Himalayan Healthcare for 5000: Save Lives in Nepal

by PHASE Nepal
Himalayan Healthcare for 5000: Save Lives in Nepal
Himalayan Healthcare for 5000: Save Lives in Nepal
Himalayan Healthcare for 5000: Save Lives in Nepal
Himalayan Healthcare for 5000: Save Lives in Nepal
Himalayan Healthcare for 5000: Save Lives in Nepal
Himalayan Healthcare for 5000: Save Lives in Nepal
Himalayan Healthcare for 5000: Save Lives in Nepal
Himalayan Healthcare for 5000: Save Lives in Nepal
Himalayan Healthcare for 5000: Save Lives in Nepal
Himalayan Healthcare for 5000: Save Lives in Nepal
Himalayan Healthcare for 5000: Save Lives in Nepal
Himalayan Healthcare for 5000: Save Lives in Nepal
Himalayan Healthcare for 5000: Save Lives in Nepal
Himalayan Healthcare for 5000: Save Lives in Nepal
Himalayan Healthcare for 5000: Save Lives in Nepal
Himalayan Healthcare for 5000: Save Lives in Nepal
Himalayan Healthcare for 5000: Save Lives in Nepal
Himalayan Healthcare for 5000: Save Lives in Nepal
Himalayan Healthcare for 5000: Save Lives in Nepal
Himalayan Healthcare for 5000: Save Lives in Nepal
Himalayan Healthcare for 5000: Save Lives in Nepal
Himalayan Healthcare for 5000: Save Lives in Nepal
Himalayan Healthcare for 5000: Save Lives in Nepal
Himalayan Healthcare for 5000: Save Lives in Nepal
Himalayan Healthcare for 5000: Save Lives in Nepal
Himalayan Healthcare for 5000: Save Lives in Nepal
Himalayan Healthcare for 5000: Save Lives in Nepal
Himalayan Healthcare for 5000: Save Lives in Nepal
Himalayan Healthcare for 5000: Save Lives in Nepal
Himalayan Healthcare for 5000: Save Lives in Nepal
Himalayan Healthcare for 5000: Save Lives in Nepal
Himalayan Healthcare for 5000: Save Lives in Nepal
Himalayan Healthcare for 5000: Save Lives in Nepal
Himalayan Healthcare for 5000: Save Lives in Nepal
Himalayan Healthcare for 5000: Save Lives in Nepal
Himalayan Healthcare for 5000: Save Lives in Nepal
Himalayan Healthcare for 5000: Save Lives in Nepal
Himalayan Healthcare for 5000: Save Lives in Nepal
Himalayan Healthcare for 5000: Save Lives in Nepal
Himalayan Healthcare for 5000: Save Lives in Nepal
Himalayan Healthcare for 5000: Save Lives in Nepal
Himalayan Healthcare for 5000: Save Lives in Nepal
Himalayan Healthcare for 5000: Save Lives in Nepal
Himalayan Healthcare for 5000: Save Lives in Nepal
Himalayan Healthcare for 5000: Save Lives in Nepal
Himalayan Healthcare for 5000: Save Lives in Nepal
Himalayan Healthcare for 5000: Save Lives in Nepal
Himalayan Healthcare for 5000: Save Lives in Nepal
Himalayan Healthcare for 5000: Save Lives in Nepal
Himalayan Healthcare for 5000: Save Lives in Nepal
Himalayan Healthcare for 5000: Save Lives in Nepal
Himalayan Healthcare for 5000: Save Lives in Nepal
Himalayan Healthcare for 5000: Save Lives in Nepal
Himalayan Healthcare for 5000: Save Lives in Nepal
Himalayan Healthcare for 5000: Save Lives in Nepal
Himalayan Healthcare for 5000: Save Lives in Nepal
Himalayan Healthcare for 5000: Save Lives in Nepal
Himalayan Healthcare for 5000: Save Lives in Nepal

Project Report | Jul 3, 2018
Successful Delivery on a Walking trail, Bajura

By Bikash Koirala | Project Manager

PHASE Nurse comforts the lady in labour pain
PHASE Nurse comforts the lady in labour pain

Successful Delivery- Saving a mother and her child right on the walking trail

PHASE Nepal health staff successfully saved the life of a mother and her newly born baby on the her to the primary health care centre in Kolti, Bajura last month.The emergency support was provided on the walking trail midway between Kotila village and Primary Healthcare Centre (PHC), Kolti. When Manisha Miya a young mother of 21 felt labour pain while working on her wheat farm, she rushed home. Her relatives hurriedly carried her on a stretcher and headed to Kolti PHC but her situation got worse. PHASE Kolti Health Staff (ANMs) rushed towards the village to her avail. The ANMs met the mother on the way and accompanied her on her way to the PHC . But the worsening situation of the mother made them conduct a successful delivery of the child saving the life of the baby and mother. Both the mother and child were taken to the PHC immediately and provided necessary support such as providing oxytocin to the mother to release the placenta. After 24 hours both the mother and her healthy child weighing 3 kg were discharged and the family happily headed to their village.

This is a recent example of how PHASE Nepal , Government Health Centre and the community work together to provide lifesaving health support to some of the remotest villages lying in the terrain of Nepal Himalaya. PHASE Support in Kolti PHC has directly benefitted patient from more than neighboring villages even from Humla and Mugu.

PHASE Nurse handovers the new born to the family
PHASE Nurse handovers the new born to the family
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Organization Information


Location: Kathmandu - Nepal
Project Leader:
Bikash Koirala
Kathmandu , Kathmandu Nepal
$55,842 raised of $80,000 goal
983 donations
$24,158 to go
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