Healthcare for children with Down syndrome

by Karachi Down Syndrome Program
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Healthcare for children with Down syndrome
Healthcare for children with Down syndrome
Healthcare for children with Down syndrome
Healthcare for children with Down syndrome
Healthcare for children with Down syndrome
Healthcare for children with Down syndrome
Healthcare for children with Down syndrome
Healthcare for children with Down syndrome
Healthcare for children with Down syndrome

Project Report | May 3, 2023
Enhancing Lives With Your Support

By Maliha & Aiiesha | Project Leaders

Lots of Love and Support
Lots of Love and Support

Summarized Impact Stats:

The Healthcare Department at KDSP has seen tremendous growth, especially following the hospital collaborations and the commencement of KDSP’s two inhouse clinics this quarter. Over the last three months, KDSP’s inhouse Developmental and General Pediatric Clinic has benefited over 92 unique kids with Down syndrome. Furthermore, we have sponsored 1 surgery, 33 diagnostic tests and 17 sets of medical equipment and medicines. 


Partnership between Ziauddin Hospital and KDSP.

As KDSP and its reach continue to grow, so do the healthcare needs of the expanding clientele registered with KDSP. This year KDSP had the privilege to collaborate with another one of Pakistan’s biggest healthcare providers, Ziauddin Hospital. This partnership aims to cater to the healthcare needs of children with Down syndrome in the utmost efficient manner, one that proves to be highly sustainable and beneficial to both the organizations and our clients.


Behavior Therapy Update:

Since the induction of our registered behaviour technician (RBT) Zakia, the behaviour therapy department has deemed beneficial to all KDSP service providing departments. Over the course of these three months Zakia has successfully observed jewelry-making, cooking and photography classes of KDSP clients enrolled with the Skills and Development department. Additionally, all education classes were observed when a child with Down syndrome was referred for a behavioural intervention. From these observations, 5 children were enrolled as regular therapy seeking individuals. Aside from these observations, 35 individual children benefitted from one-on-one observations and behavioural assessments. Such sessions not only benefitted the children greatly but were accompanied by parental guidance minutes where parents were given the necessary tools and tips on how to cater to the needs of their child better from an emotional and behavioral perspective.


Healthcare sponsors and cases:

This quarter KDSPs Healthcare Department was able to sponsor 3 lifesaving and enhancing interventions. Following are the cases supported:

-          Hiba, a 1 year old girl registered with all 3 ECI therapies who was diagnosed with severe hearing loss by Dr. Najam and needed a set of hearing aids as she could only hear loud sounds and was unable to hear any below 70 Hertz. KDSP funded her equipment and Hiba's quality of life has improved as a result.  

-          Maaz, an 11 year old boy whose day to day communication was hindered due to multiple dental complications. KDSP funded Maaz’s entire treatment plan which consisted of 9 extractions, 7 Ionomer fillings, 3 composite and 1 fluoride application. Following this intervention, Maaz is in better health and can engage in his day-to-day tasks more comfortably.

-          Mannat, a 4 year old girl who was rushed to the hospital after experiencing chest congestion and a low heartrate of 83. After her admission, the doctors diagnosed her with Pneumonia and emphasized on the need for a ventilator. Mannat then stayed in the intensive care unit for three days, during which KDSP tried to lend as much emotional and financial support to the family as possible. As of today, Mannat has recovered and is a regular and bright client enrolled in all three ECI therapies.


Healthcare sponsorship packages for diagnostic testing of Individuals with Down Syndrome

Statistics show that children with Down Syndrome may have certain healthcare conditions associated with their genetic condition. For example, approximately half of all infants born with Down Syndrome have a heart defect, they are also susceptible to longer-lasting infections due to low immunity which can result in severe respiratory infections like pneumonia. To avoid such high-risk situations and emergency admissions, children with Down syndrome should ideally go through a set of diagnostic tests every 6 month. Unfortunately, the knowledge of this lacks in families from our region. To promote such early detection of possible health complications, KDSP has initiated a plan to execute ‘healthcare sponsorship packages’ This would target KDSP families who are on financial assistance and could benefit from a consistent sponsor, sponsoring their child’s routinely tests. This initiative would not just help families undergo necessary diagnostic tests but would tremendously enforce the ideology ‘prevention is better than cure.’



Parent of Ayesha

Despite the shock of hearing their daughter diagnosed with Down syndrome, Ayesha's family always had an optimistic attitude. However, despite their hopeful stance, due to a lack of organizations that would cater to the needs of children with Down syndrome, Ayesha’s family was disheartened when they weren’t met with the right tools on how to move forward.

Fortunately, they came across KDSP through word of mouth and ever since have only looked onwards and upwards. In Ayesha’s mother’s words; “KDSP is an extremely supportive organization, it helped us tremendously in understanding what all we could do as parents to support our children which I didn’t know of, it helped us understand their needs, what they require and how we should act with them. The organization is so holistic and that’s what makes it a second home for us-KDSP never fails to lend its support whenever we have needed it, may that be in areas of therapies, healthcare and/or education- I think to myself all the time, that there is someone looking out for these kids, investing their love and purpose into making them valuable members of our society and hence I pray and wish them ultimate success.”

Seeing their smiles is priceless
Seeing their smiles is priceless
Healthcare check-up
Healthcare check-up
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Organization Information

Karachi Down Syndrome Program

Location: Karachi - Pakistan
Facebook: Facebook Page
Twitter: @KhiDownSyndrome
Project Leader:
Zaynab Abedin Jawad
Karachi , Sindh Pakistan

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Combined with other sources of funding, this project raised enough money to fund the outlined activities and is no longer accepting donations.

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