Help Provide Health Care for Syrian Refugees

by Project HOPE
Help Provide Health Care for Syrian Refugees
Help Provide Health Care for Syrian Refugees
Help Provide Health Care for Syrian Refugees
Help Provide Health Care for Syrian Refugees
Help Provide Health Care for Syrian Refugees
Help Provide Health Care for Syrian Refugees
Help Provide Health Care for Syrian Refugees
Help Provide Health Care for Syrian Refugees
Help Provide Health Care for Syrian Refugees
Help Provide Health Care for Syrian Refugees
Help Provide Health Care for Syrian Refugees
Help Provide Health Care for Syrian Refugees
Help Provide Health Care for Syrian Refugees
Help Provide Health Care for Syrian Refugees
Help Provide Health Care for Syrian Refugees
Help Provide Health Care for Syrian Refugees
Help Provide Health Care for Syrian Refugees
Help Provide Health Care for Syrian Refugees

Project Report | Dec 30, 2015
Happy holidays to you from Gevgelija!

By Sara Leonard | Development Specialist

Zahra in front of the Christmas tree
Zahra in front of the Christmas tree

In light of the holiday season, we wanted to share a story with you of a young girl whose life you have touched through your support of Project HOPE’s work to provide assistance and care to refugees in Macedonia. 

In late December, a Project HOPE team of staff and volunteers were visiting one of the refugee camps in Gevgelija and met Zahra – a young girl from Afghanistan passing through the camp with her mother.  Zahra and her mother had made the majority of their trip from Afghanistan to Macedonia (more than 2,500 miles) on-foot and she did not know where they were headed next.  Despite the hardships they face, Zahra showed great excitement while accompanying HOPE’s team as they visited the children’s tents and happily blew bubbles in front of the Christmas tree with HOPE’s volunteer, Jessica.  With sincere thanks to donors like you, Project HOPE has been able to touch the lives of people and children, like Zahra, who are without a home and in need of care this time of year.  Please help us continue to make a difference throughout the next year by making a small donation today!   

To learn more about HOPE’s work in Macedonia, please visit our webpage and consider signing up for our newsletter by clicking here

Wishing you a Happy New Year on behalf of the Project HOPE family around the world!

With gratitude,


HOPE volunteer, Jessica, with Zahra
HOPE volunteer, Jessica, with Zahra
Blowing bubbles
Blowing bubbles
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Organization Information

Project HOPE

Location: Washington, DC - USA
Facebook: Facebook Page
Twitter: @projecthopeorg
Project Leader:
Sarah Leonard
Millwood , VA United States

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Combined with other sources of funding, this project raised enough money to fund the outlined activities and is no longer accepting donations.

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