Help Stop the Growing Rate of Diabetes in India

by Project HOPE
Help Stop the Growing Rate of Diabetes in India
Help Stop the Growing Rate of Diabetes in India
Help Stop the Growing Rate of Diabetes in India
Help Stop the Growing Rate of Diabetes in India
Help Stop the Growing Rate of Diabetes in India
Help Stop the Growing Rate of Diabetes in India


Eli Lilly and Project HOPE have partnered to train community health care workers in India on early detection and management of diabetes, hypertension and their complications.

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In India, where there are 63 million people living with diabetes, health interventions to improve prevention and management of diabetes are generally unavailable through the existing health care system. In 2012, Project HOPE partnered with Eli Lilly and the Public Health Foundation of India to respond to the growing need for diabetes prevention, care and management.


Through the Project HOPE-Eli Lilly partnership, Centers of Excellence in diabetes prevention, care and management will be established in India. At each Center health care workers will educate the public on diabetes and its risks and promote screenings for diabetes and high blood pressure. Positive outcomes at the patient and community level will be monitored and used to prove success.

Long-Term Impact

The long term goal of the project is to educate the public on diabetes and its risk factors and to improve treatment and management of diabetes and hypertension in India.


Organization Information

Project HOPE

Location: Washington, DC - USA
Facebook: Facebook Page
Twitter: @projecthopeorg
Project Leader:
Melanie Mullinax
Millwood , VA United States

Funded Project!

Combined with other sources of funding, this project raised enough money to fund the outlined activities and is no longer accepting donations.

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