Educate Deaf Children in Mexico

by Escuela de Educacion Especial de San Miguel de Allende AC
Educate Deaf Children in Mexico
Educate Deaf Children in Mexico
Educate Deaf Children in Mexico
Educate Deaf Children in Mexico
Educate Deaf Children in Mexico
Educate Deaf Children in Mexico
Educate Deaf Children in Mexico
Educate Deaf Children in Mexico
Educate Deaf Children in Mexico
Educate Deaf Children in Mexico
Educate Deaf Children in Mexico
Educate Deaf Children in Mexico
Educate Deaf Children in Mexico
Educate Deaf Children in Mexico
Educate Deaf Children in Mexico
Educate Deaf Children in Mexico
Educate Deaf Children in Mexico
Educate Deaf Children in Mexico
Educate Deaf Children in Mexico
Educate Deaf Children in Mexico

Project Report | Sep 15, 2014
We Are Now Participating Partners With GG!

By Sharon Doherty | Project Leader

Miguel, Maria and Dylan enjoying outside playtime
Miguel, Maria and Dylan enjoying outside playtime

At the half-way mark of the September Open Challenge we are happy to announce that we have reached our initial goal of $5,000 and 40 unique donors! As a matter of fact, we have surpassed it! We are proud to let you know that Escuela de Educación Especial de San Miguel de Allende has met all of the conditions necessary to become a full fledged participating partner of Global Giving, allowing us to continue to raise awareness and funds on the Global Giving site in the months to come. We are very grateful to you for helping to make this accomplishment possible. We are still working hard to win a bonus prize and think we have a good shot at winning at least one before the end of the month. And of course, we still have a ways to go to reach our full project goal which is to fund scholarships for all of our students; we have momentum and are well on our way.

The most exciting aspect of all this is knowing that some of the much needed funds raised through Global Giving will help us immensely in reaching out to more deaf children and their families who live in surrounding rural communities of San Miguel. Most of these families live in low income circumstances and many find it impossible to come up with the money neccesary to pay for bus transportation to bring their children to the school on a regular basis. Such was the case with some new students who joined us when the fall term began on August 18th. They are three new preschoolers, Miguel, aged 5, Maria, also aged 5 and Angel aged 2. This is the first time these three children have been given the opportunity to learn Mexican Sign Language, interact with others outside their home environment and best of all begin receiving a curriculum based education. Your donation will now give Miguel, Maria and Angel, amongst others, the ability to attend school on a daily basis, something that until now has been beyond their family's means.

We count our blessings for the support we have received so far and hope that others like you will join in to help us build a future for these very special children. We will continue to provide updates and reports on a regular basis on both the progress of the project and the continued development of the San Miguel School for Special Education serving deaf children, youth and young adults who have a thirst for knowledge and a huge desire to become independent, contributing members of their community.

Angel and Dylan with teacher, Carla
Angel and Dylan with teacher, Carla
Maria enjoying her school lunch
Maria enjoying her school lunch


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Organization Information

Escuela de Educacion Especial de San Miguel de Allende AC

Location: San Miguel de Allende, Guanajuato - Mexico
Facebook: Facebook Page
Project Leader:
Sharon Doherty
San Miguel de Allende , Guanajuato Mexico

Funded Project!

Combined with other sources of funding, this project raised enough money to fund the outlined activities and is no longer accepting donations.

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