Project Report
| Nov 21, 2013
Thank You for Your Support
By Kirsty | Project Leader
Thank you for supporting our projects in their steps toward sustainability.
Through your efforts we were able to help Kandara Children’s Home and Nyamwanga Primary School with a variety of incoming generating activities (IGAs).
Sustainability remains a key focus for Vision Africa and all of our partner projects. We have decided to deactivate this project while we go through a review of all the IGAs that our partner projects are currently operating. We want each project to find the most efficient and profitable way to run their IGAs and streamline them by encouraging the sharing of knowledge and equipment.
You can continue to follow our work on Facebook or Twitter or check out some of our other projects on GlobalGiving such as Seed of Hope and the St Andrews Baby Unit.
Thank you once again for being part of our team.
Jul 22, 2013
Beans and Cakes
By Kirsty | Project Leader
Students with Beans at Nyamwanga
We received some fantastic news from Nyamwanga Primary School recently. Working with the students, they managed to harvest 80kg of beans that had been planted in their shamba (farm) which was started thanks to GlobalGiving donations. This is an amazing 20kg more than their last harvest of beans earlier this year. We are now eagerly waiting to hear how their crop of maize has done.
Another business kick-started by GlobalGiving donations was the bakery at Kandara Children's Home. This is already breaking even and making a small amount of profit. On a daily basis, an average of 400 cakes are being baked and then sold in the local community. Many of the small shops (kiosks known as dukas) are happy to buy the cakes from Kandara Children's Home and then sell them on to their customers. The next stage of developing the business is to find a way of transporting the products a little further afield to areas which don't currently receive deliveries of fresh cakes. This will help expand the market and hopefully increase the profits. An added benefit of this business is that the children at Kandara Children's Home are sometimes treated to cakes when someone choses to buy them to celebrate an occasion such as a birthday!
Our thanks go to everyone who has supported our small businesses through GlobalGiving. Your donations have made a real difference and it is great to see the projects working towards self-sustainability.
Birthday Cakes
May 2, 2013
Update on the Pigs
By Kirsty | Project Leader
The GlobalGiving Sow
Last year, we were able to buy a pregnant sow to help Kandara Children's Home on the path to sustainability. The sow gave birth in November and the piglets have grown well. Plans are now underway to sell some of the piglets to raise income for the project.
News of the pig farming has spread to the local community. One man had a pig which he couldn't afford to feed so he decided to donate it to the home. Although it was quite malnourished, it is now becoming much healthier under the care of the groundsman and children at the home. With two sows now in place, it is hoped that the project can grow and produce regular income for the home.
All of this was possible thanks to a donation on GlobalGiving!
Thank you for your support.
The piglets