Empower In Need University Scholars - Los Cabos

by Charity Development of Los Cabos
Empower In Need University Scholars - Los Cabos
Empower In Need University Scholars - Los Cabos
Empower In Need University Scholars - Los Cabos
Empower In Need University Scholars - Los Cabos
Empower In Need University Scholars - Los Cabos
Empower In Need University Scholars - Los Cabos
Empower In Need University Scholars - Los Cabos
Empower In Need University Scholars - Los Cabos
Empower In Need University Scholars - Los Cabos
Empower In Need University Scholars - Los Cabos
Empower In Need University Scholars - Los Cabos
Empower In Need University Scholars - Los Cabos
Empower In Need University Scholars - Los Cabos
Empower In Need University Scholars - Los Cabos
Empower In Need University Scholars - Los Cabos
Empower In Need University Scholars - Los Cabos


With your help we will provide University education for one year to fifteen high-achieving students coming from some of the lowest income communities in Los Cabos. The youth awarded the scholarships will recieve funding for 100% of their tuition, school books, English classes, Life Skills seminars and receive individualized support and mentoring. This wholistic approach empowers students to improve their economic circumstances, quality of life and to realize their dreams.

total goal
monthly donors


Every year hundreds of excelling, low income high school graduates have to make a decision: reach for their dreams or support their families. In almost every case these students are first generation high school graduates whose parents did not complete elementary school. The city's main source of employment is hospitality. Without financial assistance these bright students, without a degree or the ability to speak English will remain disadvantaged prospects contributing to cycles of poverty.


Imagine a world where all youth have access to quality education and the skills needed to succeed. Through this project you have the opportunity to impact a young student's life forever providing him/her with access to University education, books, Life Skills seminars, English classes and individualized support. This will allow these students to improve their economic circumstances, quality of life and to realize their dreams.

Long-Term Impact

Since our inception in 2006, 193 bright, financially challenged students have benefited from University scholarships. The majority, were members of low income families struggling to make ends meet. They are now first generation University graduates active in their communities. Our goal is to continue to empower and educate additional students, equipping them to go back to improve their communities of origin. Many of our graduates are now employeed with local charities, schools and businesses.


Organization Information

Charity Development of Los Cabos

Location: Missouri City, TX - USA
Facebook: Facebook Page
Project Leader:
Vanessa Figueroa
Stafford , TX United States
$12,045 raised of $18,800 goal
69 donations
$6,755 to go
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