By Carol Davis | President
On February 6, 2023 a new school year began. In Agwata, Uganda. This means that over 500 students, ranging from three year old nursery students all they way up through 6th graders, returned to school. You might not know that Agwata is in a very rural remote area of northern Uganda about 45 kilometers from the Sudan border.
And before 2013, the nearest health facility for Agwata village and its school was over 17 kilometers away. That's a long way to walk on foot especially if it's a muddy and rainy day. Parents used to miss a lot of time from farming in the fields, and students used to miss a lot of school either because it took a whole day's traveling on foot to reach that far away clinic. Or maybe they just stayed at home sick for a long time because it was too far away.
And sometimes, more often than we might think, it might mean someone died because they did not reach that far away facility in time. Life is especially fragile for children under the age of 5 who might be suffering from malaria, or maybe something much more simple and treatable like diarrhea IF there is a clinic close enough.
That's why the women's group in Agwata asked Outreach Uganda to help the community start its own clinic right in the village in 2013. And that's why we agreed, seeing that this clinic could save many lives, and especially could help keep students healthy at the Agwata school which is just across the road from the Agwata clinic.
Besides students at the school, the clinic serves over 5000 people in five nearby villages. Outreach Uganda provides contributions that the community uses to fund the two nurses' salaries, and in addition, we contribute twice per year for the semi-annual restocking of clinic medicines. Often, this results in our clinic having medicines when other health facilities have run out of medicines.
But the important thing we wanted to share with you is this: without your help through this project, we would be unable to help this clinic at all. This particular GlobalGiving project provides much of the funding that allows us to help the community with the clinic.
A very big improvement in over 5000 people's lives because of YOUR caring and YOUR donating! Thank you.
As always, we would be extremely grateful if you shared this project report and this opportunity to make a difference with your friends, family and co-workers.
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