Project Report
| Mar 9, 2023
Project Report
By Noel Banda | Project Leader
Malnutrition is causing stunted growth in children and Chinseu cbo is working towards stopping malnutrition in children by providing nutritious foodstuffs to children registered malnutrition status positive while some children from underprivileged families about 80% are receiving nutritious foodstuffs and flours. Your donations helps these children receive nutritious foodstuffs and stops malnutrition in children.
While we are talking of the progress of the project we need to keep in mind that there is a need to invite friends, schoolmates and relatives to join us giving to this project that the donations we already invested in will produce fruits we are expecting to see. We fully thank you for your tirelessness support that you are giving to this project and we encourage you to continue giving to this project that we can achieve the intended goal soon.
Nov 22, 2022
Project Report
By Noel Banda | Project Leader
In Malawi the months of October, November, December, January and February usually we experiance hunger and this is why we are in hunger time and the malnutritions within the children are high and the fight against kwashiokor and marasmus is hard and needs group work that will help eliminates the malnutritional causes. We are lucky having you in this fund that is helping this project been live on ground. Every donation to this cause helps tightens the fight agaist Kwashiokor and Marasmus been enhanced and enables children finds available nutritious food stuffs. We thank you for choosing this fund been the your choice among thousands of projects that are found online. We are encouraged with the upport you are giving to this fund.
Jul 26, 2022
Project Report
By Funny Mikwamba | Project Leader
Malnutrition is causing stunted growth in children and Chinseu cbo is working towards stoping malnutrition in children by providing nutritious foodstuffs to children registered malnutrition status positive while some children from underplevileged families about 80% are receiving nutritious foodstuffs and flours. Your donations helps these children receive nutritious foodstuffs and stops malnutrition in children.
While we are talking of the progress of the project we need to keep in mind that there is a need to invite friends, schoolmates and relatives to join us giving to this project that the donations we already invested in will produce fruits we are expecting to see. We fully tahnk you for your untireless support that you are giving to this project and we encourage you to continue giving to this project that we can achieve the intended goal soon.