Himalayan Healthcare for 5000: Save Lives in Nepal

by PHASE Nepal
Himalayan Healthcare for 5000: Save Lives in Nepal
Himalayan Healthcare for 5000: Save Lives in Nepal
Himalayan Healthcare for 5000: Save Lives in Nepal
Himalayan Healthcare for 5000: Save Lives in Nepal
Himalayan Healthcare for 5000: Save Lives in Nepal
Himalayan Healthcare for 5000: Save Lives in Nepal
Himalayan Healthcare for 5000: Save Lives in Nepal
Himalayan Healthcare for 5000: Save Lives in Nepal
Himalayan Healthcare for 5000: Save Lives in Nepal
Himalayan Healthcare for 5000: Save Lives in Nepal
Himalayan Healthcare for 5000: Save Lives in Nepal
Himalayan Healthcare for 5000: Save Lives in Nepal
Himalayan Healthcare for 5000: Save Lives in Nepal
Himalayan Healthcare for 5000: Save Lives in Nepal
Himalayan Healthcare for 5000: Save Lives in Nepal
Himalayan Healthcare for 5000: Save Lives in Nepal
Himalayan Healthcare for 5000: Save Lives in Nepal
Himalayan Healthcare for 5000: Save Lives in Nepal
Himalayan Healthcare for 5000: Save Lives in Nepal
Himalayan Healthcare for 5000: Save Lives in Nepal
Himalayan Healthcare for 5000: Save Lives in Nepal
Himalayan Healthcare for 5000: Save Lives in Nepal
Himalayan Healthcare for 5000: Save Lives in Nepal
Himalayan Healthcare for 5000: Save Lives in Nepal
Himalayan Healthcare for 5000: Save Lives in Nepal
Himalayan Healthcare for 5000: Save Lives in Nepal
Himalayan Healthcare for 5000: Save Lives in Nepal
Himalayan Healthcare for 5000: Save Lives in Nepal
Himalayan Healthcare for 5000: Save Lives in Nepal
Himalayan Healthcare for 5000: Save Lives in Nepal
Himalayan Healthcare for 5000: Save Lives in Nepal
Himalayan Healthcare for 5000: Save Lives in Nepal
Himalayan Healthcare for 5000: Save Lives in Nepal
Himalayan Healthcare for 5000: Save Lives in Nepal
Himalayan Healthcare for 5000: Save Lives in Nepal
Himalayan Healthcare for 5000: Save Lives in Nepal
Himalayan Healthcare for 5000: Save Lives in Nepal
Himalayan Healthcare for 5000: Save Lives in Nepal
Himalayan Healthcare for 5000: Save Lives in Nepal
Himalayan Healthcare for 5000: Save Lives in Nepal
Himalayan Healthcare for 5000: Save Lives in Nepal
Himalayan Healthcare for 5000: Save Lives in Nepal
Himalayan Healthcare for 5000: Save Lives in Nepal
Himalayan Healthcare for 5000: Save Lives in Nepal
Himalayan Healthcare for 5000: Save Lives in Nepal
Himalayan Healthcare for 5000: Save Lives in Nepal
Himalayan Healthcare for 5000: Save Lives in Nepal
Himalayan Healthcare for 5000: Save Lives in Nepal
Himalayan Healthcare for 5000: Save Lives in Nepal
Himalayan Healthcare for 5000: Save Lives in Nepal
Himalayan Healthcare for 5000: Save Lives in Nepal
Himalayan Healthcare for 5000: Save Lives in Nepal
Himalayan Healthcare for 5000: Save Lives in Nepal
Himalayan Healthcare for 5000: Save Lives in Nepal
Himalayan Healthcare for 5000: Save Lives in Nepal
Himalayan Healthcare for 5000: Save Lives in Nepal
Himalayan Healthcare for 5000: Save Lives in Nepal
Himalayan Healthcare for 5000: Save Lives in Nepal

Project Report | Feb 8, 2022
Health care update from isolated Himalayan villages of Nepal

By Meetum Bantawa Rai | Communications Officer

Child growth monitoring  at Mugu, Bama village.
Child growth monitoring at Mugu, Bama village.

Dear friends,

Thank you for your continuous support which enabled us to provide the most essential health care services in some of the most isolated and hard-to-reach Himalayan villages of Nepal. We have been able to provide health care in several isolated villages of Humla, Bajura, Mugu, Gokha and Sidhupalchok, even during the global pandemic. Here is a short update of our activity from this quarter that we would like to share with you.

  • In this quarter 8,015 (3,618 males and 4,397 females) received consultation for various health issues among them, a total of 2,794 (1,476 males and 1,318 females,) under the age of children were treated with severe pneumonia, malnutrition and other conditions.
  •  Maternal and Child health has always been our topmost priority. During this reporting period total of 104 women successfully received institutional delivery services with 5 complicated deliveries like breech, twins, pre-term, prolonged labor and retained placenta was successfully managed through PHASE health workers.
  • To ensure the maternal and child health, and health of the entire family, our health team reach out to communities through door to door visit, meetings, workshop and exhibitions, where we encourage community people to practice sanitation, personal hygiene, eat a balanced diet with local ingredients, and seek out for health care facility etc.
  • In addition, we continued to generate individuals on COVID prevention in schools, community visits, and health clinics, where events were conducted outside or with a small number of persons wearing mandatory masks and following SMS rules. Various 821 events of awareness-raising initiatives were held over the reporting period, with 7,676 community members participating in these activities.


Dila ( name changed) is a nine-month-old baby girl. With her parents, she lives in Bajura, Bichya. At the PHASE-supported clinic, she was diagnosed with severe pneumonia. Her mother was given medicine as well as counselling. She was cured in just three days. This is what her mother shared in her own words.

 "I got here at 8 p.m. because I was able to immediately spot the warning signs shared by sisters in mother's meeting," her mother shared. Otherwise, I would wait a few days until I brought her here or I'd have no idea what I needed to do. The things that sisters share with us are valuable and have saved my baby's life."

The pandemic has had an impact all across the world, but the communities we serve are disproportionately affected since they are already underprivileged and depend on day-to-day activities to meet their basic needs.

 As a result of your generous contribution, we have been able to save lives and raise awareness about the importance of following healthy behaviours. We'll keep you informed on the strength of your community support in Nepal.

Thank you

PHASE Nepal Team

Conducting anemia test on pregnant woman.
Conducting anemia test on pregnant woman.
Nutritional exibition with local ingrediants.
Nutritional exibition with local ingrediants.
Orientation  on essential of breastfeeding.
Orientation on essential of breastfeeding.
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Organization Information


Location: Kathmandu - Nepal
Project Leader:
Bikash Koirala
Kathmandu , Kathmandu Nepal
$55,863 raised of $80,000 goal
985 donations
$24,137 to go
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