Food & fruit for primary schools in Latin America

by Fly The Phoenix
Food & fruit for primary schools in Latin America
Food & fruit for primary schools in Latin America
Food & fruit for primary schools in Latin America
Food & fruit for primary schools in Latin America
Food & fruit for primary schools in Latin America
Food & fruit for primary schools in Latin America
Food & fruit for primary schools in Latin America
Food & fruit for primary schools in Latin America
Food & fruit for primary schools in Latin America
Food & fruit for primary schools in Latin America
Food & fruit for primary schools in Latin America
Food & fruit for primary schools in Latin America
Food & fruit for primary schools in Latin America
Food & fruit for primary schools in Latin America

Project Report | Mar 14, 2018
2018 off to a great start and The 7 Continents

By Dom Williams | Founder and Director

Plan Huerto in Honduras
Plan Huerto in Honduras

This year we continue to try to make our food programs more sustainable by planting school vegetable gardens, fruit trees and starting small food businesses. Honduras has been the forerunner in this with the Plan Tienda (shop) making food to sell in the local area with profits going back into the school and also food for the students. We are also adding to the vegetable gardens up in the hills. In Ecuador the school vegetable garden is flourishing. As ever, the children enjoy a good plate of food with every event and we hope to keep our daily programs in all projects running.  

Plans for the 4th Annual Seven Continent Charity Challenge are underway where we ask anyone, anywhere in the world to do a fundraising event for Phoenix during 2018. It doesn’t have to be a huge event; from a dinner or BBQ party at home to walking, running or undertaking something you have always wanted to do though havn’t got round to it! The fundraising can be done through this page with funds going to Phoenix, the schools and more importantly the children.

For those looking for an excuse to head to Lake Atitlán in Guatemala and raise funds for the projects, we are organising a 4-day biking, volcano hiking and kayaking challenge between 21st to 26th May. Please let us know if you are interested in joining us, or even organizing your own challenge and we’ll add you to the list and give you tips to make it as successful as possible.

As ever, thank you all for your brilliant support.


Food in Ecuador
Food in Ecuador
Plan Huerto in Ecuador
Plan Huerto in Ecuador
Plan Tienda in Honduras
Plan Tienda in Honduras


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Organization Information

Fly The Phoenix

Location: Clare, Suffolk - United Kingdom
Project Leader:
Dom Williams
Sudbury , Suffolk United Kingdom
$34,454 raised of $50,000 goal
983 donations
$15,546 to go
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