Holistic Care for 450 HIV Positive Thai Families

by Siam-Care Foundation
Holistic Care for 450 HIV Positive Thai Families
Holistic Care for 450 HIV Positive Thai Families
Holistic Care for 450 HIV Positive Thai Families
Holistic Care for 450 HIV Positive Thai Families
Holistic Care for 450 HIV Positive Thai Families
Holistic Care for 450 HIV Positive Thai Families
Holistic Care for 450 HIV Positive Thai Families
Holistic Care for 450 HIV Positive Thai Families
Holistic Care for 450 HIV Positive Thai Families
Holistic Care for 450 HIV Positive Thai Families
Holistic Care for 450 HIV Positive Thai Families
Holistic Care for 450 HIV Positive Thai Families
Holistic Care for 450 HIV Positive Thai Families
Holistic Care for 450 HIV Positive Thai Families
Holistic Care for 450 HIV Positive Thai Families
Holistic Care for 450 HIV Positive Thai Families

Project Report | Jun 17, 2015
Second home

By Evie van Maanen | Intern

My name is Plaa. I am 20 years old and for as long as I can remember I have had a warm and caring family. Maybe not like other families who have a father and a mother, but I have a grandfather and grandmother who take care of me. I can always rely on them and they are my first home where I feel safe and protected. But I would not be where I am today, if I had not known Siam-Care.

As a child, without Siam-Care I would have stayed at home alone. Never gone anywhere, never do any activities and never would have known others who would come near me and talk with me, share food, dance, sing and hug. I never would have known others who give me love or extend feelings of appreciation, if it had not been for Siam-Care.

Second home
Siam-Care is my second home, and not just for me, but for many others too. If it hadn't been for them and my sponsor, I would for sure not have been able to study up to a Bachelor’s level. My sponsor, uncle Emil, has very kindly supported me all these years. Once I was able to meet him, this made me so happy I can't even describe the feeling. I was still very young but I still remember he bought me a football as a present. Every year since then, I hoped to meet him again. I've never had the opportunity to meet him and tell him the many stories I'd like him to know. But I let him know those things through the letters that I send him twice a year through Siam-Care. These letters give us the opportunity to thank our sponsors and return some happiness to them. At times I received an answer to my letter, which made me very happy.

Almost gratuated
I have now almost finished my four years of study, thanks to the support and guidance of my family and Siam-Care. They prevented me from going the wrong path and they patiently guided me to finish.

I will take what I have learned with me and make good use of it for myself and for others. Thank you all, Pa Adrienne and all Siam-Care staff, who I consider my big brothers and sisters. I love you all very much. Please continue to stay with us when things are good and when we feel discouraged. You are our solace and you dry our tears. You are always there for us. It doesn't matter how much time passes by, I will never forget that the goal and reason I see today is because of Siam-Care. Thank you so much for the good life you offer to vulnerable children through Siam-Care.

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Mar 25, 2015
The face of improvement

By Hilleen Bisschop | Intern

Dec 22, 2014
Shine into the darkness: Christmas in Bangkok

By Jan-Peter Kelder | Resource Development Manager

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Organization Information

Siam-Care Foundation

Location: Bangkok - Thailand
Facebook: Facebook Page
Project Leader:
Jan-Peter Kelder
Manager of Communications
Bangkok , Thailand
$16,745 raised of $75,000 goal
368 donations
$58,255 to go
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