Providing Inclusive Education in Tanzania

by Amani Foundation
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Providing Inclusive Education in Tanzania
Providing Inclusive Education in Tanzania
Providing Inclusive Education in Tanzania
Providing Inclusive Education in Tanzania
Providing Inclusive Education in Tanzania
Providing Inclusive Education in Tanzania
Providing Inclusive Education in Tanzania
Providing Inclusive Education in Tanzania
Providing Inclusive Education in Tanzania
Providing Inclusive Education in Tanzania
Providing Inclusive Education in Tanzania
Providing Inclusive Education in Tanzania
Providing Inclusive Education in Tanzania
Providing Inclusive Education in Tanzania
Providing Inclusive Education in Tanzania
Providing Inclusive Education in Tanzania
Providing Inclusive Education in Tanzania
Providing Inclusive Education in Tanzania
Providing Inclusive Education in Tanzania
Providing Inclusive Education in Tanzania
Providing Inclusive Education in Tanzania
Providing Inclusive Education in Tanzania
Providing Inclusive Education in Tanzania

Project Report | Oct 23, 2020
The Collateral of COVID

By Katharine Thompson | Executive Director


The ongoing global pandemic has posed unprecedented challenges to Amani, and the consequences are piling up. Every year, Amani welcomes dozens of volunteers, donors, and educators from around the world to our campus in Tanzania. These visits mean repainted walls, new buildings, improved infrastructure. They have meant donations of textbooks and children's books. They have meant new sponsorships for children, as people come to be a part of our international community through connecting with our students in person. 

Amani has seen its 2020 projected income drop by half. This precipitous decrease in donations raises deep concerns for how to cover this gap in tuition costs, but also how to provide for staff salaries, utilities, and food. Amani hasn't seen its basic needs so endangered in the entire time the center has existed. Specifically, the educations of thirty-one out of fifty students have been thrown into jeopardy as sponsoring charities withdraw financial support. 

One such student is Britta, who just turned ten this year. A spunky girl with a gift for math, Britta dreams of being a pilot. She wants to master aeronautics and take on a field still largely dominated by men in Tanzania. She wants to be able to see not only all of her country but to travel across the world. She has big dreams for a small girl. And she needs to be able to continue her schooling. 

Schools are in session in person in Tanzania. New protocols have been adopted at the center to protect staff and children to exposure to COVID-19. The center's doors remain open; our mission and work will continue no matter how challenging the circumstances become. This autumn, we are seeking new sponsors to help cover the school tuition of the children whose sponsors have withdrawn due to personal financial duress. Amani also continues to assess alternative income options, with the goal of becoming fiscally independent and stable through the installation of renewable energy. Our hope is that eventually, Amani can become sustainable financially and environmentally. This is the future we envision on the other side of COVID-19. 

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Organization Information

Amani Foundation

Location: New York, NY - USA
Facebook: Facebook Page
Project Leader:
Gideon Mawenya
Brooklyn , New York United States
$29,850 raised of $75,000 goal
139 donations
$45,150 to go
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