Help Children with Learning Difficulties in Uganda

by Backup Uganda
Help Children with Learning Difficulties in Uganda
Help Children with Learning Difficulties in Uganda
Help Children with Learning Difficulties in Uganda
Help Children with Learning Difficulties in Uganda
Help Children with Learning Difficulties in Uganda
Help Children with Learning Difficulties in Uganda
Help Children with Learning Difficulties in Uganda
Help Children with Learning Difficulties in Uganda
Help Children with Learning Difficulties in Uganda
Help Children with Learning Difficulties in Uganda
Help Children with Learning Difficulties in Uganda
Help Children with Learning Difficulties in Uganda
Help Children with Learning Difficulties in Uganda
Help Children with Learning Difficulties in Uganda
Help Children with Learning Difficulties in Uganda
Help Children with Learning Difficulties in Uganda
Help Children with Learning Difficulties in Uganda
Help Children with Learning Difficulties in Uganda
Help Children with Learning Difficulties in Uganda
Help Children with Learning Difficulties in Uganda
Help Children with Learning Difficulties in Uganda
Help Children with Learning Difficulties in Uganda
Help Children with Learning Difficulties in Uganda
Help Children with Learning Difficulties in Uganda
Help Children with Learning Difficulties in Uganda
Help Children with Learning Difficulties in Uganda

Project Report | Oct 7, 2019
Little by Little made A LOT towards our work!

By Annemaaike Kruisselbrink | Co-Founder & Uganda Country Director

The excitement about Little by Little was REAL!
The excitement about Little by Little was REAL!

Hi there,

Thank you, thank you, thank you! That’s how we want to start this report, because it covers exactly what our team feels like: grateful! You probably remember seeing our posts, emails and messages about August’s Little by Little campaign. We were raising funds to cover all our remaining training sessions for this year. The campaign with matching funds only ran for 5 days, so we were a little anxious to see if we would be able to reach our $1,032 goal that fast. Well, it turned out 3 days were enough for that, unbelievable! If you made this happen by contributing, by sharing our posts, or in any other way, then please remember that it was YOU who made it possible for us to finish the 2019 school year.

With this in mind, our team was able to finish term 2 and start the last school term of the year without worries. We closed term 2 with learning & evaluation meetings at every one of our partner schools. These are our major feedback moments during the school year, both for the teachers and for our team. For example, during the first of these meetings at the end of term 1, we listened to the barriers that are holding back the teachers from using the skills they learn from us during the training sessions. While they have been telling us that they see the training content as useful, sometimes specific circumstances make it difficult to actually use it to help children with possible learning difficulties. Talking about these barriers and continuously exploring how to move around or beyond them, empowers the teachers AND our team at the same time. We could not be doing what we do - and we would not be doing it right - if we did not listen to the very people we work with.

Term 3 is bringing us exciting times, mainly because the student teachers at Gulu Core Primary Teachers College will be going for their second school practise! That means we will get to observe them while they are putting all their knowledge and skills to work in their future work environment: the classroom. We are sure they are a little nervous, and to be honest, we cannot wait either. After all our joint training sessions, we finally get to see them bringing theory and practise to life as teachers. As their supervisors move between the different primary schools to check in on them, we will be doing the same with a focus on identifying and supporting children with possible learning difficulties. From term 1, we remember that the student teachers were quite appreciative of our presence and feedback, so we are looking forward to being their ‘Backup’ one more time before they graduate.

This third term also brings us closer to the end of the school year and the start of the long Christmas break (Jingle Bells, anyone?). We still have a good number of training sessions, lesson observations and other joint activities planned with our partner primary schools, Gulu Core PTC, and several of our partner organizations. For example, we will be observing lessons taught by the teachers at Shalom Primary School - a private partner primary school - and by Geneva Global’s speed school facilitators as well. Our social media pages give you regular, brief updates if you are interested, so follow us on Facebook, Instagram, Twitter or Linkedin for that! But, before the end of the year, you will receive another update through this platform too. Please feel free to be in touch with us if there is anything you want to know or say, we love hearing from you!

Much love from Gulu,

The Backup Uganda Team

We are beyond proud of teachers like Jackie!
We are beyond proud of teachers like Jackie!
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Organization Information

Backup Uganda

Location: Zwolle, Overijssel - Netherlands
Facebook: Facebook Page
Twitter: @Backup_Uganda
Project Leader:
Annemaaike Kruisselbrink
Gulu , Gulu Uganda
$40,232 raised of $45,000 goal
572 donations
$4,769 to go
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