Empower a Girl in Guatemala: Education after COVID

by Fundacion para el desarrollo integral de programas socio-economicos FUNDAP
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Empower a Girl in Guatemala: Education after COVID
Empower a Girl in Guatemala: Education after COVID
Empower a Girl in Guatemala: Education after COVID
Empower a Girl in Guatemala: Education after COVID
Empower a Girl in Guatemala: Education after COVID
Empower a Girl in Guatemala: Education after COVID
Empower a Girl in Guatemala: Education after COVID
Empower a Girl in Guatemala: Education after COVID
Empower a Girl in Guatemala: Education after COVID
Empower a Girl in Guatemala: Education after COVID
Empower a Girl in Guatemala: Education after COVID
Empower a Girl in Guatemala: Education after COVID
Empower a Girl in Guatemala: Education after COVID
Empower a Girl in Guatemala: Education after COVID
Empower a Girl in Guatemala: Education after COVID
Empower a Girl in Guatemala: Education after COVID
Empower a Girl in Guatemala: Education after COVID
Empower a Girl in Guatemala: Education after COVID
Empower a Girl in Guatemala: Education after COVID
Empower a Girl in Guatemala: Education after COVID
Empower a Girl in Guatemala: Education after COVID
Empower a Girl in Guatemala: Education after COVID
Empower a Girl in Guatemala: Education after COVID

Project Report | Dec 7, 2023
Life project

By Beatriz Gandara | Project Leader

When we are children, we dream about what we want to be when we grow up... Firefighters to save lives, perhaps? Astronauts to reach Mars? Pilots to travel around the world? Or maybe, teachers to change lives?

As life goes on, many of those dreams will become reality, while others will be reshaped. What nobody can deny, undoubtedly, is the happiness that overwhelms us each time we achieve what we set out to do, something that was so hard to reach. It’s like taking that backpack off our shoulders, isn’t it?

In the month of November, our scholarship recipients who graduate from sixth grade and third grade perform their life project presentation, an activity where they discover their objectives and goals that will guide their actions in the short, medium, and long term. Our scholarship recipients reflect that dreams are purposes to be achieved in different stages of life, they are the motivation to get up every day, and stand tall when there’s no strength left.

The project presentations take place in front of parents, teachers, and project personnel. This presentation also allows the scholarship recipients to confront the fear of public speaking, working on their shyness, and improving their interpersonal relationships. At the end of the presentation, they receive a diploma for completing their extracurricular training during the support of the Girls’ Scholarship Project. A great way to focus on their present and future.


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Organization Information

Fundacion para el desarrollo integral de programas socio-economicos FUNDAP

Location: Quetzaltenango - Guatemala
Facebook: Facebook Page
Project Leader:
Beatriz Gandara
Quetzaltenango , Guatemala
$83,034 raised of $132,000 goal
777 donations
$48,966 to go
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