Empower a Girl in Guatemala: Education after COVID

by Fundacion para el desarrollo integral de programas socio-economicos FUNDAP
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Empower a Girl in Guatemala: Education after COVID
Empower a Girl in Guatemala: Education after COVID
Empower a Girl in Guatemala: Education after COVID
Empower a Girl in Guatemala: Education after COVID
Empower a Girl in Guatemala: Education after COVID
Empower a Girl in Guatemala: Education after COVID
Empower a Girl in Guatemala: Education after COVID
Empower a Girl in Guatemala: Education after COVID
Empower a Girl in Guatemala: Education after COVID
Empower a Girl in Guatemala: Education after COVID
Empower a Girl in Guatemala: Education after COVID
Empower a Girl in Guatemala: Education after COVID
Empower a Girl in Guatemala: Education after COVID
Empower a Girl in Guatemala: Education after COVID
Empower a Girl in Guatemala: Education after COVID
Empower a Girl in Guatemala: Education after COVID
Empower a Girl in Guatemala: Education after COVID
Empower a Girl in Guatemala: Education after COVID
Empower a Girl in Guatemala: Education after COVID
Empower a Girl in Guatemala: Education after COVID
Empower a Girl in Guatemala: Education after COVID
Empower a Girl in Guatemala: Education after COVID
Empower a Girl in Guatemala: Education after COVID

Project Report | Sep 5, 2022
Be the change you want to see in the world

By Beatriz Gandara | Project Leader

Along with awakening the sun, each member of the Guatemalan families rises to receive the opportunities that the day brings. Every activity carried out promotes respect for Mother Nature and gratitude for life.

Guatemala is a multicultural and multilingual country full of traditions and customs; one of those traditions is to celebrate an important event with a delicious culinary dish called ‘Pulique’. The preparation of this succulent dish is led by the most knowledgeable woman, distributing the tasks equally among the group. To begin with, the beef or chicken is cooked in a clay pot over low heat, while another group of women grinds the tomatoes, onion and various spices on a grinding stone. To taste the recado added to the broth, where the meat is cooked, then mixed and left to boil until it is a colored soup, which is eaten hot with vegetables. During this important moment, traditions are practiced in a natural way, with all the family and friends.

A similar experience is what we live in the Scholarships for Girls program since we also carry out activities that generate coexistence between parents and scholarship recipients. Community service fosters solidarity and the commitment of both actors (parents and girls) to the community, as an ethical and civic norm. Our goal is to strengthen teamwork and organization, and to locate leaders that will benefit the project. Some of the community work that is carried out in the project are: planting trees or flowers, placing garbage cans, delivering food to elders or less fortunate members of the community, cleaning the school or

Our actions are always guided by the joy that lives in the hearts of each girl, knowing that they have the support that will allow them to continue studying and thus be able to obtain a better quality of life.


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Organization Information

Fundacion para el desarrollo integral de programas socio-economicos FUNDAP

Location: Quetzaltenango - Guatemala
Facebook: Facebook Page
Project Leader:
Beatriz Gandara
Quetzaltenango , Guatemala
$83,009 raised of $132,000 goal
775 donations
$48,991 to go
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