Coronavirus Relief Fund

by GlobalGiving
Coronavirus Relief Fund

Coronavirus Relief: What's Happening and How to Help

You can help communities around the world stop the COVID-19 pandemic.

The projects listed below are led by vetted GlobalGiving partners responding to the pandemic, which has caused thousands of casualties and spread to more than 100 countries. These projects include efforts to stop the virus’s spread and help patients recover from it, as well as education initiatives focused on prevention.

You can donate directly to a specific project below or to GlobalGiving’s Coronavirus Relief Fund and we'll allocate it to where it's needed most. GlobalGiving will post reports about how your donation has been put to use.

Empower a Girl: For Self-Reliance
From 2016, Kole Intellectual Forum (KIFA) conducted an action research in Kole District Local Government of Uganda; and established that, children in the public primary schools in this area are performing poorly because of a number of weaknesses; however, inventions were made; the research revealed that: the major problem is being generated from the home of almost each and every child with the girl child most affected. KIFA intends to empower a girl child through Home Economics.
Safeguarding Ol Pejeta's Rhino Populations
Wildlife on Ol Pejeta faces increasing threats from climate change, poaching and more. Ol Pejeta hosts Kenya's largest population of eastern black rhinos, as well as the last two northern white rhinos, Ol Pejeta is one of the most important wildlife conservancies in the world. By monitoring wildlife, engaging with the community and ranger patrols, our teams work 24/7 to safeguard these rhinos. Your support is urgently needed so that we can continue these key programs.
Provide Quality Education to 15000 Amazon Children
Vaga Lume carefully selects collections of literature books to libraries and trains teachers as reading mediators in 95 rural communities in the Brazilian Amazon region. By encouraging adults to frequently read to children, Vaga Lume makes reading a pleasurable activity, helping to break the endless cycle of poor literacy skills of Amazon people. By donating to Vaga Lume, you will be offering 15,000 Amazon children opportunities they can only access through good quality education.
Income through agriculture for Tamil Nadu Families
Rural families often face economic challenges due to limited access to resources, technology, and markets. Agriculture is the primary livelihood source in these areas, but inefficiencies and outdated practices can limit income potential. This project aims to address these challenges by introducing modern agricultural techniques, improving access to markets, and providing training to optimize productivity and profitability.
Give Hope to Kisumu's Underprivileged Children
These are challenging times - we are experiencing brutal economic, social and political realities. In Kisumu, the current economic downturn is the harshest for the most vulnerable due to the pandemic and inflation, adversely affecting many students. RKF's main aim is to ensure school children living in marginalised communities always have access to good quality education, two hot meals daily, books, learning materials, and scholarships that will lift an entire generation out of poverty.
Education for 400 children in Guatemala
Only 30% of children who start primary school education reach grade six at the correct age and even less go onto secondary school. Having provided primary education for over 3,000 children to date we are now concentrating on putting between 600-1000 students through secondary school and college over the next ten years. We also supply extra school materials to primary school students thus helping to provide education from primary school to college.
Help Feed Hundreds of Hungry People
Two million Ecuadorians suffer from severe hunger according to the World Food Program. Food insecurity in Cuenca, Ecuador has been impacted by the mass migration of Venezuelan refugees, COVID, a host of natural disasters, and two national strikes. The Cuenca Soup Kitchen is committed to providing food and other assistance to families experiencing food insecurity in Cuenca, Ecuador. By addressing food insecurity, CSK provides greater access to health, education, and a more productive future.
Rehabilitation of Rural Communities in India
India has recovered from the devastating effects of COVID-19, but the pandemic has ravaged the lives of people in southern Rajasthan, where the average daily income is less than $0.70 (Rs. 52). Initially, we provided temporary support to these families by distributing relief kits and arranging medical facilities. Now, we are focusing on long-term sustainable measures. Your donation will help create lasting opportunities for these rural communities through various livelihood activities.
This project will enables us to consistently pay a team of 52 staff members who have volunteered to transform lives of the less fortunate and vulnerable children, majority of whom were on the streets looking for ways of survival without going to school until this project came into existence.
Provide Daily Nutritious Meals to Slum Children
The project aims to provide daily nutritious meals to 70 underprivileged children living in the slums of Guntur. We will establish a dedicated kitchen facility within the slum, equipped with cooking utensils, stoves, and hygiene essentials, along with a cook. Each day, we'll serve a balanced evening meal to 70 children, ensuring essential nutrients and healthcare. Additionally, we'll educate both children and parents about hygiene, sanitation, and nutrition. The estimated monthly cost is $500!
Business Boost Grants to Families in Rural Uganda
This project is dedicated to transforming the lives of 500 vulnerable families each year in Mpigi District, Central Uganda. targeting female-headed households and female sex workers who struggle without access to loans, we provide crucial booster grants of $300. More than just financial aid, we empower these families with quarterly business skills training that equips them for a sustainable future
Kenya, East Africa Emergency Food Distribution
When COVID19 arrived in Kenya, Springs of Hope Foundation shifted its focus from a free vocational training school for vulnerable young women to making facemasks to be given to the most vulnerable in our community. It quickly became apparent that catastrophic food shortages & mass starvation were greater devastations than the virus itself. Since March we have been focusing on a free food hamper & facemask distribution program to the elderly, people with disabilities & child-headed households.
Deep concern over a potential rapid spread of coronavirus in Yemen. "The factors are all here. Low levels of general immunity, high levels of acute vulnerability & a fragile, overwhelmed health system," said Ms. Lise Grande, the HC in Yemen. The basic materials and aids are not available due to this civil war. SYS presents this program to combat the spread of infectious diseases and provide some means of prevention in many neighborhoods, mosques, restaurants, as well as the markets.
Ending Poverty with skills development in Pakistan
AHD has been working in the rural areas of Sindh since & tacking with skills development of long disasters in Pakistan, 2019 to 2020 COVUD-19 hit hard and than 2022 super floods hit hard Pakistan, AHD wants to build capacity of rural poor people of Pakistan via skill trainings and this project will help 1,000 rural families with kitchen grading to empower local people and give them skills to plant vegetables for their food security at nearby home or village.
Help a Child: Provide Access to Water in Nigeria
This project would provide access to safe clean drinking water in rural communities in Northern, Nigeria. Our mission is to ensure that 100000 by the end of 2021 have access to water & sanitation. The project will build tube wells, handheld pumps, ventilated improved pit toilets, train children on good hand washing practices and workshops on making schools WASH Friendly . The project will also provide WASH materials, face masks, sanitizers and palliatives to prevent COVID 19 in the communities.
Help Our Doman Families Accomplish the Impossible
Every person plays a vital role in making a difference for the brain-injured children whom we champion. We ask that you help us make the lives of the families we touch significantly better. With your help, we can help make the impossible, possible. With your donation, DII can reach more children and provide resources to more families across the globe. Bringing the Doman Method even closer to those who need it. Will you make a difference in the life of a brain-injured child today?
Donate for Clinic Medicine & Staff @ Uganda Clinic
This project will help an existing northern Uganda clinic better serve the 5000+ people from 5 villages who rely on this remote clinic to serve their health care needs. This clinic needs additional medicines and more staff to better respond to the coronavirus crisis as well as the continued overload of malaria cases during rainy seasons each year.
Help Older Adults Enjoy Quality Life, Community
Our Adult Care Essentials program provides adult incontinence needs to enable aging populations to fully participate in life again. Adults in need of incontinence supplies who struggle to afford these items will suffer in silence. Many will stay home to avoid embarrassment. When we provide comfortable, effective protection older adults can be a part of their community once again.
Costa Rica rural community support fund
With this project, we are able to collaborate on community development projects, such as improving water systems, community infrastructure, supporting entrepreneurs through seed capital, support art and music programs and much more community needs. Drake Bay is one of the regions with the highest unemployment in the country, it has a high of multidimensional poverty index and a high emigration of young people from the area.
Uplift Education in the Philippines
Almost three years after COVID-19 saw schools closed for 32 months, 9 out of 10 children in the Philippines remain trapped in learning poverty. They face losing their education if they are not supported with improved access to learning. FundLife launched 'Uplift Education' as a direct response, providing children with access to digital training, community mentors and experiential learning through play.
Emergency Family Relief Food and Nutrition Support
There are major threats to food systems including conflict, famine and drought, locust invasion and the COVID-19 pandemic effects. The project contributes to sustainable development goal 2 with the aim to provide emergency food support, achieve food security and improved nutrition to most vulnerable families in the informal settlement of Nairobi. We are seeking support to enable us to respond to the nutritional needs of children, adolescent girls, pregnant and lactating women, and older persons.
Gardens, Goats, and More: Climate Action Palestine
The Corona pandemic has damaged the world food supply, lowering food exports and dramatically impacting the world economy. One important way for unemployed Palestinian families to get by is to garden or raise chickens, goats, sheep, cows, or rabbits. Please give the poorest families in Gaza and the West Bank the gardening supplies or livestock they need to produce their own food and start a home-based business -a vital, sustainable climate action.
Emergency COVID-19 support for Kenyan children
Unemployment in Kenya skyrocketed due to COVID-19, plus with severe drought and inflation, more people are experiencing poverty than ever before, especially the young. We've seen first-hand the devastating impact on children and young people. Many families live hand-to-mouth. With all disasters, the vulnerable are always most at risk. In low-income and drought-affected areas we need to provide food, essential items, training and support to ensure the communities we work alongside are safe.
Improving reproductive health rights in Uganda
The project aims to enhance awareness of reproductive health rights, services to adolescent girls & young women to undertake intensive educational activities on the use of modern contraceptives to protect against STIs, unwanted pregnancies among 600 women 2600 in-out of school girls in Uganda using youth friendly services, Rights Based approach, focus groups, Adult-centered learning, Peer-to-Peer, Outreaches, table talks, Film & Health Education Talks.
Empower 1,200 Mayan girls and youth from Chiapas
Achieving gender equality and women's empowerment is the world's greatest human rights challenge, according to UN. The COVID-19 pandemic eroded the limited achievements in this regard, especially for indigenous women and girls who continue facing complex and intersecting forms of violence linked to patriarchal structures, racial and ethnic discrimination, and various human rights violations. We contribute to prevent violences that impedes gender equality and reproduces toxic masculinities.
Give efficient stoves to 100 Guatemalan families
GuateBuena will provide access to environmentally-friendly, economical, and health-protecting stoves to 100 families in need in communities in Guatemala. This project will have an impact on the families' finances and local natural resources by reducing wood consumption by 60%. It will also benefit their visual and respiratory health by reducing smoke by 90%.
Empowering Women in Kalimantan to Prevent Stunting
This initiative aims to tackle the persistent issue of stunting in Indonesia, particularly in rural areas like Central Kalimantan. Stunting greatly affects the health and development of children, and currently 1 in 4 children in Indonesia is stunted. With your support, our holistic approach focusing on community leaders engagement, monitoring of pregnant mothers, and public awareness will provide tools to prevent stunting to more than 2,500 families, mostly living in poverty.
Prevention of domestic violence in Mexican homes
In Mexico, domestic violence in quarantine increased by 120% within vulnerable families. This project will help 75 families, equivalent to 300 family members, from marginal urban municipalities of Mexico City through digital sessions by a team of experts, who will provide strategies for the detection and reduction of stress, resources for recognition and emotional regulation, positive discipline without violence, and tools for positive interaction between caregivers and children.
Food Banks & Pantries: Crisis Response in Germany
Tafel Deutschland orchestrates a network of over 975 Tafel locations, supporting 1.6 to 2 million individuals across Germany with food assistance annually. As one of the largest volunteer-driven organizations in the country, Tafel relies almost exclusively on private donations to manage its operations. 100% of the food distributed is donated.
In recent years, Colombia has seen an increase in the number of children living in poverty. Since 1970 this project has protected more than 13,000 children at risk of abandonment, abuse, drug addiction and others. We help them daily with education,food,psychosocial support,recreation,health,prevention of childhood pregnancy and guidance. We seek to keep them away from the dangers of being on the streets,child labor and other forms of child abuse. Each year more than 300 children receive support.
Feed families & rebuild 3000 futures in Sri Lanka
The project will help feed and provide livelihood support through sustainable agriculture and economic empowerment to rebuild vulnerable families in Sri Lanka who are close to starvation due to the economic crisis following the Covid19 pandemic. This project will create small businesses and strengthen families to keep children out of orphanages. We'll provide nutritional food parcels, crops, resources, financial management and income generation training to provide good health/economic stability.
Emergency Relief for Inter-Faith Filipino Children
In the Philippines, religious conflict and natural disasters have caused suffering for millions of Filipino children. This program provides care for children who are victims of the Covid-19 virus and other disasters. Inter-faith cooperation teaches students the value of teamwork and unity. We provide face masks, basic food, clean water, and hygiene. In response to the Covid19 crisis, we are currently providing PPE's, hand-washing supplies, and nutrition programs for more than 3,000 children.
Treatment of childhood cancer can't stop
We are a philanthropic hospital that serves children and adolescents with cancer, who are still part of the risk group for coronavirus and it's new variants. Cancer doesn't stop during pandemic times, and neither do we. Now we are turning to the only person we can count on: YOU.
The Collinsville Food Pantry - Moving Forward
The Collinsville Food Pantry serves the community of Collinsville, Il. The reduction in SNAP benefits have hit us hard. We are serving more families that have been affected financially. We are needing extra funds to replenish our supply.
Feed the poor and needy in Goa
India is a country where millions of people live in extreme poverty. In order to help the poor to navigate through these bad times during the lockdown, El Shaddai has been working round the clock to ease the distress of 1000 marginalized individuals by serving them with dry rations and groceries. Within few days of launching the initiative, we have distributed the groceries to about 500 needy families across the state of Goa.
Relief & Mental Health Services in Syria
For more than a decade, war, violence, and terrorism have persisted in northeast Syria causing millions of people to become displaced, kidnapped, and killed. Many civilians are in urgent need of immediate relief, alongside trauma therapy and mental health interventions. Jiyan Foundation's Treatment Center in Qamishili, Syria provides direct relief and mental health interventions to survivors of these ongoing atrocities. This project was previously providing relief from COVID-19.
Empower Children and Women in the slums of Kampala
Joy for Children Uganda (JFCU) is a non -profit child rights organization established in 2005 that exists to respond to the plight of vulnerable children in Uganda. For the past 10 years Joy for Children Uganda has been implementing the Kampala Slum Development Project. This project supports many disadvantaged children and children living with disabilities in slum with basic care supplies in education and skills. Majority of the caretakers/ parents of the children on our programs are benefiting
Urgent life aid for100 black affected people Yemen
As a black man living in the most underserved neighborhood in Yemen, Abdo works as a janitor. He exposes himself to the most hazardous conditions and deals with infected wastes in order to offer nourishment and shelter for his 14 children, whereas federal medical aid is inattentive. Yet, 4 children died consequently from Cholera owing to the absence of favorable living conditions. Abdo needs heroes like you are to help his 10 children survive COVID global pandemic and educate his children.
Bring clean water to 100 villages in Tanzania
Many villages in rural Tanzania lack access to clean water meaning villagers are forced carry water very long distances from muddy ponds shared with animals, leading to multiple health problems, particularly for children. We use local expertise to sustainably address this with low cost wells. Our local rep in Kasulu has identified villages and schools in desperate need of clean water.
Emergency Food Box Program for DV Victims
In the face of adversity, the simple act of nourishment can offer solace, strength, and a glimmer of hope. At Raise Your Voice Saint Lucia Inc, we understand the critical importance of providing tangible support to those affected by gender-based violence and other forms of marginalization. That's why we're proud of our Emergency Food Box Program
After Care Support
India's higher education rate is only 28% as per AISHE and due to this only 40% of youth is employable. This project will support children who have left/not left and are planning to continue with higher education or independent living sustaining during the transition from institutional to independent life enabling young adults to mainstream them in society
Women's Sewing Project in Kakuma Refugee Camp
As the first case of Covid-19 has yet been recorded in the Kakuma Refugee Camps, this project will educate people in the refugee camps on Covid-19 and how it affects people. This will include the methods to contain the virus including hand washing, hygiene, masks, and social distancing. Soap, masks, and sanitary napkins will be distributed to vulnerable refugee families. These proactive measures will help to contain the virus if and when it enters the camp.
Little by Little- Tahanan
Tahanan ng Pagmamahal Children's Home, Inc wants to sustain the basic needs of the 45 children including food and medical to boost their immune system and to protect them from COVID-19 symptoms, Pneumonia and other illnesses.
Educate50 orphan youth in Yemen
The project targeting 50 impoverished orphan youth who are vulnerable to abuse, neglect, & exploitation by Criminals & extremists. providing holistic care in the areas of,education, food, legal protection, medical & psychosocial services to orphans & vulnerable kids.Our program reaches 300 youth providing the only meal most will eat for the day, & our scholarship program allows youth (boys & girls) opportunity to attend school who otherwise wouldn't be able to attend.We offer hope beyond poverty
Urgent - Prevent cruel poaching  of rare wildlife
Suni-Ridge is a wildlife sanctuary conserving sensitive, irreplaceable sand forest habitat for endangered species. Due to the high prices paid for illegal wildlife trade in rare species many vulnerable animals have been cruelly snared. Previously, 85 snares were recovered in one night. There is an urgent need for increased security. Our Sanctuary must protect our biodiversity and funds are desperately needed to keep our wildlife safe.
Help Feed Slum Families during this COVID 19
About a month ago the pandemic was first reported in Kenya. The effects of this has left most families suffering. These people relied on peasant business like: selling groceries at the evening market, some work in transport businesses having almost no income at all. Most of the people in Nyalenda work during the day to be able to purchase food for dinner. no money earned means no dinner that day. There is also lack PPE. We ask for your donations to cushion them from suffering
Food support for Kibera's after school Program
As most people struggle with economic recovery from the effects of COVID 19, many breadwinners for families in our network in Kibera rely on informal labor markets to support their families; some of these families are unable to provide a minimum of two meals to their children we teach. Many people live hand to mouth, unable to build financial safety nets and thus unable to provide food and basic necessities for their children. We are raising funds for food assistance during our classes.
Arts as our bridge to Equity
The goal of Story Tapestries has always been to engage at-risk, high-need communities using the arts as the tool for meeting objectives in Literacy, STEAM, Social-Emotional, Self and Community development. Our greatest strength has been our ability to custom-design programs to meet the specific needs of a community. This has taken on new meaning as our global community and local residents in the Greater Washington Region and across Maryland continue to recover from the impacts of COVID-19.
Tablets for disadvantaged children in Romania
The way we look at life has massively changed in the past few months. At a global level. And that includes the way we look at Education, especially in Romania - where the system was not fully prepared to move entirely into online. 1 in 3 children in Romania live in relative income poverty. The project aims to equip a minimum number of 200 children from economically-deprived environments with tools necessary to continue their online education.
Women social and economic strengthening
Zambia is among the many Countries that have been affected by the Corona Virus which has claimed lives in many Countries around world. The COVID-19 relief fund will provide revolving fund for vulnerable women keeping orphans and vulnerable children to start a small home based business that would help them recover from major negative impacts of COVID-19. vulnerable women are disproportionately impacted by COVID-19. Women in Zambia feeds households and helps children attend school.
Relief for NYC's Refugee Families
This campaign will provide direct support to the refugee population we serve in New York City, a group that is facing significant challenges during the recent wave of migrations.
Human Rights Activist Resilience & Empowerment
To empower Human rights activists with mental health support, anti-corruption training, and robust safety measures to sustain their advocacy efforts effectively and safely and create a community that knows , respects and fights for their human rights .
Support Vulnerable Families in Mexico
Tijuana's small, but mighty network of civil society organizations have been welcoming migrants and deportees to ensure their basic needs are met. Unfortunately, COVID-19 has directly impacted millions of people's lives in Tijuana and the U.S.-Mexico border region. Since March 15, ICF has granted over $75,000 to local nonprofits to provide food, medicine, and legal services to vulnerable migrants and deportees in Tijuana. Please help us unite, inspire, and provide hope to our nearest neighbors.
Coronavirus Relief for Children in Serbia
This project will help us provide basic food, textbooks ad school supplies for the poorest children in Serbia. It will also give them access to the necessary medication and support. With the economic problems, many parents have lost their jobs or are strugglingWe need to help their children get food, stay healthy and keep learning.
Terminally ill children in isolation need you
This project will help Rainbow Trust Children's Charity to continue providing emotional and practical support to life-threatened children and their families who are facing a new worrying and difficult reality alone. There are so many families caring for a seriously ill child who are facing this reality totally isolated, without any help and support. Having the support of a Family Support Worker is crucial at times like this.
Restore Hope in Climate-Affected communities
n Kasese District and the Rwenzori region of Uganda, hundreds of vulnerable children and women are living in camps without food, clean water, shelter, or hygiene facilities after devastating floods. Joy for Children Uganda (JFCU) is working to restore their lives. Your donation will help support 100,000 people affected by the floods, providing essential resources and protection, and helping them rebuild their lives in the aftermath of this crisis.
Supporting frontline health worker in remote Nepal
PHASE Nepal works in remote and isolated areas of Nepal supporting free primary health care, livelihood and education improvement, supporting PWDs, disaster risk reduction and research. PHASE Nepal provides direct health services to more than 90,000 patients/year in remote Humla, Mugu, Bajura, Sindhupalchok and Gorkha. Thus, this project aims to save lives of health workers and community workers by supporting their treatment incase of possible infection & complications.
Help homeless families to sustain
Muwakhat Foundation wants to support homeless families affected by COVID-19 and get them back on their feet, so they do not have to depend on others for feeding themselves. This was one of the reasons, Muwakhat provided some of these families with funds and fruits/vegetable carts. Now, Muwakhat will give medicines to the patients testing positive, especially the mothers. Muwakhat believes when the mother is safe, the whole family is safe.
Keep Pakistan Learning
Covid-19 is worsening inequities in our education system. Where school closures abruptly stopped learning for millions of children in low-income communities with limited access to technology, Teach For Pakistan Fellows established innovative learning routines for students using WhatsApp, SMS, calls, and printed learning packs. Moving forward, we want to support the system in offsetting the learning losses, caring for emotional & mental well-being of students, and safe re-opening of schools.
This project will help break the barriers of misconceptions among local people through education. It will provide emergency food packs to those who are going hungry, including low-income families, orphanages, physically challenged, and older people's homes. One food pack costs USD 15 and keeps a family of 5 in food security for ten days.
Livelihood Support Visually Challenged Families
COVID has created a situation of job losses , financial attacks especially among the differently abled daily wage workers. Those situation has still has a impact in the lives like Unemployed, loan struggle, health issues etc. This project aims to provide them an livelihood support like Monthly groceries, Toiletries, Cash support etc. This will help them acquire their basic living needs.
Food relief for vulnerable Australians
COVID-19 and the resulting financial impacts, including the sharp increases in the cost-of-living being experienced across Australia, have been the catalyst in the exponential increase in food insecurity. Foodbank is in urgent need of funding to source key staple foods that don't come in sufficient quantities via traditional rescue channels. This will enable Foodbank to provide a sustainable supply in a variety of essential foods that are nutritious and convenient for vulnerable Australians.
Support people with Down syndrome in this pandemic
Fundacion John Langdon Down serves more than 1,500 students with Down Syndrome and their low-income families each year. We offer educational, medical and psychological programs to children, teens and adults.
farming to feed
Farming help reduce poverty, raise incomes and improve food security for 80% of the world's poor, who live in rural areas and work mainly in farming.Agriculture impacts society in many ways, including: supporting livelihoods through food, habitat, and jobs.
We are distributing essential food supplies to families and the elderly in need in Bali . Many elderly people in rural areas, especially in, are still struggling to provide food for their families. Despite the slow return of tourism, these communities have yet to see significant benefits. The need for assistance remains crucial.
Feeding Children and Families
Sarahuaro, A.C. has provided thousands of meals to elementary school-age children who would otherwise have gone hungry at school. We believe in the long-term effects of education. Providing a healthy meal is a simple way to help strengthen a child's chances of having a successful life. "La Cocina de los Ninos Sarahuaro" addresses this health problem based on a long history of feeding children living in poverty, thus applying our experience to the school environment.
Argentina Faces Record-High Child Poverty Rates: We Need Your Support Argentina is currently experiencing the highest levels of child poverty in its history, with 7 out of 10 children living in poverty, many of whom go to bed hungry each night. In the face of this crisis, we are more committed than ever to providing essential care and protection to 550 children, aged 45 days to 5 years, in some of the most vulnerable communities in Argentina.
Preventing Teen Pregnancy
In Mexico, every day of 2017, two babies were born to mothers aged 10 and 11. That same year, Mexico had the highest teen pregnancy rate among the 34 member countries of the Organization for Economic Growth Co-operation and Development. Los Cabos has the highest teen pregnancy rate in Mexico. This project will provide no-cost family planning education and support to impoverished women of Los Cabos.
Provide 100 beds to needy pregnant moms in Africa
We've recently learnt of the plight of our local hospitals during the COVID-19 crisis. We have seen pictures of mothers lying on the floor during labour or waiting days for a C-section, which causes many risks for the mothers and babies. Through this project, we'd like to purchase mattresses and blankets for the many expectant moms queuing the passages waiting to deliver their babies.
"Safe Park" for Children
A safe environment to play games, learn, and interact with peers is provided to children living in impoverished communities in Lusaka, Zambia. Trained health care personnel lead educational games and workshops and help with school work. Children who need extra support are guided to the right agencies. These activities improve the physical and mental health of children living with HIV under challenging circumstances. About 50-80 children participate regularly and a small snack is provided.
At Home Discovery Kits for Low Income VI Families
This project will help supply families with the tools needed to keep kids engaged and inspired to create and learn at home this summer by providing At Home Discovery Kits to low-income families in the United States Virgin Islands.
Palestine, We Care: COVID-19 Relief Trust
NGO hospitals in Gaza are currently operating without adequate COVID19 testing to safeguard the most vulnerable staff and patients. In communities, the cascading effects of COVID19 are pushing families further into food insecurity. Our partner NGOs ask your help to provide boxes of food, masks, and sanitizers to the most vulnerable. Medical staff at our three partner NGO hospitals ask for COVID19 rapid test kits to test high risk and medically vulnerable patients as well as staff. Please help.
Building Local Philanthropy
The fund will help poor families in sprawling slums in Nairobi and Arid and Semi arid areas build resilience through micro business in slums and provision of clean water. This project will dig water wells and drilling boreholes in arid and semi arid areas for growing crops, rearing animals, afforestation and reforestation to curb climate change.
Food Baskets for Ugandan Families
Project Have Hope has always been about creating lasting and sustainable change to create independence. However, sometimes a little extra help is needed. The economic toll that COVID-19 wrought is ongoing. In addition to providing emergency food baskets to families as needed, we have implemented a breakfast program to serve 200+ children breakfast ecah morning.
A Better Future: quality education & companionship
This project will allow 51 boys and girls who work on the street to continue with their basic education and develop technological skills in a safe space. They do not have access to technology to access online education and are at risk of dropping out of school. To support them, we will provide academic monitoring and access to technology in three groups in our day centre. It is here the construction of a decent future begins - let's give access to education and technology.
Prevent domestic violence Pakistan during COVID-19
Spousal abuse and domestic violence is skyrocketing in Pakistan due to COVID-19 lockdowns, lost jobs, meltdown in economy and husbands working from home. This project fundraises to help abused women get help and sanctuary.
COVID-19 Relief Appeal by CHCS Pakistan
Coronavirus disease (COVID-19) is an infectious disease caused by a new virus. Coronavirus disease spreads primarily through contact with an infected person when they cough or sneeze. The disease is spreading at an alarming rate in Pakistan and so far affected more than 3000 persons and also causing 50 deaths. in this backdrop, CHCS has started a relief campaign in order to cause awareness and also help those affected by the virus and those who have been rendered unemployed due to lockdown.
cholera Emergency Response Project
Cholera has spread among the Yemeni people, who have been suffering from the scourge of war for 9 years, and with the severe weakness of the infrastructure in Yemen and the poor medical services, the epidemic is spreading among Yemeni society rapidly, as the daily statistics which are in fact inaccurate due to the limet of PCR tests, so people face the epidemic without assistance. This project aims to provide aid and assistance to poor families to confront the spread of
Gift Hope: Sponsor a Child in Zambia
Due to the effects of the pandemic, 20% of children in our program have lost their sponsorship and the waiting list for the new school year in January is growing. Our partner, Almoayed Ventures, is currently matching all new full sponsorships! This means when you sponsor one child, two children will receive an education! Make a one time donation or donate monthly & we'll send you details of the children you have sponsored. For about a dollar a day you'll be providing two pathways out of poverty.
This past year 1 in 4 households have become food insecure - including children. relief has definitely changed the way Rescuing Leftover Cuisine operates, but not a single week in 2023 has passed without food being rescued across the nation. On the contrary, we have provided over 1,224 meals every single week since August. As we prepare for the winter and a potential second wave of relief, our mission is more important than ever before. Solve food waste and hunger one plate at a time!
I take care of myself to take care of others
PROJECT Strategy to strengthen comprehensive careMarch 2023 The CRAN Foundation implements a strengthening strategy with its collaborators,especially with the interdisciplinary technical teams and the adult caregivers of the different modalities of attention with which it counts and thus promote the best environments for the comprehensive development of children and be effective guarantors of compliance with the rights of children. children through the promotion of caring environments.
COVID-19 pandemic left many parents and guardian Jobless, and this has affected the education of many teenage girls in Nigeria. some are dropout, some can not go to school, they hawk around streets selling different things to save money for her education, but in the other hand their parents collect the savings for feeding survival. And this situation is really affecting their future. This project will help 200 teenage girls study and get educated for free.This will stop hawking on the streets.
Empowerment of Rural Families affected by Floods
Pakistan Rural Communities are the Victims of Floods 2022, millions affected devastating floods and lost houses and food stuff, we at AHD through this project want to support women and children at their door step for empowerment of rural women via Kitchen gardening, livestock and livelihood activities. AHD staff already in action to asses and provide livelihood assistance to 2,000 rural poor families needs urgent basis support.
As of July 28th,2020 identified Covid-19 in 2,29,185 people & died 3000 people in Bangladesh. Bangladesh Govt. implemented social distancing through Lockdown countrywide( from 25-03-2020 to 30-05-2020). As a result worker, day labor & lower income people lost their job & facing crisis for buying food & essential.Your donation to this fund will support immediate and long-term relief and recovery in vulnerable communities during one of the most challenging times we have collectively faced.
Lifeline for Equality: Hunger Relief Fund
The "Lifeline for Equality: Hunger Relief Fund for LGBTIQ Communities in Uganda" aims to provide immediate food assistance,emergency relief, water, medicine and other essential supplies to LGBTIQ individuals facing severe food insecurity due to the socio-economic impacts of the Anti-Homosexuality Act of 2024. This initiative seeks to address the urgent nutritional needs of 500 LGBTIQ individuals in rural Uganda, who are particularly vulnerable due to discrimination, job loss, and eviction.
Support for the physical health
With emerging of physical health coupled with traditional issues that marginalized girls and women across the globe including Bangladesh from March 2023; the vulnerability of girls and women has increased to the greatest extent. This was confirmed from a mini research that was conducted by DDEF from February to September, 2023; when it registered 20 girls for its designed program on Home Economics; 50% only reported on the 30/9/2023 and the balance of 50% dropped out because of those.
Help us nourish Martin's life and other children's
Martin came to the Albergue because his mother does not have enough money to take care of his nutrition and education. Martin and his two sisters live only with their mother since their father abandoned them when they were very young. At the age of 5, when he was accepted at the Albergue, Martin's weight and height were very low and he was diagnosed with malnutrition. As a result, he was integrated into the Albergue's Integral Nutrition Program.
Love, Learning, and Support for Gaza's Children
Over the past year, with your support, 150 underprivileged children in Rafah, Gaza, have been receiving after school Art, Science, and English lessons during COVID in a safe and caring environment. Dedicated and hard-working teachers took it upon themselves to bring smiles to children's faces after the May 2021 bombings. In addition, two distinguished artists brought joy to deaf children in Jabaliya Refugee Camp through a wonderful art instruction program. Help keep this going!
Aid to Refugees of Storms, Floods, and Violence
Thousands of families in the Philippines have been displaced by volcanoes, typhoons, fires, floods, and Covid-19 outbreaks. Asia America Initiative and our partners provide emergency food, water, tarp shelters, blankets, hygiene, face masks, and basic health care items for 20,000 displaced families and first responders. Thus far, more than 10 tons of relief supplies have been given. Your donation will affect communities and inspire hope for the homeless.
Emergency Appeal: COVID-19 Time to Rebuild
Well over three year and we are all still fighting COVID-19. Pre COVID there was a light at the end of the tunnel and we have over 80 projects moving towards a sustainable and better future. Overnight COVID put all our work back years and we spent every penny of reserves to feed and help all 90 projects survive. We are proud we all survived but now we are behind on our mission to tackle the 17 global goals and we need donations to help us rebuild and get back on track by 2025.
Fund to Support At risk Communities in Panama
#HelpTheHelpers / #AyudaAlosQueAyudan In response to the needs of vulnerable communities, we have created the NGO Support Fund and Community Recovery. Donations received through this aid channel will go to the emergency initiatives and efforts of non-profit organizations in Panama. This fund will focus on responding in the short and medium term to the support and recovery efforts of various organizations, which together we ask for your support.
1 Sleeping Bag for 1 Life
Due to the pandemic and the collapse of the economy, Nepal is facing a humanitarian disaster of an unprecedented scale! 40% of Nepal's population, approximately 12 million people, is poor. Most of these people live in villages in higher altitudes between 500m and 1500m. For many children, the combination of malnourishment and a lack of adequate protection from the freezing cold will have fatal consequences. The project aims to provide Sleeping bags to this target group.
Help Mountain Community Prep for Disasters
The Emergency Response Initiative will formally educate & train a mountain community with 600 families, who have acted as first responders to natural disasters, seasonal hurricanes & pandemics. The vulnerable community is isolated. The community must create a plan that includes a structure to store secured shovels, rain gear, go bags, training materials, care packages & emergency response packets to ensure the community's readiness & efficiency when disasters hit.
Hurricane Beryl Assistance
This project will provide Hurricane Beryl recovery and relief assistance for elders who are susceptible to physical health challenges; people who are displaced from their homes and jobs; families needing temporary childcare solutions; communities suffering due to mental health care disparities; and victims of other disasters in Houston and surrounding areas. Assistance will help with immediate relief, supplies, support, and long-term recovery.
Enhancing HIV/AIDS support during COVID 19
The project will seek to increase the capacities of HIV+ adolescents and young mothers to mitigate the challenges of self-stigma that exacerbate the feeling of self worthlessness, shame and self-blame because of being HIV+; resulting into emotional distress and negative impacts on access to HIV health services, adherence to ART and overall quality of life at individual, family and community levels.
Syrian Refugee -Beirut explosion and COVID 19
The massive explosion that rocked Beirut and destroyed much of the Lebanese capital's port last week threatens to have disastrous consequences for the roughly 1.5 million Syrian and Palestinian refugees who have long relied on humanitarian aid in the country. They were already vulnerable, because of the bad economic crisis and corona virus crisis and measures that had impacted the whole country. At least 43 Syrian workers were among the victims of the blast which killed more than 200 people.
Clean drinking water for persons with disabilities
Sujawal is one of the poorest districts of Pakistan with a high prevalence of persons with disabilities. Even in this day and age, drinking clean water and better educational opportunities are like dreams for a person with disabilities. NOWPDP is opening up a Model Special School for education and skills development. We need your support to build an RO Plant under our school premises that will provide clean drinking water to 2200+ persons with disabilities and their family members every day.
Information Saves Lives: Health Response Fund
The overlap of health crises and other disasters cannot be ignored --- from severe weather events and climate disasters to complex humanitarian emergencies. As we recover from COVID19 and build resilience in anticipation of upcoming health emergencies, Internews' Health Journalism Network strives to build health reporting capacity, support creative and solutions-based health stories, and foster relationships between members around the world and between members and public health experts.
Emergency response-COVID-19 among women in Uganda
This project will create awareness, provide both food supplies and educational support among most vulnerable groups especially 120 women, 1 per household and that will enable them to feed their families and also educate them on how to prevent contracting the COVID-19 virus.In Uganda, due to lock down,and curfew shops, business and fear created among community the women have been the most affected since they can't go to work and yet they have to feed their children.
MAMA Kits for Expectant Mothers, Baringo, Kenya
This project will provide 100 covid-19 maternity kits equipped with surgical gloves, medicott sanitary towel, cotton wool, surgical blade, umbilical cord knot, disinfectant, gauze, baby wrapper, baby blanket, bibs, toiletry bag and face mask. The delivery kits will restore dignity of expectant mothers seeking services of unskilled traditional birth attendants. Proper equipment reduces chances of complicated birthing and infections.
Roots Rapid Relief Fund
Many of our community members have been disproportionately impacted by the COVID-19 pandemic, experiencing sudden loss of income. They are now at risk of becoming homeless, an outcome that we strive to combat. To that end, we seek to create "Roots Rapid Relief Fund," a flexible funding source to help alleviate some of the financial hardships, provide food, ensure that they do not default on rent, utility or phone bills, and that they remain housed during this devastating pandemic.
COVID - 19 Home Literacy Project for 1,500 Girls
Achievers Ghana Education is seeking support for its COVID-19 Home Literacy Project with the objective of helping to serve the community with education in local languages to ensure residents of Nima and Mamobi are well informed on COVID-19 prevention measures. We will also be offering literacy help to youth. With the disruption of all activities including the closure of schools, it is imperative our students and pupils are engaged while at home with innovative ways of bridging their knowledge.
How Pilares works during the pandemic of COVID19
The aim of this project is that you know how we are working in the coronavirus pandemic with children who live in vulnerable conditions in slums of Buenos Airescity. As a Foundation, Pilares have been working very close with families, and the pandemic has challenge us. We have to transform all our activities and proposals for families to a virtual scheme. By helping us, you are contribute to help families with nurturing products and cleaning products in order to help them to face COVID 19.
Support for Emergency Service Veterans.
This project supports veterans and those leaving the emergency services. Many veterans came out of retirement to help tackle the Covid crisis and joined the 'fight' at the pandemic and disaster 'front-line'. FirstLight Trust provides the tools, resources and therapies to ensure these incredible individuals are supported and able to deal with the ongoing fallout from Covid lockdowns; in particular the emotional, mental and physical fall out from dealing with constant emergencies.
Project will support for the family and migrant who lost thier work because covid panademic and struglling for survival in life near and around the land of Buddha because of lost the work and difficult to feed their family specially for the family whose children are attending in the school and the migrant who return after lost their work because of covid panademic and lockdown. Its became risky for the children who may dropout in the school because of family circumstances.
Financial Support for all our shelters
The current, really frightening, inflation situation with rising prices all over the world affects many areas of the work of ProDogRomania and we have to face these challenges and look for solutions so that we can care solidly for our dogs in our shelters in Romania.
Zero Deaths... A Collective Response to COVID-19
According to experts, it is the elderly population that is at most risk of death, especially those older than 70 years old. In Puerto Rico, 21% of the population is 65 years or older, many living under health, economic and social vulnerability. This population has been impacted negatively since Hurricane Maria and the most recent earthquakes in the South Region of Puerto Rico. Many of them living alone and under dire circumstances.
Help us support daily wage earners.
Help us support daily wagers and other deserving families to live a healthy life.
Covid19 food support for people living with T1D
Type 1 Diabetes(T1D) is a manageable disease if you have the proper diet, food supply and insulin. This T1D project will support 41 people living with T1D, but lacking a constant food supply, glucose readers and insulin. During the COVID19 quarantine, more persons than usual have been taken to the hospital because of their glucose levels not being regulated properly. They lack food because the quarantine has stopped all non-essential jobs in communities that depend on money daily to eat.
Helping Pets and People in our Community
By donating to Oregon Humane Society, you are helping fund life-saving medical care, needed behavior training, spay and neuter surgeries, as well as transport pets from overcrowded shelters, fund Humane Investigations to rescue animals from cruelty and neglect, and ultimately, get thousands of pets into loving homes each year.
Educate Quarantined Children!
COVID-19 pandemic has severely affected the educational systems in Afghanistan, leading to a total of 11 million children out of school. The government has announced online teaching through TV and radio, but unfortunately most of the children do not have access to smart phones, Radio or TVs to watch and learn through. Teach for Afghanistan Organization (TAO) has prepared easy to understand curriculums to pass to all children at their homes, so, no child is left without learning.
Seedlings & Soap: Promoting Food Security in Kenya
Partnering with women's community groups, together we're growing seedlings for kitchen gardens to fight malnutrition for 1,500+ mothers and their 7,500+ children. 100% DIRECT GIVING: 100% OF YOUR DONATIONS HELP WOMEN GROW HEALTHY GARDENS FOR THEIR CHILDREN.
Kitengela Academy Primary Sch supports 50 orphans
This project aims to keep a private school and orphanage from closure, following the impact of covid on income from fee-paying pupils. This project aims to support the school with its immediate shortfall in income and to help to build a sustainable cost and revenue model to provide long term security for the children it serves. Closure of the school would leave 30 orphans without a home, care, food or education and a further 20 orphans would be without education.
Together for Hope - COVID-19 Response for Youth
During this pandemic, we need your support to continue serving and responding to the evolving needs of youth and families already facing complex challenges and at risk of financial and food insecurity. Your gift will help youth remain safe, healthy, and resilient to additional challenges and hardships. Innovative housing, academic, mental health, and other programs and services will protect youths' physical and mental health and minimize learning loss during this unprecedented crisis.
Reconditioned Computers for Disadvantaged Children
Urgently help Ateliere Fara Frontiere (Workshops without Borders) recondition and deliver 300 computers to children who have no access to education after schools in Romania closed because of the pandemic. When the health crisis will be over, the computers will be moved to local schools, so even more children can use them in class. The computers are collected as WEEE, tested, cleaned, repaired and prepared for reuse by a team of vulnerable, excluded and marginalized people.
Stand Together Fund
WAWF has identified two issue areas where there are critical gaps in funding-the safety of women experiencing violence, and the stability of frontline care workers. The Stand Together Fund will support: Critical services for women experiencing violence & abuse, such as expanded hotline capacity and telehealth visits. Financial assistance for the caregiving workforce and organizations supporting them. Advocacy to ensure that women and girls of color are front and center in recovery efforts.
Coronavirus Relief Fund for Orphans in Kenya.
COVID-19 has been declared a world pandemic. It has already affected more than 800,000 people with many losing their lives. The spread of COVID-19 has impacted negatively to the lives of the Orphaned and vulnerable children in Africa. In our Village we do have lots of such cases and with the government shut down of schools these kids have no where to turn to and they need to supported with food and other WASH materials like soaps and hand Sanitizers to protect themselves from the Corona virus.
COVID-19 Testing: Vulnerable Communities
COVID-19 is wrecking havoc on communities worldwide and is a particular concern for cancer patients. Efforts to mitigate transmission have resulted in a reduction in clinical services, including outpatient visits and routine cancer screenings. In order for these crucial medical services to resume, increased availability of COVID testing for cancer patients and others with chronic conditions is paramount. We can respond to this need with a self-sampled, low-cost, and effective diagnostic test.
Support MCN's #HeroesOnTheFrontline
For 36 years, our organization has focused on establishing health justice for migrant and mobile populations by providing support services to the frontline clinicians who work with them. In 2020, the global pandemic has presented unparalleled challenges to the frontline clinicians confronting COVID-19 within these populations and beyond. Their efforts have made our work possible, and that is why we have decided to focus our GivingTuesday campaign on celebrating all of our #HeroesOnTheFrontline.
W2W: Help Us Help Frontline Clinicians
Witness to Witness (W2W) offers support services for frontline clinicians whose jobs put them at high risk for burnout, demoralization and moral injury. In the last year, the intensity of stressors facing people all over the world has increased exponentially and hope is a resource we all need to call upon. Witness to Witness provides an answer to the call for hope by working collectively to support those working tirelessly to meet the needs of others.
One Health for Shangaan and The Place of Elephants
Our One Health project with Shangaan women around Gonarezhou National Park aims to to build longer-term resilience with nutrition gardens managed by 200 women and to provide emergency food aid to vulnerable households and. The COVID crisis greatly reduced tourism activity on which Mahenye community's livelihood depends. Our project supports women who, as managers of family nutrition and health, are key to a balanced Human-Wildlife cohabitation.
EMERGENCY APPEAL - Urgent Relief for Women & Girls
As COVID-19 makes its way around the globe, we at Vital Voices Panama face an unprecedented crisis. Private sector companies and their donations represent the majority of our funds. With most of them facing their own economic challenges, we are now on the brink of losing our programs. However, we still have hope: to keep on working for the safety, health, and empowerment of women and girls in our country. Please help us keep our organization afloat!
Covid-19 Intervention in South Africa
Gift of the Givers is a partner to the South African government's Covid-19 initiative, augmenting public health services by supporting medical professionals with protective wear, supplying relevant essential medical equipment and providing medical consumables to the institutions in urgent need. Water, food and other basic essentials are also being provided to the most vulnerable.
Wild Welfare's Urgent Appeal
The coronavirus pandemic is having an unprecedented impact on our finances. Though it is hard to predict how far-reaching the consequences will be, this will affect our ability to continue all of our work and to help animals in need. However with Covid-19 undeniably impacting captive facilities, demand for our work to help end animal suffering is only increasing. We are doing everything we can to mitigate the impact on the animals and communities we help, but need your help now.
Emergency support for  COVID-19 in Pakistan
Joy Foundation has been working in the rural areas of Punjab, Pakistan since 2009 in education, Water, Sanitation and Hygiene (WASH), Environment sector. So far, the deadly novel corona virus outbreak has infected thousands of people and spread to over 199 countries (including Pakistan) since its emergence. Especially children are most affected with it because it's difficult for because they did not understand much about it. So this Virus attach on children and elder people more quickly.
Provide for 4 Children's' Homes During Inflation
Since 2019 the 4 children's homes we support in Africa have struggled financially due to massive inflation. The cost for basic necessities has quadrupled and funds we send monthly have increased by $2,000 - $500 a month per home. Due to this our emergency fund is extremely depleted. In order to keep everyone fed and healthy we are focusing big time on rebuilding the emergency fund and no longer anticipate prices returning to the pre-COVID normal.
Mitigation of COVID-19 in indigenous communities
This project will provide direct and immediate assistance to 10 indigenous communities in the Lacandon Jungle in Chiapas, Mexico. The objective is to provide supplies for personal hygiene, disinfectants, masks, water and food, as well as support for garden work, as preventive measures and contributing to the long-term economic and nutritional recovery for families.
Covid19 relief support to 5000 people in Malawi
This project will educate and support Malawian people in city of Lilongwe and in rural communities about Covid 19; recognising the symptoms of the virus, how to reduce the risk of getting the virus and what should be done if they catch the virus. It will provide information, education and resources to support vulnerable people in a country with very compromised facilities in how to manage the virus.
YOU are the KEY
CHILDREN are losing their education. We must get them back on track at all costs. The Pandemic has closed schools. Schooling online costs $10 a month for internet and with families only earning $60 a month for all of life's basics, something has to give, a generation will be lost. We cannot let this happen, You are the KEY to their success. UNLOCK a child's potential and Donate today. Help us reach our target amount so we can give 1,250 children FREE internet schooling for Four months.
Covid Relief: Food + Shelter for Unemployed Women
100 women in our microloan program are out of work due to isolation guidelines in Ethiopia, meaning resources for food and rent no longer exist. Many are the sole breadwinners for their households, as they support extended family members under one roof. These homes have little to no safety net and have immediately lost all resources for basic needs. Added to this are the health risks of living in close quarters at a time it is critical to social distance.
Funding Frontline COVID-19 Response in Kibera
Though the COVID-19 pandemic has affected nearly every person in the world in some way, those living in informal settlements like Kibera continue to experience challenges disproportionately. Carolina for Kibera (CFK) staff has been on the frontlines addressing the COVID-19 pandemic since the first confirmed case in Kenya in March 2020. From combatting misconceptions to improving contact tracing, our local staff has developed a coordinated and tailored response to the COVID-19 pandemic in Kibera.
Empowering Refugee Families in Jordan
When violence broke out in the Middle East, refugees began to flee their country, looking for a safe place. By January 2020, over 750,000 refugees found shelter in Jordan, with only the clothes on their back and what little money or possessions they were able to carry. Since then, the GHNI team built relationships with over 1000 families who expressed great interest in TCD. GHNI aims to help these families reform their community and become sustainable.
Products for Covid-19 Healthcare and Families
by Good360
Good360 is matching critical need product donations from companies to hospitals and nonprofits responding to the COVID-19 crisis. With our network of 90,000+ nonprofits and 400+ manufacturer/retailers, we are uniquely positioned to make a large impact.
Crack a Smile - Relief for Kids
The critical winter season in Pakistan starts from mid-December to mid-January every year. Populations below the poverty line; hit by cold and Covid-19 pandemic this winter will end up in critical situation. Children of daily wagers will be prone to food scarcity and winter chills. To cater reality of approaching winter and food insecurity, PMS will provide food ration packs and winter clothing for greater social well-being by sharing hope and solidarity with impoverished children.
Prevention n Relief-OMICRON VIRUS
The Corona virus took away thousand of lives all over the world. It spreads in such a way that we are unable to control it. We do not have medicines to cure. In India, there is a big threat of spreading fast as our country is thickly populated. we have to concentrate children and other high risk people we have to treat affected by Alternative medicine, which are in practice already. livelihood support to the daily wage workers families, who lost work and earning.
Act to prevent coronavirus' spread in East Africa
People across East Africa are on the front line of the coronavirus pandemic. Communities hampered by under-resourced healthcare systems, poor infrastructure and insecure livelihoods are struggling to prevent the spread of this disease and protect lives. Tens of thousands of people are faced with risks posed by a lack of access to health facilities combined with difficulty in securing adequate food, shelter and clean water. Health Poverty Action is working in these communities to safeguard lives.
CHI launches COVID-19 Relief Campaign
Children's Hope India has launched the COVID-19 Relief Campaign to benefit on-the-ground projects and respond to the most critical needs of vulnerable children and their families. Our dedicated and professional educational partners are supporting students through remote learning and providing essential wraparound services to ensure their wellbeing throughout the crisis. The COVID-19 Relief Campaign provides: cash grants meals remote learning hygiene supplies medical care

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About GlobalGiving’s Disaster Response

When a disaster strikes, recovery efforts led by people who live and work in affected communities are often overlooked and underfunded. GlobalGiving is changing this reality. Since 2004, we've been shifting decision-making power to crises-affected communities through trust-based grantmaking and support.

We make it easy, quick, and safe to support people on the ground who understand needs in their communities better than anyone else.

They were there long before the news cameras arrived, and they’ll be there long after the cameras leave. They know how to make their communities more resilient to future disasters, and they’re already hard at work. GlobalGiving puts donations and grants directly into their hands. Because the status quo—which gives the vast majority of funding to a few large organizations—doesn’t make sense.

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