Help Keep The Children of Palestine in Schools

by The Hope Foundation of Palestine
Help Keep The Children of Palestine in Schools
Help Keep The Children of Palestine in Schools
Help Keep The Children of Palestine in Schools
Help Keep The Children of Palestine in Schools
Help Keep The Children of Palestine in Schools
Help Keep The Children of Palestine in Schools
Help Keep The Children of Palestine in Schools
Help Keep The Children of Palestine in Schools
Help Keep The Children of Palestine in Schools
Help Keep The Children of Palestine in Schools
Help Keep The Children of Palestine in Schools
Help Keep The Children of Palestine in Schools
Help Keep The Children of Palestine in Schools
Help Keep The Children of Palestine in Schools
Help Keep The Children of Palestine in Schools
Help Keep The Children of Palestine in Schools


This is a critical project to help keep the children in Palestine in the school system. This project will build Educational Centers in Key villages to help support children of Palestine in their quest to finish High School under all the difficulties they face on a daily basis from the occupation. These educational centers will be equipped with unemployed graduates in the areas of Mathematics, Physics, Chemistry, Arabic, and English. Tutoring will be provided FREE of charge weekly.

total raised
monthly donors


The problem is very dire and it is wide-spread. The educational system in Palestine is at the prink of collapsing with mistrust by the teachers and the students. It is becoming a habit that in order to complete high school, you must take private lessons during 10th, 11th, and 12th grade. Each child is costing their family a minimum of $2000/Academic year. Poor and needy families cannot afford such a cost and their children are leaving without finishing high school to start working as laborer.


Providing a nurturing, caring, and supportive environment in key villages will help reduce the drop-out rate in high schools. An educational center will serve at least 5-6 villages. That is more 6000 students. We do have a team of people who care about the future of the Palestinian children and we do have enough graduates who are currently unemployed to solve this problem locally. The initial cost is very high due to the high cost of land and material. The log-term benefit will reduce poverty

Long-Term Impact

These educational centers will help reduce drop-out in high school. Help reduce poverty within families who cannot afford the cost of private lessons. Improve quality of life for many families whose children leave school to become laborer inside Israel or the illegal settlements in the West Bank. Give those students from so called "First-Generation Families" an opportunity to finish high school and go to college. Employ many graduates and in particular females as tutors. Improve the community.

Additional Documentation

This project has provided additional documentation in a DOCX file (projdoc.docx).


Organization Information

The Hope Foundation of Palestine

Location: Chapin, SC - USA
Project Leader:
AbdelNaser Al-Hasan
Chapin , SC United States

Funded Project!

Combined with other sources of funding, this project raised enough money to fund the outlined activities and is no longer accepting donations.

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