, package, and deliver food to those among us who need it most and earn $10 per hour to help them get by during these terribly difficult times.
You’ve provided 1,500 families with a generous bag of shelf-stable food and fresh produce, and you’ve provided 750 hours of work at $10 per hour to furloughed restaurant employees through Get Shift Done.”
I invite you to scan the list below of the 187 nonprofit teams you supported! I am looking forward to my next update about the many ways in which your generosity is making a difference for so many people. Until then, I leave you with Traci’s words:
“We are humbled by this gift, and we’re very grateful. The Rio Grande Valley is suffering, but you’re helping to make things better.”
In gratitude and solidarity,
Sandrina + the GlobalGiving Team
List of Grantees:
A Leg to Stand On
Aksi Cepat Tanggap (ACT Foundation)
Afghan Institute of Learning
ALEIMAR - Voluntary Organization
Arianna's Center
Arogya Agam
ASAP Foundation
Asociacion Civil Ingenieria sin Fronteras Argentina
Asociacion Civil Pequenos Pasos
Asociación Civil Yachay Wasi
Associacao Esmabama
Associacion Tui'k Ruch' Lew
Association For Women's Awareness and Rural Development
Association of Locally Empowered Youth - Northern Mindanao
Bali Life Foundation
Bamyan Foundation
Beyond Borders
Black Belt Community Foundation
Boys and Girls Clubs of St. Charles
Brave Hearts
Central Arizonans For A Sustainable Economy Case
Centre for LIve and Learn for Environment and Community
Centre for Sustainable Development and Education in Africa
Associacao para Protecao das Criancas e Adolescentes (CEPAC)
Citizens' Disaster Response Center Foundation, Inc.
Civic Force
Clinica Verde
Collinsville Food Pantry
Color of Change
Community Health Africa Trust
Compassion First
Concern Organization for Women & Children
Congo Children Trust
Conservation Through Poverty Alleviation, International
Corporacion Cultiva
Craft Emergency Relief Fund, Inc
Crecemos DIJO
Croix-Rouge Francaise /French Red Cross
Darfur Women Network
Dawood Global Foundation
Develop Africa, Inc.
Disable Development & Educational Foundation
Ecoviva NFP
Equality for All Foundation
Family Connection Foundation
Feed Northland Kids
Feeding San Diego
Feeding the Valley
FirstLight trust
Food Bank of the Rio Grande Valley
Foundation for Advancement of Haitian Midwives
French Medical Institute for Mothers and Children
Friends of Burkina Faso
Fundación Ayni
Fundacion de Beneficencia Hogar de Cristo
Fundacion Fondo Unido Honduras
Fundacion Hearts of Gold
Fundacion Helping Hands-La Paz
Fundación Interpretalab
FUNDE Fundación Colombia Unida en Desarrollo y Educacion
Gaia Vaccine Foundation
Waqful Waqifin Foundation (Gift of the Givers)
Girls Power Initiative
Grace Honduras
Graces Cares Inc.
Grain de Riz Pour un Sourire
Great Heart Charity Association
Habitat for Humanity
Halt Poverty
Hand to Hand Foundation
Health Equity International/St. Boniface Haiti Foundation
Health in Harmony
Heart of Los Angeles
Help Bolivia Foundation
High Atlas Foundation
Hoedspruit Training Trust
Hope For Our Sisters, Inc.
HOPE Foundation for Women & Children of Bangladesh
Human Development Foundation (Mercy Center)
iDE Mozambique
INMED Partnerships for Children, Inc.
Insan Hak ve Hurriyetleri Insani Yardm Vakfi
Instituto Chaikuni
Instituto Ekloos
Iraqi Children Foundation
Justice & Accountability Center of Louisiana
Justice for Migrant Women
Karuna trust
Keeping it Real Foundation
Kito Onlus
Lebanon Red Cross
Lending for Evanston and Northwestern Development
LIN Center for Community Development
Lower Nine
LULAC Institute Inc.
Mali Health
Martha O'Bryan Center
Mensajeros de la Paz Argentina
Mercy in Action
Movimento de Saude Mental Comunitaria de Bom Jardin
Mozambique School Lunch Initiative
Mundo de Talentos
National Association For The Advancement Of Colored People (NAACP)
National Day Labor Network
Native American Advancement Foundation
Nicaragua-Projekt e.V.
Nor Luyce Mentoring Center for Youth
One Foundation
Operation Mercy
Oregon Food Bank, Inc.
Orleans Parish Prison Reform Coalition
Ouelessebougou Alliance
Partnership for Southern Equity
Partnership with Native Americans
Perkin Educational Opportunities Foundation
Perkumpulan Pelita Indonesia
Project Elimu
Project Soar
Psicologia y Derechos Humanos PSYDEH A.C.
Rain for the Sahel and Sahara
Rainbow Trust Children's Charity
Raising Futures Kenya
Recovering Oklahomans After Disaster, Inc.
Relief International
Remember Niger Coalition
RISE Foundation, Inc.
Rise International
Roots Community Health Center
Safe Spaces Nairobi
Sahar Education
Sanid Organization for Relief and Development
Seeding Sovereignty
Siam-Care Foundation
Sibol ng Agham at Teknolohiya (SIBAT), Inc.
Society for Orphaned Armenian Relief (SOAR)
Sodis Foundation
Sphoorthi Foundation
St. Nicholas' Home, Penang
Strategy and Innovation for Development Initiative
Support Yemeni Society Organization for Development SYS
Tahanan ng Pagmamahal Children's Home, Inc.
The Bharath Abhyudaya Seva Samithi
The Centre for HIV-AIDS prevention Studies
The Circulate Initiative
The Freedom Story
The Global ShareResource Foundation
The HALO Foundation
The Lambi Fund of Haiti
The Mariposa DR Foundation
The Mustard Seed Mission
The Rotary Club of Brentwood
The Trussell Trust
Tigoung Nonma
Tiljala Society
Trees Water & People
Tropical Health and Education Trust
United to Benefit Ecuadorian Children International (UBECI)
Union of Relief & Development Associations
United Way of Southern Cameron County
Viet Blind Children Foundation
Village Earth
Village Exchange Center
Voice Trust
Water, Sanitation and Hygiene Network (WASH-Net)
Wells Bring Hope
Wings Melaka
Women Inspiration Dev Center
Women's Aid Organization
Women's Employment Network
Wonder Foundation
Yayasan Bumi Sehat, Ds. PKR Nyuh Kuning
Yayasan Cinta Anak Bangsa Foundation
Yayasan Usaha Mulia / Foundation for Noble Work
Yemen Relief and Reconstruction Foundation
Youth for Homeland
Project reports on GlobalGiving are posted directly to by Project Leaders as they are completed, generally every 3-4 months. To protect the integrity of these documents, GlobalGiving does not alter them; therefore you may find some language or formatting issues.
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When a disaster strikes, recovery efforts led by people who live and work in affected communities are often overlooked and underfunded. GlobalGiving is changing this reality. Since 2004, we've been shifting decision-making power to crises-affected communities through trust-based grantmaking and support.
We make it easy, quick, and safe to support people on the ground who understand needs in their communities better than anyone else.
They were there long before the news cameras arrived, and they’ll be there long after the cameras leave. They know how to make their communities more resilient to future disasters, and they’re already hard at work. GlobalGiving puts donations and grants directly into their hands. Because the status quo—which gives the vast majority of funding to a few large organizations—doesn’t make sense.
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