Goats and Donkeys Transform Lives in Darfur

by Kids for Kids
Goats and Donkeys Transform Lives in Darfur
Goats and Donkeys Transform Lives in Darfur
Goats and Donkeys Transform Lives in Darfur
Goats and Donkeys Transform Lives in Darfur
Goats and Donkeys Transform Lives in Darfur
Goats and Donkeys Transform Lives in Darfur
Goats and Donkeys Transform Lives in Darfur
Goats and Donkeys Transform Lives in Darfur
Goats and Donkeys Transform Lives in Darfur
Goats and Donkeys Transform Lives in Darfur
Goats and Donkeys Transform Lives in Darfur
Goats and Donkeys Transform Lives in Darfur
Goats and Donkeys Transform Lives in Darfur
Goats and Donkeys Transform Lives in Darfur
Goats and Donkeys Transform Lives in Darfur
Goats and Donkeys Transform Lives in Darfur
Goats and Donkeys Transform Lives in Darfur
Goats and Donkeys Transform Lives in Darfur
Goats and Donkeys Transform Lives in Darfur
Goats and Donkeys Transform Lives in Darfur

Project Report | Sep 17, 2012
Update on Goats and Donkeys transform lives

By Mary Clark | Project Advisor

The remaining 15 poor households selected by the community in Mugabil to receive goat loans have now received their goats. So in total 195 female goats and 13 male goats have been distributed to 39 households in Mugabil. Immediately these goats provide milk which provides much needed nutrition and vital minerals to aid the growth and development of the children of these families who are generally malnourished. In time the female goats will have kids increasing the size of the household's flock. At this juncture the goats become a 'bank' for the families as they now have kids which they can sell to meet any emergencies affecting the family. This gives enormous peace of mind to the women knowing that they now have the means to buy medicines if their children become sick - previously families often could not afford to seek treatment for their children and some children died as a result. So the provision of a few goats to a poor family can genuinely save lives.

All 39 families have now also received their donkeys which has transformed their lives. The donkeys make such a difference as they enable the women and children to undertake their household tasks of collecting water, fodder and fuelwood so much more quickly. As well as saving time when women and children have to go long distances to collect water and fodder the donkey can carry so much more than a human being - a donkey can carry 4 jerry cans of water whilst a person can only carry one. So the family does not have to go so frequently to collect the water requirements for the household. The donkey also means that the women can collect greater quantities of fodder and fuelwood, more than the needs of the family generating a surplus which the women can sell in the market providing much needed income for the family. Now that the children can collect the water so much more quickly, taking perhaps less than an hour rather than 4-5 hours when walking, the children now have time to go to school and this provides them with the chance of a better future.

The goats and the donkeys have the potential to put the families on the pathway out of poverty.  However, some families are not managing to increase their flocks of goats as well as expected and are experiencing a higher rate of abortions than is normal. Our Programme Manager who is a vet is carrying out investigations to hopefully determine the cause. It is possible that despite the training in animal husbandry given to all the recipients of goat loans the women are still lacking in skills and experience to manage their goats effectively. If this proves to be the case we will follow up with further training courses for these women.

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