Helping Cambodian Children at M'Lop Tapang

by M'Lop Tapang
Helping Cambodian Children at M'Lop Tapang
Helping Cambodian Children at M'Lop Tapang
Helping Cambodian Children at M'Lop Tapang
Helping Cambodian Children at M'Lop Tapang
Helping Cambodian Children at M'Lop Tapang
Helping Cambodian Children at M'Lop Tapang
Helping Cambodian Children at M'Lop Tapang
Helping Cambodian Children at M'Lop Tapang
Helping Cambodian Children at M'Lop Tapang
Helping Cambodian Children at M'Lop Tapang
Helping Cambodian Children at M'Lop Tapang
Helping Cambodian Children at M'Lop Tapang

Project Report | May 3, 2021
Thank you again for your help

By Roth Chanphalkun (Kun) | Co-Director, M'Lop Tapang

Emergency food supplies
Emergency food supplies

Hello from lockdown in Cambodia!

You may have heard that Cambodia is in a dire situation right now as Covid-19 cases continue to rise.  We were very lucky last year with so few cases, but that has all changed in the last while.  When we started 2021 there had only been 374 confirmed cases and 0 deaths.  As of May 02, there have now been 14,520 confirmed cases and 103 deaths.

Last week, Sihanoukville became the second city in Cambodia to designate a “red zone,” putting five zones under stringent lockdown measures for 14 days with immediate effect There was no notice so families could not prepare.  Only those individuals with government issued special permission cards are allowed to travel in and out of red zones.

A small group of M’Lop Tapang staff (all of whom tested negative for COVID-19) have now received government issued permission cards allowing them to travel and visit families in the community.  This team has managed to deliver emergency food supply packages to 178 vulnerable families with children in the last few days and will continue to reach even more families in the upcoming weeks.

Your donations are helping us to do this and we wanted to thank you for that. There are so many Cambodian families struggling right now and we are grateful for your support in making sure that these families and children are getting the emergency supplies they need right now during this crisis.

Take care. Stay safe.


Covid surge in Cambodia
Covid surge in Cambodia
Food for vulnerable families
Food for vulnerable families
Helping vulnerable families
Helping vulnerable families
Distributing food supplies in the community
Distributing food supplies in the community
Supporting poor neighborhoods in the local area
Supporting poor neighborhoods in the local area
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Organization Information

M'Lop Tapang

Location: sihanoukville, sihnaouk province - Cambodia
Project Leader:
Roth Chanphalkun
sihanoukville , sihnaouk province Cambodia

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Combined with other sources of funding, this project raised enough money to fund the outlined activities and is no longer accepting donations.

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