#Fundthefight: End GBV

by The Wise Collective (dba as Wise4Afrika)
#Fundthefight: End GBV

Project Report | Aug 8, 2022
Building Precedence & Feminist Jurisprudence

By Onica Nonhlanhla Makwakwa | Director

Andy Kawa Wins
Andy Kawa Wins

In early 2021, The Wise Collective (Wise4Afrika) joined the case of Andy Kawa vs Minister of Police to challenge police inaction in response to a rape that happened in a public place where police failed to conduct a proper search and rescue of the victim. Although Kawa had won in the lower court, the police took the case on appeal where the ruling was overturned. We therefore joined Andy Kawa and other organizations as amicus curiae on the case taking the police to the highest court of the land, the Constitutional Court of South Africa which found the police liable setting precedence on the implementation and access to women's constitutional right to safety. You may read our statement on our website at  www.wise4afrika.org or download here. 

Wise4Afrika continues to represent women in several cases but most importantly seeks opportunities to support large scale public interest litigation to challenge institutional bias against women and the drivers that particularly enable violence against women. 

In light of the mislabeled "teenage pregancy crisis" in South Africa, we have interviewed many affected girls and can safetly conclude that this is rather a statutory rape crises as many of the girls are below the age of consent while the average age of the fathers is over 25 years. While continuing to research this crisis, gather potentital survivors for class action litigation, we hope you will contribute towards funding the fight so we may pursue justice for these girls and their children. 


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Organization Information

The Wise Collective (dba as Wise4Afrika)

Location: Johannesburg - South Africa
Facebook: Facebook Page
Twitter: @Wise4Afrika
The Wise Collective (dba as Wise4Afrika)
Rethabile Madumise
Project Leader:
Rethabile Madumise
Johannesburg , Gauteng South Africa

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