Helping Cambodian Children at M'Lop Tapang

by M'Lop Tapang
Helping Cambodian Children at M'Lop Tapang
Helping Cambodian Children at M'Lop Tapang
Helping Cambodian Children at M'Lop Tapang
Helping Cambodian Children at M'Lop Tapang
Helping Cambodian Children at M'Lop Tapang
Helping Cambodian Children at M'Lop Tapang
Helping Cambodian Children at M'Lop Tapang
Helping Cambodian Children at M'Lop Tapang
Helping Cambodian Children at M'Lop Tapang
Helping Cambodian Children at M'Lop Tapang
Helping Cambodian Children at M'Lop Tapang
Helping Cambodian Children at M'Lop Tapang

Project Report | Feb 12, 2020
Thank you from M'Lop Tapang

By Roth Chanphalkun (Kun) | Co-Director, M'Lop Tapang

Thank you for your support
Thank you for your support

Hello from sunny Cambodia!

We wanted to thank you again for your generous support and donations.  It is incredibly generous of you!  I know there are so many other ways you could be spending your money – we really do feel very lucky and very honored that you support the work we do here.

M’Lop Tapang regularly works with thousands of disadvantaged Cambodian children and youth.  Your donations help us to make sure they are getting the services they need.   One of those that your support has helped is Sinat*, a young girl who graduated from high school this year, the first child in her family to do so.  

Sinat’s family had moved to Sihanoukville from the poor rural countryside when Sinat was just a young girl. The parents moved in hopes of making a better life for themselves and their children. Sinat had been attending school for a few years before moving here but stopped when the family could not afford to continue to send her to school.  In 2011, with the support of M’Lop Tapang’s “Back to School” program, Sinat, who was 13 years old at the time, reentered the public school system at the Grade 4 level. The “Back to School Program” assists families who cannot afford to send their children to public school. Although public school is officially free for all Cambodian children, families are still required to pay for school uniforms and supplies. For many of the poorest families, these costs prevent them from sending their children to school.

Over the last 8 years Sinat worked hard at her studies but is wasn’t always easy. I really wanted to quit when I was in Grade 11, but after talking to the community counsellor I decided to stay in school and I’m glad it did. This year Sinat graduated from high school, the first person in her family to do so. She is now working as a teacher and continues her own education at University, which she is paying for herself. Sinat also has two younger siblings, a brother and a sister, who are still in local public schools with the support of M’Lop Tapang.

*name and photo changed for confidentiality

From all of us here at M’Lop Tapang, thank you so much for your support and encouragement.

Wishing you all the best,

Roth Chanphalkun (Kun)
Co-Director, M’Lop Tapang

Sinat* graduated from high school this year
Sinat* graduated from high school this year
Education programs for all ages
Education programs for all ages
Every child has the right to an education
Every child has the right to an education


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Organization Information

M'Lop Tapang

Location: sihanoukville, sihnaouk province - Cambodia
Project Leader:
Roth Chanphalkun
sihanoukville , sihnaouk province Cambodia

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Combined with other sources of funding, this project raised enough money to fund the outlined activities and is no longer accepting donations.

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