Educate Quarantined Children!

by Teach for Afghanistan Organization
Educate Quarantined Children!
Educate Quarantined Children!
Educate Quarantined Children!
Educate Quarantined Children!


COVID-19 pandemic has severely affected the educational systems in Afghanistan, leading to a total of 11 million children out of school. The government has announced online teaching through TV and radio, but unfortunately most of the children do not have access to smart phones, Radio or TVs to watch and learn through. Teach for Afghanistan Organization (TAO) has prepared easy to understand curriculums to pass to all children at their homes, so, no child is left without learning.

total goal
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Covid-19 pandemic has left more than 11 million Afghan children out-of-school. Since the country's majority of people do not have access to internet or Television, therefore, the online or teaching through TV by the government does not reach the majority of the students. With the continuous lockdown, the children in Afghanistan have no other option other than receiving education through innovative approaches without smart phones or TVs.


Teach for Afghanistan Organization's trained fellows prepare and provide easy to understand curriculums . They go door to door, share the curriculums and follow up regularly by phone to answer questions and check the students' homework. TAO's fellows also provide CDs of all online classes and deliver to the most needy schools in 10 districts of the two provinces (Nangarhar and Parwan). The daily teaching through mobile phone covers about 10,000 students among whom 85% are girls.

Long-Term Impact

Since Ministry of education did not cancel the annual or mid-term examinations, therefore our approach will help the students learn and get good marks to pass the examinations. The school closure during this lockdown may push the poor families to take their children for labor work, however, TAO's approach will keep the children busy with studies. Its fellowship program is for two years, after which the fellows become Alumni; they will serve the schools, no matter what positions they occupy.

Additional Documentation

This project has provided additional documentation in a DOCX file (projdoc.docx).


Organization Information

Teach for Afghanistan Organization

Location: Kabul - Afghanistan
Project Leader:
Rahmatullah Arman
Kabul , Kabul Afghanistan
$6,757 raised of $10,000 goal
55 donations
$3,243 to go
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