Educate Deaf Children in Mexico

by Escuela de Educacion Especial de San Miguel de Allende AC
Educate Deaf Children in Mexico
Educate Deaf Children in Mexico
Educate Deaf Children in Mexico
Educate Deaf Children in Mexico
Educate Deaf Children in Mexico
Educate Deaf Children in Mexico
Educate Deaf Children in Mexico
Educate Deaf Children in Mexico
Educate Deaf Children in Mexico
Educate Deaf Children in Mexico
Educate Deaf Children in Mexico
Educate Deaf Children in Mexico
Educate Deaf Children in Mexico
Educate Deaf Children in Mexico
Educate Deaf Children in Mexico
Educate Deaf Children in Mexico
Educate Deaf Children in Mexico
Educate Deaf Children in Mexico
Educate Deaf Children in Mexico
Educate Deaf Children in Mexico

Project Report | Oct 28, 2015
The Deaf Teach Each Other

By Sharon Doherty | Project Leader

Elena Instructs Fellow Student
Elena Instructs Fellow Student

Two short years ago, Elena, a young woman of 27 years, was curious about the school for special education, Escuela de Educación Especial in Spanish, which had recently opened its doors in her community. She learned about the school from friends taking classes there. Because, like her friends, Elena is deaf she explained to us in Mexican Sign Language “I was unsure how I would fit in. I was afraid that my sign language would not be good enough”. Overcoming her fear, Elena got up the courage to ask if she might be considered for a part-time cleaning job at the school. The school’s staff were more than pleased to give Elena the opportunity and she certainly didn’t let them down. She proved herself to be conscientious and dependable and her sign language skills were indeed good enough, in fact, more than good enough to communicate with others. This opportunity gave Elena, for the first time in her life, the chance to earn a little money of her own to contribute to her family.

A few months later, Elena enrolled in adult education classes at EEE with the aim of obtaining her primary school equivalency certificate, a dream she had thought would never materialize. For the first time she was attending literacy classes specifically designed for the deaf and, we are happy to report, is making good progress. Elena’s self-confidence and happiness is in stark contrast to what it was when she first knocked on the school’s door. It is obvious to all those who see her smiling face every day that she has found a place where she can come to feel valued, appreciated and be in the company of others who understand her. The school is a special place made up of some very special people, who apart from teaching academics, encourage all who are deaf or hard of hearing to join together in a culture and community that is uniquely their own.

Recently EEE began offering vocational training classes to the older students to teach skills with the view of giving these eager and ambitious young people a better chance of acquiring future employment. It was a surprise to everyone when Elena demonstrated an amazing talent for sewing! She had been taught to use an electric sewing machine as a young girl by volunteers from the United States but had never put the skill to good use. In fact, Elena is such a talented sewer that the school has offered her the paid position as a sewing instructor to the other students. What could be better than one deaf young woman teaching her special talent to other deaf young women?

Elena has experienced many “firsts” since coming to school and in the process has found her calling while living her dream of attending school and improving her sign language skills. Elena comments “I love coming to school every day”.
Thank you for your generosity in supporting EEE and making these important “firsts” happen for Elena and her fellow students. We would be happy to hear your comments and suggestions. Please email us at


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Organization Information

Escuela de Educacion Especial de San Miguel de Allende AC

Location: San Miguel de Allende, Guanajuato - Mexico
Facebook: Facebook Page
Project Leader:
Sharon Doherty
San Miguel de Allende , Guanajuato Mexico

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