Create 4,000 UK Young Leaders from Deprived Areas

by PeaceJam UK
Create 4,000 UK Young Leaders from Deprived Areas
Create 4,000 UK Young Leaders from Deprived Areas
Create 4,000 UK Young Leaders from Deprived Areas
Create 4,000 UK Young Leaders from Deprived Areas
Create 4,000 UK Young Leaders from Deprived Areas
Create 4,000 UK Young Leaders from Deprived Areas
Create 4,000 UK Young Leaders from Deprived Areas
Create 4,000 UK Young Leaders from Deprived Areas
Create 4,000 UK Young Leaders from Deprived Areas
Create 4,000 UK Young Leaders from Deprived Areas
Create 4,000 UK Young Leaders from Deprived Areas
Create 4,000 UK Young Leaders from Deprived Areas
Create 4,000 UK Young Leaders from Deprived Areas
Create 4,000 UK Young Leaders from Deprived Areas
Create 4,000 UK Young Leaders from Deprived Areas
Create 4,000 UK Young Leaders from Deprived Areas


This project will provide life changing opportunities for 4,000 young people experiencing high levels of disadvantage across the UK, including at risk youth and refugees. Our transformational programme is underpinned by service learning, and develops the leadership skills in young people, by providing them with the opportunity to learn from, and meet one of our 14 inspirational Nobel Peace Prize winners.

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We work with schools and community groups in areas affected by social and economic deprivation, where the local community experiences multicultural integration challenges, and high levels of unemployment and antisocial behaviour. This subsequently fuels divisions and disenfranchises vulnerable young people that are susceptible to continuing this cycle of disadvantage. This project will enable more than 4,000 young people across the UK to take part in this transformational programme.


PeaceJam UK mentors young people through the examples of, and direct contact with 14 Nobel Peace Prize winners, who have achieved the advancement of peace in adverse and often violent conditions. Through our transformational events, curricular and facilitated youth led social change projects, young people develop key skills in: critical thinking, intercultural competency, emotional literacy, self-expression, self-esteem, resilience and the ability to problem solve without resorting to violence.

Long-Term Impact

The project will create over 4,000 young leaders committed to creating positive change in themselves, their community and in the world. Evaluations have shown that young people who participate in PeaceJam programmes show a measurable improvement in academic skills and knowledge. Incidents of violence have decreased in schools and community-based organisations where PeaceJam programmes have been implemented.


Organization Information

PeaceJam UK

Location: Salisbury - United Kingdom
Facebook: Facebook Page
Twitter: @PeaceJamUK
Project Leader:
Caroline Millman
Salisbury , United Kingdom
$10,695 raised of $13,000 goal
202 donations
$2,305 to go
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