Education for Palestinian and Syrian IDPs in Syria

by Jafra Foundation for Relief and Youth Development
Education for Palestinian and Syrian IDPs in Syria
Education for Palestinian and Syrian IDPs in Syria
Education for Palestinian and Syrian IDPs in Syria
Education for Palestinian and Syrian IDPs in Syria
Education for Palestinian and Syrian IDPs in Syria
Education for Palestinian and Syrian IDPs in Syria

Project Report | Sep 30, 2023
A New School Year

By Haneen Khaled | Program Coordinator

Remedial Activity in Jafra Qudsaya School
Remedial Activity in Jafra Qudsaya School

After a summer of recreational activities, catch-up & remedial courses, Jafra educational program for the year 2023-2024 is opening its doors. As for the last school year, more than 1000 students will be welcomed throughout this new academic year and Jafra will need financial help to keep offering high quality schooling to all the registered students.

The year 2022-2023 can be described as a successful one; more than 90% of the Jafra students succeeded in Brevet and Baccalaureate official exams. To ensure such a good result, Jafra invited all students to attend preparatory sessions and trial tests before each official exam.

At Jafra schools, we are committed about having qualified instructors as well as an adequate amount of materials and stationary, allowing for lessons to be taught without the worry of running out of anything. Your kind contributions will assist in covering the costs associated with this. Pupils and students are grateful to be able staying in schools and prepare a better future for themselves and their communities in the place they live. 

Trial Exam Session at Homs Jafra School
Trial Exam Session at Homs Jafra School
Kits Distribution to All Students
Kits Distribution to All Students
A Class in Jafra South Damascus
A Class in Jafra South Damascus
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Organization Information

Jafra Foundation for Relief and Youth Development

Location: Beirut - Lebanon
Facebook: Facebook Page
Project Leader:
Haneen Khaled
Beirut , Lebanon

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