Coronavirus Emergency Food Distribution

by Springs of Hope Foundation
Coronavirus Emergency Food Distribution
Coronavirus Emergency Food Distribution
Coronavirus Emergency Food Distribution
Coronavirus Emergency Food Distribution
Coronavirus Emergency Food Distribution
Coronavirus Emergency Food Distribution
Coronavirus Emergency Food Distribution
Coronavirus Emergency Food Distribution
Coronavirus Emergency Food Distribution
Coronavirus Emergency Food Distribution
Coronavirus Emergency Food Distribution
Coronavirus Emergency Food Distribution
Coronavirus Emergency Food Distribution
Coronavirus Emergency Food Distribution
Coronavirus Emergency Food Distribution
Coronavirus Emergency Food Distribution
Coronavirus Emergency Food Distribution
Coronavirus Emergency Food Distribution
Coronavirus Emergency Food Distribution
Coronavirus Emergency Food Distribution
Coronavirus Emergency Food Distribution
Coronavirus Emergency Food Distribution
Coronavirus Emergency Food Distribution
Coronavirus Emergency Food Distribution


When COVID19 arrived in Kenya, Springs of Hope Foundation shifted its focus from a free vocational training school for vulnerable young women to making facemasks to be given to the most vulnerable in our community. It quickly became apparent that catastrophic food shortages & mass starvation were greater devastations than the virus itself. Since March we have been focusing on a free food hamper & facemask distribution program to the elderly, people with disabilities & child-headed households.

total goal
monthly donors


In Kenya, there is no government assistance for the elderly, people with disabilities, child-headed households. They rely on the kindness of their neighbors or adult children for food and daily survival. When the virus hit Kenya the government acted swiftly, avoiding what could have quickly become a humanitarian catastrophe. Small businesses, hotels, restaurants, schools were immediately closed. Tourism, the major income, came to an immediate halt. Non-Kenyans were not allowed across borders.


SOHF distributes food hampers & facemasks to the most vulnerable in Nakuru County. We reach out to the difficult to get to villages, where our recipients often tell of not eating for several days. Our team also talks to our recipient about the virus & what symptoms to look for making sure they understand the importance of hygiene and social distancing. This will ensure basic survival and prevent a much larger humanitarian catastrophe until Kenya comes out of lockdown & people can return to work

Long-Term Impact

The project ensures the survival of thousands of vulnerable people. Those who were already existing at the very bottom of the economic ladder. Until Kenya allows us to once again function as a vocational training school for women, we have been allowed to keep our students living with us in a safe environment, while making thousands of face-masks. This activity will ensure the protection of tens of thousands of families while also alleviating hunger & potentially many death in the elderly & sick.


Organization Information

Springs of Hope Foundation

Location: Big Bay, MI - USA
Facebook: Facebook Page
Twitter: @Kijiji Mission
Project Leader:
Jennifer Hughes
Big Bay , MI United States
$17,975 raised of $50,000 goal
157 donations
$32,025 to go
Donate Now

Pay Bill: 891300
Account: GG48011

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