Feed and educate children in El Alto, Bolivia

by Help Bolivia Foundation
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Feed and educate children in El Alto, Bolivia
Feed and educate children in El Alto, Bolivia
Feed and educate children in El Alto, Bolivia
Feed and educate children in El Alto, Bolivia
Feed and educate children in El Alto, Bolivia
Feed and educate children in El Alto, Bolivia
Feed and educate children in El Alto, Bolivia
Feed and educate children in El Alto, Bolivia
Feed and educate children in El Alto, Bolivia
Feed and educate children in El Alto, Bolivia
Feed and educate children in El Alto, Bolivia
Feed and educate children in El Alto, Bolivia
Feed and educate children in El Alto, Bolivia
Feed and educate children in El Alto, Bolivia
Feed and educate children in El Alto, Bolivia
Feed and educate children in El Alto, Bolivia
Feed and educate children in El Alto, Bolivia
Feed and educate children in El Alto, Bolivia
Feed and educate children in El Alto, Bolivia
Feed and educate children in El Alto, Bolivia
Feed and educate children in El Alto, Bolivia
Feed and educate children in El Alto, Bolivia
Feed and educate children in El Alto, Bolivia
Feed and educate children in El Alto, Bolivia
Feed and educate children in El Alto, Bolivia
Feed and educate children in El Alto, Bolivia
Feed and educate children in El Alto, Bolivia
Feed and educate children in El Alto, Bolivia
Feed and educate children in El Alto, Bolivia
Feed and educate children in El Alto, Bolivia
Feed and educate children in El Alto, Bolivia
Feed and educate children in El Alto, Bolivia
Feed and educate children in El Alto, Bolivia
Feed and educate children in El Alto, Bolivia
Feed and educate children in El Alto, Bolivia
Feed and educate children in El Alto, Bolivia
Feed and educate children in El Alto, Bolivia
Feed and educate children in El Alto, Bolivia
Feed and educate children in El Alto, Bolivia
Feed and educate children in El Alto, Bolivia
Feed and educate children in El Alto, Bolivia

Project Report | May 9, 2024
Spring Update from Bolivia - THANK YOU for making a difference!

By Lydia Hill | Project Leader

February 2024 Visit
February 2024 Visit

We extend our sincerest gratitude to our donors whose unwavering support continues to make a profound difference in the lives of the children we serve. Last month, as HBF founders Lydia and Matt embarked on their seventh trip to Bolivia, the challenges of altitude and physical exhaustion were ever-present. Yet, through it all, the dedication of donors like you shines bright. Your generosity fuels our mission, allowing us to overcome obstacles and bring hope and joy to those in need. Thanks to your unwavering support, we've been able to accomplish so much, and we're thrilled to share the latest highlights with you.

Villa Ingenio Community Bakery Groundbreaking

We are thrilled to share some exciting news with you all! The VICB (Villa Ingenio Community Bakery) project is moving ahead, thanks to a grant from the Fig Tree Foundation and the support of caring donors. This crucial funding has set the wheels in motion for a transformative initiative that will make a lasting impact on the impoverished families in El Alto, Bolivia.

The VICB aims to establish a community bakery in the heart of Villa Ingenio, with a twofold mission. First, it will provide technical training for disadvantaged parents in the community, equipping them with the skills needed to create a variety of baked goods from scratch. Second, it will create a self-sustaining enterprise, generating much-needed jobs within the community while producing preservative-free, nutritious products.

The project will kick off with comprehensive technical training for parents in Villa Ingenio. Participants will learn the art of baking, including the preparation of various baked goods and the operation and maintenance of baking equipment. This training will empower them with the knowledge needed to produce quality products, manage ingredient ratios, control costs, and handle supply chains effectively.

Armed with their newfound expertise, parents who complete the training will have the opportunity to work within the bakery. Moreover, this training opens doors for employment in other bakeries within the community and throughout El Alto, offering them the chance for financial stability and personal growth.

The VICB isn't just about training; it's about creating a thriving enterprise within the community. The Community Bakery will be established as a self-sustaining business, producing a diverse range of baked goods. This enterprise will not only provide quality products to the community but also generate employment opportunities for its members.

Initially, this project will help 75 people from the community per semester who will receive training. Additionally, the project will indirectly benefit 1,050 people: the families of those trained, consumers of the bakery's products, and local suppliers.

We are immensely grateful for the grant from the Fig Tree Foundation and for your continued support, which has made this project possible. As we embark on this journey to empower the Villa Ingenio community through the magic of baking, we invite you to stay tuned for updates on our progress and achievements.

Together, we are making a difference, one empañada at a time.

Enhancing Care and Skills at Tahuantinsuyo Community Centre

In February, our partner, Sairiry, conducted a three-day workshop aimed at enhancing teachers' skills and knowledge at the Tahuantinsuyo Community Centre. Covering various topics, including Bolivian laws protecting children and strategies for assisting those with learning difficulties, the workshop was invaluable in refining our approach to providing care and support. We extend our deepest gratitude to the dedicated Sairiry Team for their unwavering commitment.

Harmonizing Hope: Transforming Lives Through Music and Dance

We're excited to provide an update on the music and dance program at the Tahuantinsuyo Community Centre, made possible by your generous support through the GlobalGiving micro-project fundraiser. Check out our video on YouTube!

Thanks to your kindness, we've been able to hire a dedicated teacher who has played a pivotal role in nurturing the Aymara musical and cultural dance traditions among the children at the center. Here's a glimpse of the program's impact:

  • Children aged 4 to 6 are actively engaged in musical expression, learning about musical instruments, rhythm, hand-ear coordination, and even crafting instruments from recycled materials.
  • Those aged 7 to 12 are honing their skills in reading music, understanding rhythm, enhancing auditory perception, and mastering traditional Andean wind instruments.
  • Adolescents aged 13 to 18 are delving deeper into musical notes, fostering creativity, and even composing their own music.

As we look ahead, we're thrilled to continue this vital music and dance program, preserving the cherished Aymara traditions embraced by the children at the Centre. Your unwavering support remains the cornerstone of this transformative program, enriching the lives of these young learners. Thank you for making it all possible!

Introducing the Tuesday School Support Program at Villa Ingenio

We're excited to announce the launch of a new program at Villa Ingenio, taking place every Tuesday morning. Ten children with severe learning difficulties attend the Centre for tutoring in challenging subjects such as math and languages. The anticipation for the day is palpable as lunch is also served, eagerly awaited by the children.

The Tuesday school support program is already making a significant impact as our staff diligently work to address the learning challenges faced by these children. While we're grateful for the progress made on Tuesdays, it's clear that these young learners require sustained support to thrive.

Additionally, Saturday mornings have become a source of joy and creativity for these children, fueled by a nutritious hot lunch made possible by the generous donations from Help Bolivia supporters.

Exciting News: Computer Lab Upgrade Complete!

We're thrilled to announce that the computer lab at our facility has received a much-needed upgrade – a sealed floor! This lab, which has been a bustling hub of learning and innovation since its opening, is now dust-free.

While dust might seem like a minor issue, it can wreak havoc in the world of technology. Dust particles have the potential to clog up computer components, reducing efficiency and leading to costly repairs. That's why, over the past few weeks, we've sealed the computer room floor to create a pristine environment. Not only does this process eliminate the dust problem, but it also improves the overall air quality within the lab.

Thanks to the generosity of our donors, who not only funded the computer lab but continue to invest in the well-being of the children and their families, this upgrade has become a reality. We're immensely grateful for your support in making this possible!

Kevin's Remarkable Transformation: A Story of Hope

Meet Kevin, a 15-year-old teenager with a heartwarming story. He comes from a family of four, where both parents work tirelessly all day long. Despite their best efforts, Kevin’s parents did not finish high school, making it challenging for them to support Kevin, especially with his reading and writing challenges.

Thanks to the generosity of our donors, Kevin has been receiving the help he needs from the Tahuantinsuyo Community Centre. The centre's dedicated team of educational experts provided Kevin with invaluable academic and psychological assistance. Through engaging workshops on public speaking and group readings, Kevin's literacy skills have flourished.

Today, Kevin can communicate effectively, share his thoughts and opinions with his peers, and exudes confidence and self-assurance. His newfound passion for psychology texts and theatrical works showcases his remarkable journey of transformation – all because of your unwavering commitment to making a difference.

Transforming Lives: Luis Ricardo's Journey

Meet Luis Ricardo Aruquipa Colque, a thoughtful 13-year-old whose world you've transformed. Diagnosed with a memory delay, Luis Ricardo's learning abilities aligned more closely with an 8-year-old's, creating challenges in keeping pace with peers. His mother, faced with the high costs of necessary treatment, found her hopes for his progress dimming. But your support has been a ray of light in their lives.

Thanks to your generosity, Luis Ricardo's story shifted from uncertainty to one of hope and progress. Your contributions have enabled him to continue attending the Villa Ingenio program, a place where he thrives among peers, eager for each new day's learning. Watching Luis Ricardo meticulously prepare for school, one day in advance, reflects not just his excitement but the profound impact of your support.

Every assignment Luis Ricardo completes, every concept he grasps, is a testament to your kindness. It's not just about overcoming learning challenges; it's about the confidence and joy you've instilled in him. For his mother, your support means seeing her son not just as a child facing hurdles, but as one filled with potential and promise.

You are a vital part of Luis Ricardo's journey. Each of his achievements is a result of your generosity and belief in his abilities. Your contribution is more than monetary; it's a source of hope and a builder of dreams. Thank you for being an essential part of this transformative journey.

Meet Yhaquelin, a student at Villa Ingenio

Meet Yhaquelin, a very sensitive nine-year-old girl who had a hard time fitting in when she first arrived at Villa Ingenio due to her shyness and low self-esteem. Yhaquelin faces significant learning challenges in various school subjects, but she is now part of the support and tutoring program, which takes place every Tuesday. Her mother reports that Yhaquelin is improving her responsibilities with schoolwork and enjoys coming to the centre to learn more, especially because of the nutritious and delicious meals provided.

Earlier this year, Yhaquelin's parents separated due to the constant abuse inflicted by her father within their home. This toxic environment had a profound impact on their children's behaviour, leading to Yhaquelin's shyness and low self-esteem, which she endured for a long time.

Yhaquelin misses her father and wishes he could come back, but she wants him to return as a changed man, one who no longer hurts her mother or her and her little brother. When she's at Villa Ingenio, she feels happy working on her school assignments because she knows she'll find help here. She loves to sing and practices with a microphone, imagining herself on a stage in front of a large audience.

We, too, have a heartfelt desire to make a difference in the lives of children like Yhaquelin. In addition to academic support and nutritious meals, our goal is to create a safer and more nurturing environment for disadvantaged indigenous children like Yhaquelin.

But we can't do it alone. Your support is needed to continue offering psychological support, tutoring, and hot nutritious meals to these vulnerable children in Bolivia. Your donation will make a world of difference in Yhaquelin's life and the lives of many others like her. 

Watch this video interview with Yhaquelin.

Candy's Journey: Nurturing Growth and Resilience at Villa Ingenio

Meet Candy, a 10-year-old participant in the Villa Ingenio program. She is the middle child with two siblings. The team at Villa Ingenio reports that while she struggles to maintain focus, Candy has a gift for helping the other kids learn. Despite feeling shy, her determination to overcome her nervousness is a testament to her unyielding spirit. Thanks to your support, Candy enjoys the Villa Ingenio program, where she can learn, play and grow.

Trip Reports

In February, four directors (Matt, Lydia, Kristy, and Michelle) alongside four dedicated donors journeyed to Bolivia to visit the children we support. The 2nd Annual "Canada Day" celebration brought immense joy to the children, filled with activities that showcased Canadian culture. From making pancakes to indulging in maple cookies, and crafting a beautiful collage depicting the Canadian seasons, the children delighted in every moment. It was a heartwarming experience witnessing their joy and enthusiasm during this special event.

Kristy's February Trip Report

I recently had the incredible opportunity to travel to Bolivia alongside my fellow board members and donors in February 2024. While the trip was filled with breathtaking scenery and comfortable accommodations thanks to a wonderful Airbnb, it was also a deeply moving and challenging experience. Witnessing the daily struggles of poverty that the children face was heart-wrenching. Each night, as we returned to our comfortable beds and enjoyed our evening meals, we couldn't shake the knowledge that these simple luxuries were out of reach for the children we had met.

Our greatest hardship was leaving these children behind. The more time we spent with them, the more they became like family. I could see the faces of my own children and grandchildren reflected in their eyes. Despite our gratitude for the privileges we have, it became increasingly difficult not to wish the same for these children. They arrive at our programs with smiles and enthusiasm, grateful for the nourishment and education we provide. Their amazement that people from faraway places care about them is both touching and humbling.

I have witnessed firsthand the profound impact Help Bolivia is making in these children's lives, and I urge you to learn more about their work. Experiencing the joy of seeing the difference your donations make is truly transformative. Perhaps one day, like us, you'll have the opportunity to travel to Bolivia and visit these projects. Help Bolivia not only offers this opportunity but also encourages you to witness firsthand how your donation is making a difference. Meeting these children is a powerful reminder of the impact of our contributions, and it is an experience I will never forget.

Lydia’s Reflections on the Bolivia Trip

As always, the trip to Bolivia last month was both emotionally and physically exhausting. This was my seventh trip (always on our own nickel), and the altitude doesn’t get easier to bear. For a lucky few, this means nothing, and they don’t bat an eye. For others, including me, this means being breathless and feeling a decade older for pretty much the whole trip. It’s sure not a beach vacation! But the kids are so worth it. On this trip Kristy jokingly asked me “couldn’t you have found a project at a lower altitude?”. The truth is, the project(s) found me, so there wasn’t much I could do about that! It is what it is, and the challenge with the altitude is just par for the course.

Read Lydia’s full trip report

Matt’s Trip Report: A Day of Joy and Inspiration

Moments of joy are like precious gems, etched in the fabric of our memories.

In February, we had the privilege of experiencing such moments in abundance at Valle del Sol in La Paz, as we spent a beautiful day alongside the radiant children from two incredible community groups supported by Help Bolivia Foundation.

The laughter echoed through the valley as the children from Tahuantinsuyo and Villa Ingenio embraced the day with boundless enthusiasm and infectious smiles. For a day, we were blessed to see the children enjoy a playground of wonder, where every moment became a treasure trove of delight and discovery.

For the directors and supporters of Help Bolivia Foundation who were fortunate enough to witness this day unfold, it was a profound reminder of why we do what we do. The opportunity to witness the sheer joy on the faces of these children, to share in their laughter and excitement, reaffirms our commitment to creating positive change in the lives of those who need it most.

Thank you to HBF employee Aracely, the teams from Sariry and Ahiezer, and everyone who made this day possible.

Days like this inspire us all to strive for a world where every child's smile is as bright as the sun that graced Valle del Sol.


Thank you from the bottom of our hearts for being part of our community of care for the children in El Alto. It means the world to both of us, and more importantly, it means everything to the children HBF supports, who are surprised and appreciative that people from so far away care about them.

Matt and Lydia Hill
Help Bolivia Foundation

Kristy at the Tahuantinsuyo Community Centre
Kristy at the Tahuantinsuyo Community Centre
Meet Candy
Meet Candy
The Tuesday Program at Villa Ingenio
The Tuesday Program at Villa Ingenio
Thank you for helping Kevin
Thank you for helping Kevin
Joel and Matt break ground for the new bakery
Joel and Matt break ground for the new bakery


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Jan 22, 2024
Quarterly Update From Bolivia

By Lydia Hill | Project Leader

Oct 6, 2023
Spring update from Bolivia - See how YOU are making a difference!

By Lydia Hill | Project Leader

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Organization Information

Help Bolivia Foundation

Location: Airdrie, AB - Canada
Facebook: Facebook Page
Twitter: @help_bolivia
Project Leader:
Lydia Hill
Airdrie , AB Canada

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