Around 300,000 women die annually in childbirth - 99% of these live in developing countries. Millions incur injury or infection. But 6 basic items can help to dramatically reduce that number.
It is estimated that around 300,000 women die annually from pregnancy or childbirth related complications. Infection, such as sepsis, acquired during or after childbirth is one of the leading causes of maternal and newborn death.
The Birthing Kit contains a plastic sheet, soap, gloves, a sterile scalpel blade, cord ties and gauze squares. The kit is BKFA's primary strategy for reducing preventable maternal and newborn deaths and helps to prevent infections acquired during or after childbirth. Kits are distributed to a number of approved Field Partners. BKFA also funds collaborations in support of sustainable community development projects in South Asia and East Africa.
Our vision - a world in which all women and girls have access to a clean and safe birth.
This project has provided additional documentation in a PDF file (projdoc.pdf).
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