Help 100 Sickle Cell Anaemia Children in Uganda

by Share Child Opportunity Eastern and Northen Uganda (SCOEN)
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Help 100 Sickle Cell Anaemia Children in Uganda
Help 100 Sickle Cell Anaemia Children in Uganda
Help 100 Sickle Cell Anaemia Children in Uganda
Help 100 Sickle Cell Anaemia Children in Uganda
Help 100 Sickle Cell Anaemia Children in Uganda
Help 100 Sickle Cell Anaemia Children in Uganda
Help 100 Sickle Cell Anaemia Children in Uganda
Help 100 Sickle Cell Anaemia Children in Uganda
Help 100 Sickle Cell Anaemia Children in Uganda

Project Report | Jul 8, 2021
COVID pandemic has changed the true sense of life

By Lucas Akol | Partner Relations Officer

COVID pandemic has changed the true sense of normal life all over the world, many things are beyond our control and trivial human capabilities. We also realised the power of family and friend, our own little safe shield of the community.

Pandemic showed us the mirror where an introspection was needed. We suffered, we learned and we kept going! the second lock down in Uganda has brought us its own set of challenges in Uganda like second wave, vaccinations, unsafe medicines and endless quest of oxygen/ventilator beds.

It’s said that “Resilience is accepting your new reality, even if it's less good than the one you had before. You can fight it, you can do nothing but scream about what you've lost, or you can accept that and try to put together something that's good”.

SCOEN tried its level best to continue the outreach activities for sickle cell patients. Due to the new surge in covid cases in Uganda; our team could not visit the local centre. However, we used tools of telemedicine, WhatsApp and got help from local volunteers in reaching out to patients.

We thought that our regular camps would continueunfortunately, new cases and lockdown guidelines did not allow us.

The sickle cell disease patients suffered all the more with limited healthcare access and no vaccination. Their regular medicines were also getting over and monitoring of sickle cell disease status was also on hold.

Some of the patients were tested positive for covid and faced major problems, some of them also needed hospitalisation. We supplied medicines via courier and post. Patients needing additional COVID specific counselling or treatment were contacted and guided to the nearest COVID centre.

Our virtual meeting with the help of local doctors / village representatives got overwhelming response. We planned all the activities remotely with their help.

The outreach activities were successful with total 153 beneficiaries reached, 23 received food, sanitation item in kind this includes, Miaze flour, egg and soap etc..


We rely on your kind donations to keep doing the work we do. Every donation allows us to reach more children, run more activities, and improve the lives of those living with sickle cell.

Please don’t forget to share this cause with your friend and family. We appreciated your generosity for every dollar you give, we know every penny counts. Making your donations today and your love go further!

4 children have received the HYDROXYUREA  for 2 months now and the medication have been effective to this children. We cant share their picture publically right because of child protection policies governing our activities.


 Thank you #StaySafe, #COVID19


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Organization Information

Share Child Opportunity Eastern and Northen Uganda (SCOEN)

Location: Soroti, Eastern Uganda - Uganda
Facebook: Facebook Page
Twitter: @Scoenuganda1
Project Leader:
Lucas Akol
Fundraising/Partner Relations Officer
Soroti , Eastern Uganda Uganda
$680 raised of $43,640 goal
9 donations
$42,960 to go
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