Educate Deaf Children in Mexico

by Escuela de Educacion Especial de San Miguel de Allende AC
Educate Deaf Children in Mexico
Educate Deaf Children in Mexico
Educate Deaf Children in Mexico
Educate Deaf Children in Mexico
Educate Deaf Children in Mexico
Educate Deaf Children in Mexico
Educate Deaf Children in Mexico
Educate Deaf Children in Mexico
Educate Deaf Children in Mexico
Educate Deaf Children in Mexico
Educate Deaf Children in Mexico
Educate Deaf Children in Mexico
Educate Deaf Children in Mexico
Educate Deaf Children in Mexico
Educate Deaf Children in Mexico
Educate Deaf Children in Mexico
Educate Deaf Children in Mexico
Educate Deaf Children in Mexico
Educate Deaf Children in Mexico
Educate Deaf Children in Mexico


This school for special education will provide free quality education to deaf children from poor families in San Miguel de Allende and surrounding rural areas. Deaf children are marginalized and isolated in the public school system where no one is able to communicate with them through sign language and they have no chance of learning to read and write.

total raised
monthly donors


In Mexico 7 out of every 10 deaf children fail in primary school and do not go on to secondary level education. These children are not being taught and in most cases are basically illiterate. The public school system does not have teaching staff trained to work with deaf students therefore the system fails them. Most deaf people in Mexico are not educated sufficiently to be employable. This project will help educate and positively affect deaf children and youth in the State of Guanajuato


The school will greatly improve the quality of life of deaf children by providing a caring environment, quality education, daily meals, school supplies, educational tools, and speech therapy and counseling for children with additional needs and challenges. Rural families will be assisted with transportation costs enabling their children to attend school daily. In addition the school will support older students by providing vocational training and job opportunities.

Long-Term Impact

This project will educate 8 deaf children allowing them to become literate, independent, and productive citizens. Once educated these children will have been given the opportunity to break the cycle of poverty they were born into, positively impacting their families and the community as a whole. Supporting this school will ensure its growth, allowing outreach and transportation to many deaf children and youth living in surrounding rural communities, thus becoming a model school for the State.

Additional Documentation

This project has provided additional documentation in a PDF file (projdoc.pdf).


Organization Information

Escuela de Educacion Especial de San Miguel de Allende AC

Location: San Miguel de Allende, Guanajuato - Mexico
Facebook: Facebook Page
Project Leader:
Sharon Doherty
San Miguel de Allende , Guanajuato Mexico

Funded Project!

Combined with other sources of funding, this project raised enough money to fund the outlined activities and is no longer accepting donations.

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