With the significant increase in the number of elderly in the community of Heliopolis, as well as the identification of the marginalization and isolation of these elderly people, the ability to create a nucleus focused on this segment in the community was perceived in order to remove them from social isolation, Education for old age.
The purpose of the Center is to compensate for the limitations arising from the aging process through the social inclusion of the elderly, thus presenting new possibilities of social life, physical activities, cultural assistance, social assistance, preventive health actions, thus becoming , A reference center for the elderly community and relatives of Heliopolis.
All activities, projects and programs are developed in a continuous and planned manner. Among the actions developed as a tool to create links with our target audience, we have: crafts, literacy, art therapy, dance, computer science, gymnastics, memory workshop, yoga, lectures and cultural activities.
The function of the core activities is to enable the elderly and the family to have a greater intergenerational relationship, and the capacity to demand their rights and autonomy of thought, as useful members of society, thus redeeming their social role and autonomy in the community and in the family. Education should be something that impresses on society a new culture of respect for the elderly, breaking myths and stereotypes present in the scenario of aging.
This project has provided additional documentation in a DOCX file (projdoc.docx).
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