Project Report
| Sep 10, 2019
Selection and training of the guardians
In June 2019 the selection and training of the guardians was completed. The training was facilitated by the local staff who simplified it to the understanding of the guardians.
They were trained on how to handle business, Product and customers and below are some of what they were trained at:-
- Understanding the customer
- How to successful market and sell products
- The components of marketing
- The dos and don’ts of selling
- Various methods of advertising
- How to deal with difficult customer
- How to use the Petal product (sanitary towels)
- Pricing
- Keeping records
- How to use solar lamps and how to charge phones
Production of petals reusable towels
On the successful training on how to make the reusable sanitary towels, the staffs were able to make them and was distributed to the guardians who commenced sales.
Below is the summary of the sanitary towels made, sold and people marketed to from June 2019 to date
Month Reusable towels made Reusable towels sold Revenue generated(KES) people marketed
June 401 195 8840 120
July 0 57 2650 79
August 312 303 16130 58
Total 713 555 27620 257
Set up of the Right Light Businesses
In August 2019 the pilot for solar system was set up (Right Light) in two of our guardian’s homes. These homes were the most successful microenterprise according to feasibility study carried and also children will be soon reintegrated. The system will enable the two guardians start micro enterprises where they will be hiring solar lamps and charging phones. There will be an update on this in our next report.
Herewith are some of the installation pictures and training in the homes
- The customers of the business resides in scattered areas and makes the sales and marketing go slow since it takes a distance to reach a customer also when returning the lamps and phones for charging the customers walk a long distance.
- Most of women and girls still not feeling comfortable to dry the reusable towels due to stigma
- Lack of water in the communities, therefore making the sales quite difficult since there will be no water for washing the reusable towel after use.
- Cultural believes among the Maasai’s such as women are not supposed to teach men. This makes marketing quite hard because the women can’t market to men.
- Language barrier when it comes to education since most of them only understand Masaai and this hinders communication in one way or the other.
How to resolve the challenges
- The guardians to identify at least one person in each area who they can work with so they can help in selling the sanitary towels and renting out the lamps then the money can be collected at the end of month for those who can access mobile money can send through. This will solve the problem of long distance customers.
- Women and girls need to be educated more to reduce menstruation stigma. There is need to boost education over and over so they can understand that the process is normal and any other woman and girl undergoes the same.
- The challenge of lack of water can be resolved by teaching them on how to keep aside some water every month. If 60 litres of water can be kept aside in a year it will be enough in a month they can be using 5 litres . They can get water from the rain that rains once in a while in the region.
- On cultural believes the village elders and chief’s need to be engaged first before approaching individuals. When they are enlightened then they will talk to people on behalf. Also request if the marketers can join their meetings and Barazas to educate people if this is done in their presence then people will listen since they are respected people in the community.
- Where the customers don’t understand the language there is need to get a translator who can translate the language to help them understand.