Doman International helps children with special needs reach their full potential. By teaching parents about child development, Doman International empowers families to help their children. In the past, this team has only taught live conferences to families. Giving to this project will help take this life-changing information and put it online, so it can be accessed by all parents worldwide. This project will help parents help their own children - and help children get better.
Parents of children with special needs are often offered little hope by professionals for their children. Parents have more time, and love, than anyone else to help their children progress and develop. Doman International empowers families of children with special needs with knowledge and tools to help them help their own children. When surrounded by a family who knows what to do, these children can improve much faster and make incredible progress.
In the past, the knowledge of Doman International staff was only taught in live conferences. This project will enable parents, in their living rooms, to gain the life-changing information that they would have had to travel hundreds or thousands of miles in the past to gain. Parents will now be able to learn from the comfort of their own homes, and implement new treatments much earlier for their kids. This could make a lifetime of difference for these children.
This project will revolutionize how parents of children with special needs learn by giving them the tools and knowledge to be the best therapists for their children. By placing these conferences online, many thousands of parents will gain knowledge that they never would have earned otherwise.
This project has provided additional documentation in a PDF file (projdoc.pdf).