Project Report
| Feb 28, 2023
Play School Activities-Finger Printing
By Savarinathan Maria Arasu | Founder Director
Finger Printing
Play School Activities-Finger Printing
Finger Printing is an excellent tactile experience. It stimulates the child’s senses. It helps a child’s intellectual development. The mixing of colours teaches your child about their colours and how to create new colours. It allows them to use their imagination and create. It encourages cognitive development. It strengthens the hand and fingers which helps with fine motor skills. Most importantly, it is FUN!
On 22.02.2023 the MSW interns from Alagappa University, Karaikudi along with the Play School teacher conducted fingerprinting activities for the kids at Sishubhavan Play School, Muthialpet. The children enjoyed the activity.
Finger Printing
Feb 23, 2023
Income generation Program for women groups
By Savarinathan Maria Arasu | Founder Director
Income generation Program for women groups
Prime Trust provides Income Generation Program training at Varagupet Village, Villupuram District
Income-generating activities focused on poor communities focus on creating opportunities for communities to productively use locally available resources to develop less state and aid-dependent, more self-reliant households and communities able to care for themselves. Additional benefits of income-generating activities include: contributing to reducing poverty; improving the well-being of the communities as well as empowerment; and enhancing self-reliance and community development.
On 10.02.2023 about 15 women from the Varagupet village, Villupuram District were given training in manufacturing different housekeeping items like Phenyl, Clothes washing liquid, Dishwashing liquid, Soap oil, etc. Mrs. Meera who had received training from the government training program and who is manufacturing and sold the housekeeping items gave the training to the women. It was a useful training session for the women. The women thanked Prime Trust for organizing the IGP training.
Income generation Program for women groups
Income generation Program for women groups
Feb 20, 2023
Parts of Body session at our Play School
By Savarinathan Maria Arasu | Founder Director
Parts of body session at our Play School
Parts of Body session at Sishubhavan Play School
Children always look for new information. Their tiny minds are filled with numerous questions about the world, their surroundings, and especially their own bodies. As they grow up they start to recognize that they can run, play, laugh, and sing, they also become more curious about their bodies. It is necessary to teach them about their body parts at this stage. Learning about the function of each part of their body, also helps them to gain coordination and motor skills.
On 17.02.2023 an MSW intern from Alagappa University, Karaikudi taught the children at Sishubhavan Play School the parts of the body. The children participated well and enjoyed the session.
Parts of body session at our Play School
Parts of body session at our Play School