Educate a Girl, Educate a Nation - Sierra Leone

by Develop Africa, Inc.
Educate a Girl, Educate a Nation - Sierra Leone
Educate a Girl, Educate a Nation - Sierra Leone
Educate a Girl, Educate a Nation - Sierra Leone
Educate a Girl, Educate a Nation - Sierra Leone
Educate a Girl, Educate a Nation - Sierra Leone
Educate a Girl, Educate a Nation - Sierra Leone
Educate a Girl, Educate a Nation - Sierra Leone
Educate a Girl, Educate a Nation - Sierra Leone
Educate a Girl, Educate a Nation - Sierra Leone
Educate a Girl, Educate a Nation - Sierra Leone
Educate a Girl, Educate a Nation - Sierra Leone
Educate a Girl, Educate a Nation - Sierra Leone
Educate a Girl, Educate a Nation - Sierra Leone
Educate a Girl, Educate a Nation - Sierra Leone
Educate a Girl, Educate a Nation - Sierra Leone
Educate a Girl, Educate a Nation - Sierra Leone
Educate a Girl, Educate a Nation - Sierra Leone
Educate a Girl, Educate a Nation - Sierra Leone
Educate a Girl, Educate a Nation - Sierra Leone
Educate a Girl, Educate a Nation - Sierra Leone
Educate a Girl, Educate a Nation - Sierra Leone
Educate a Girl, Educate a Nation - Sierra Leone
Educate a Girl, Educate a Nation - Sierra Leone
Educate a Girl, Educate a Nation - Sierra Leone
Educate a Girl, Educate a Nation - Sierra Leone
Educate a Girl, Educate a Nation - Sierra Leone
Educate a Girl, Educate a Nation - Sierra Leone
Educate a Girl, Educate a Nation - Sierra Leone
Educate a Girl, Educate a Nation - Sierra Leone
Educate a Girl, Educate a Nation - Sierra Leone
Educate a Girl, Educate a Nation - Sierra Leone
Educate a Girl, Educate a Nation - Sierra Leone


This project focuses on girls' education in Sierra Leone, which is essential for building a more equitable and prosperous society. Providing girls access to quality education, including tuition support, computer training, mentoring, and STEM programs, helps girls overcome obstacles and become self-sufficient leaders. Investing in girls' education empowers them and benefits the entire community by promoting gender equality, reducing poverty, and fostering economic development.

total goal
monthly donors


Girls' education faces significant challenges in Sierra Leone due to a combination of socioeconomic, cultural, and systemic factors. Some key reasons include poverty, cultural norms, and early marriage and pregnancy. In impoverished households, priority is often given to boys' education over girls. Addressing these challenges requires comprehensive efforts, including improving access to resources, challenging harmful cultural norms, and promoting gender equality in education.


Education is essential for girls' success. This project provides a comprehensive approach to empowering girls and closing the education gender gap. We ensure that girls have access to education through various means of support, such as school supplies, fees, uniforms, food, transportation, tutoring, and solar lights. Mentoring sessions equip girls with essential life skills and a mindset for success; computer training, vocational, and business opportunities promote self-sufficiency.

Long-Term Impact

The long-term impact of this project is the transformation of at-risk girls into educated, self-sufficient, and empowered women. Educated girls are more likely to get good jobs, support themselves and their families, and participate fully in society. Educated girls are more likely to raise healthy and informed children, which contributes to the country's development. Educated girls are also more likely to participate in civic activities and to make decisions that benefit their communities.


Organization Information

Develop Africa, Inc.

Location: Johnson City, Tennessee - USA
Facebook: Facebook Page
Twitter: @developafrica
Project Leader:
Amy Baty-Herbert
Johnson City , Tennessee United States
$388,595 raised of $495,000 goal
6,500 donations
$106,405 to go
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