Help keep a Cambodian Music and Dance School open

by Salvation Centre Cambodia
Help keep a Cambodian Music and Dance School open
Help keep a Cambodian Music and Dance School open
Help keep a Cambodian Music and Dance School open
Help keep a Cambodian Music and Dance School open
Help keep a Cambodian Music and Dance School open
Help keep a Cambodian Music and Dance School open
Help keep a Cambodian Music and Dance School open
Help keep a Cambodian Music and Dance School open
Help keep a Cambodian Music and Dance School open
Help keep a Cambodian Music and Dance School open
Help keep a Cambodian Music and Dance School open
Help keep a Cambodian Music and Dance School open
Help keep a Cambodian Music and Dance School open
Help keep a Cambodian Music and Dance School open
Help keep a Cambodian Music and Dance School open
Help keep a Cambodian Music and Dance School open


Salvation Centre Cambodia has a well renowned Music and Dance School that provides 52 children with expert teachers, local education and community support. All students come from vulnerable local communities affected by HIV/AIDS with the school requiring funding to continue to pay our experienced Music and Dance teachers and maintain instruments and equipment.

total goal
monthly donors


There are currently many vulnerable children and families across communities in Siem Reap affected by HIV/AIDS. Salvation Centre Cambodia (SCC) has several programs targeted at improving the livelihood of children and families affected by HIV/AIDS and one of them is a Music and Dance School. This project is to help keep the Music and Dance School stay open as it currently provides 52 children with an opportunity to connect to local Khmer arts and culture.


This project will help raise the funds to pay for the Music and Dance School school including the wages of local and experienced teachers, a night time security guard, utilities and electricity to the school and repair of instruments and equipment. This will provide the current students with the opportunity to continue their music and dance education and strength their connection to their local heritage.

Long-Term Impact

The project will allow for the current 52 students to continue their education which, not only provides them a connection to their local heritage, but also allows students to contribute to their families income through performances at local events.

Additional Documentation

This project has provided additional documentation in a DOCX file (projdoc.docx).


Organization Information

Salvation Centre Cambodia

Location: Phnom Penh - Cambodia
Facebook: Facebook Page
Project Leader:
Sovann Son
Siem Reap , Siem Reap Cambodia

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