Finishing Construction of Mulia Youth Music Center

by Music For Life Africa
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Finishing Construction of Mulia Youth Music Center
Finishing Construction of Mulia Youth Music Center
Finishing Construction of Mulia Youth Music Center
Finishing Construction of Mulia Youth Music Center
Finishing Construction of Mulia Youth Music Center


This project is building a youth musical center in mukono district Uganda to achieve it's future goals, that include: training space for cultural music, administrative offices, storage, playground, and shades for various cultural history lessons of Uganda and Africa at large, Training computer lab, Community library and safe space for over 60 vulnerable children, 40 youths and community social program in order to support their education and families. 30% remaining to complete the last phase.

total goal
monthly donors


Three years back Mulia have been constructing the musical center that support activities like music training, computer training, Community library and safe space for youths and community social programs to over 5000 people direct & indirect, children,youths,adults in Uganda, The last phase needs funding to finish and equip it. Other programs include teaching agriculture to young people,street business school, collaboration with two schools for the blind with support from friends of Mulia in USA.


The Musical youth center will provide a perfect training ground for MULIA participants; and enable MULIA to develop compelling and enriching performances. All funds raised in these performances are used to fund the children's EDUCATION and advancement beyond the talents they might have. Additionally the shelter will harbor all training in a convenient environment. The training will include Street business school in the community , it will also be a center for social gatherings for solutions.

Long-Term Impact

The project will allow for a platform of talent development and education support to the community including children, youths and adults hence support in identifying potential and ability of young people to achieve their goals through talent identification. The platform will allow for growth and protection of African culture through Music, It will also create peace and unity among young people. also training life skills hence introducing hands on practical hands on skills with other partners.

Additional Documentation

This project has provided additional documentation in a PDF file (projdoc.pdf).


Organization Information

Music For Life Africa

Location: Kampala - Uganda
Facebook: Facebook Page
Twitter: @music4lifeafrica
Project Leader:
Rogers Sserunjogi
Kampala , Uganda

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